Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
As most of the readers expected it was LATHA on the door... she was carrying her luggage..Swathi meanwhile tied her petticoat and she was sweating madly , thinking if its mahesh.. Aman put his pants and looked at the key door glass and he has realised its LATHA.. He was scared.. thinking she at this point of time???.. he went to his draw and took out the master access card..

He gave Swathi her saree and blouse and took her to the interconnected doors and opened the door access which led to Mahesh room.. Aman quickly put Chotu also into the room wihouth any sounds.. Mahesh sleeping without even his dress removed....Swathi quickly slipped in and Aman locked the door back and with a eyes of sleeping he opened the door of his room and acted surprised seeing LATHA...

Latha hugged him .. and surprised as he is not generally without t shirt.. She was happy to meet him.. AMan acted like he is pleasantly surprised and slowly took her inside.. Things were normal and Latha got a bit fresh and they had a lil chat and both slept off. Aman was so hot and latha wanted to sleep.. Aman slowly made love to Latha... Latha was surprised as usually aman is not active so late in the night..she thought may be too many days break has made him excited seeing her..
Aman was feeling so hot and he wanted to release his urge.. he picked latha and straight went to her skirt and pulled it down and he started ramming her.. Latha was surprised as she never felt him so strong and hard ... she took it and was getting up and down ... As aman was fuckign her madly thinking her to be Swathi.. Latha was surprised with his strenght and hardness.. she was smiling to herself... as she was getting madly fucked.. aman usually wants her to blow him.. she generally used to do that without much interest..she wanted to give him a blow job today... as she wanted herself to give it....but today he directly inserted.. .may be he is too hungry for her.... after few mins... Aman had his spurge uncontrolled and he pushed everything into her..and released his heavy juices into her.. Latha dint have the yearn to get fucked but..she enjoyed it ...

Latha got up and cleaned herself and came back..Aman was sleeping ... and she hugged him and slept... Swathi meanwhile in her room was sleeping with her eyes open and looking at the chandelier in the room .... she was unable to understand why she is losing control so easily and allowing herself ... she was trying to analyse what is this happening to her.. she was enjoying the richness around along with her body being also getting the richness.. this is all bcos of that idiot Rohit..he has spoiled her.. and don't even know where is he now.. i need to get rid of this desire or else.. don't know what's going to happen.. her juices were leaking madly.. and she went to washroom and cleaned herself had a warm bath around 2am in the morning and slept..she felt relaxed after the bath and slept.

Next day Swathi got up around 10 and made chotu ready and she dint have bath had face wash and changed to night pants and top.... Mahesh got up around 11 30 .. he was having severe headache.... he had coffee..and had a bit relife... had his breakfast .. a heavy one... as he knew he might not get much time to eat during the day...

Mahesh got ready and he went to Amans room .. Latha opened it..Mahesh was surprised as he thought mam will come in the evening.. Mahesh wished her politely and Latha smiled and asked him how he is... Mahesh replied back politely.. Latha thanked him for all proper arrangements for the conference in Singapore and took him to Aman.

Aman asked him to look after things.. and the party will start to begin around 8 pm and enquired about Lathas friend.. Latha spoke that she completely forgot .. they both had come from Singapore and he may be taking rest in his room.. she said she will introduce after he wakes... Aman dint give much importance to that.. to meet her friend... Amans son dhruv had arrived then and latha hugged him and took her to aman.. Dhruv dint seem to be much delighted meeting his parents.. he is liking the hostel more than his parents they both dont have much time for him... he just got into his ipad after some food...

Aman and Mahesh went off to see the arrangements.. Aman was now worried about the arrangements and he forgot the trouble night yesterday after lathas entrance... his want for swathi is not dying.... Mahesh informed Swathi about Lathas and her sons arrival.. Swathi acted surprised and she could not look into mahesh eyes.. Mahesh asked her to get ready and meet latha mam.. Swathi nodded.. Swathi got fresh in quick time and she took chotu and met Latha... Latha welcomed her and she felt happy seeing swathi latha needed some help with clothes and her make up material etc... so both of them were having chat ... while dhruv and chotu were playing the games in i pad..

Latha and Swathi were having a chat
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by sarit11 - 20-05-2019, 07:49 PM

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