Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Aman- Hope you liked it ? you should try some day ... the sauna bath too

Swathi - Sure sir.... if i get time..

The steward walked in with Tea.. Swathi smiled ..

Swathi: Sir let me order coffee for your sir?

Aman- Let me have tea along with the steward kept the entire tea pot there...

Swathi- Sir you are changing your tastes?

Aman - Yes for you .Aman smiled.. Swathi looked at him understanding him..

Swathi- Sir where is mahesh and chotu ?

Aman- Oh they are having their time..chotu wants to go and play games in the game Mahesh took him...

Swathi - Oh.. thats nice...

Aman- Hope im not distrubing your time?

Swathi- Sir i had a nice massage and a good sleep. thanks for your lovely offers sir.. can we share our tea now

Aman - Sure Swathi .. i would really love to share with you ... Swathi was understanding what he meant..

She was feeling uncomfortable with such an attention and pampering... man..where is this leading too... if you want to become big and earning that all what you need to go through... she was thinking something..

Aman- What happened swathi?[he himself got up and gave tea to her and he took his cup]

Swathi - Thanks sir.. Is madam coming today night sir?

Aman- No swathi..she will be coming tomorrow from singapore along with her friend who has helped her getting tender.

Swathi- Oh what tender sir?

Aman- Oh dint i tell you she got a tender of 50 crores for the company?

Swathi - No sir.. thats a good news .. see sir how capable she is?

Aman- I never had any doubts on her capability swathi..its just that i dont want to loose her family or life ..just to prove her capabilities... capabilites are good for outsiders not for family.. family looks for love and caring .. not her capability to deal with outside world

Swathi was feeling so good as she was doing what was rightly needed for her family. giving her support to Mahesh , chotu and aunty..she started feeling good about her now slowly... she knew she will get a chance to work soon with Rohit too as Mahesh himself proposed for her job... maybe she will start feeling complete and happy soon then..and Rohit might give her that extra happiness too .. if she is willing to cross limits with him.. But what of aman?? he is looking at her like he is gonna eat her right now... She knew he has come to share her .. and not her tea..

Swathi - Yes sir you are right.. for a lady ... family has to be first.. so does she expect from her hubby..

Aman - You are right swathi..thats y i really like you .. you seem to be so sacrificed for them.. You are intelligent with a masters degree and yet you let go that for your family.. no wonder ..Mahesh is so happy even if he doesnt have money
Aman got up took her cup and his..and kept it aside..

Swathi - Sir ..ill keep it..pls...{he took and kept it aside... he went to the window and was looking outside]

Aman - See swath ..such a beautiful place.. and there is no one to sahre such a beautiful place..tomorrow afternoon onwards ill be busy with event and even if Latha comes ..we wont be spending much time... destiny is so bad i say
Swathi knew he was right..she got up from the sofa and was walking... towards him

Swathi - Hmm sir... sir you seem to be a true gentelman who is carving for his wife and Son.. i can see that you get sad... whenever u think about them.
Aman - Yes Swathi... im sorry ... just that i get carried away...

Swathi put her hand on his shoulders and caressed him..

Swathi- Its ok's good to feel that way...

She was feeling so sad for a person whose is so loving for his family... They saw some couples playing games from the window. And both of them were looking at them feeling how happy they are... when the wife and husband are together...
Aman looked at her ...both of their eyes met... Swathi felt shy and removed her hands ...she realised that she is giving him hints by touching him...she turned and started moving back to her seating place.. and dint want to give him any indications of her happiness.

As she turned .. Aman hugged her from behind... and held her close softly..he was not forcing her..Swathi remained still ..

Swathi - Sir pls lets not do this... pls sir.. im a married woman and its not good to betray your partner..for either of us
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by sarit11 - 20-05-2019, 07:11 PM

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