Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Aman moved more near to her and kissed her neck .. Swathi moaned.. sir ..what is this again you started..and tired to meekly remove his hands... Amans hands were similar to Mahesh .. not strong ... like rohit.. aaaaah .. but somehow his smell felt manly for her..and he kissed her neck and earlobes.. Swathi was moaning... sir pls ...this is not right... you are taking advantage of your posssssition...

Swathi was feeling that such a rich person is wanting her as a friend and want to make her ... love.. and here she is denying him.. yes she has to . .hmmm .. his hands circled on her waist and he was kissing her neck fully deep now.. Swathi lifted her head and put on his shoulder... he was kissing her neck deep till ears and he licked her earlobes... Swathi was enjoying this...she dint know why and how
her fleshy belly was gettign soft squeese and his hand made movements from her saree to her blouse.... he was going slow and sure.. he dint hurry .. his hands were caressing the space between the saree and blouse.. aaaaaaaaaah he was kissing her neck madly....Swathi was getting mad with him... she held the railing so tight and was subsidig her feelings.. she was trying to jerk his face off.. but the effort was too little...

he pushed her hairs to the front.. and he slwoly looked at her blouse.. she was not as fair as latha.. but her body was spotless... he slowly kissed her neck openign to the back.. hmmmmmmmmm aaaaaah swathi.. my dear.. his lips mixed with hot breath was making her mad...she clearly was enjoyng this ... he rubbed his lips on her back kissing every inch on her back .. he kissed her every inch on her naked back.. thank god she ditn wear a backless she thought.. he was going down as he kissed her..... more and more.. and she was giving him access... his hands were getting more aggresive now ..a.s he squeesed hier fleshy waist down the navel .. hmm swathi had to moan more hard this time...

he locked her with his hand over her wasit and he moved near her ..there bodies were sticking to each others now.. and swathi lifted her hands and moaning...

Aman wanted her taste again ..he made her face bent and without speaking anything. he put her lips on to him.. Swathi wriggled out him... but he again locked her face over with his lips .. her head was resting on his shoulders and he was kissing her lips planting his...her neck was paining in that position but her lips dint open yet..and she was not able to understand what's happening

Aman held her near they were almost near.. his body was touching her she could feel the hotness and pushed him back and tried to push him turing ..
Sir what are you doing pls? she was strugglign for breath .. as he contiusuly was trying to lick her lips wihich were closed...

Aman.. Swathi enjoy our friendship na .. pls..[he h eld her waist and pushed near to her]

Swahti pls stop for gods sake aman..what you doing.. her face twisting trying to escape him..

Swathi .. look at me... She looked into his eyes.she felt it fully to be with love.. pls swathi.. we have to enjoy the lovely time we have... god doesnt give everyoen everything.sometiems you need to cross your ilmits.. to get that extra things

Swathi knew he was right..she was too doing the same thing...she is crossing her limits.. she llooked into his eyes.. he move near her lips.. ths times both of their lips met simultaneously she was accepting his kiss now.. and slowly let her lower lips into his lips..letting him suck.. it... hmmmmm swathi ... was feeling so hot
she was sucking his upper lips.. she was feeling different with Aman. with Rohit it was like she wanted him to suck and suck her.. but with aman its like only a new feeling.. and wanted feeling..but not liek the same one she wants with rohit... she was different.. but continued her kiss she sucked his upper lips as he was sucking her lower lips.

Slowly swathi was feeling so hot with such a long kiss..and slowly she herself led her tongue into Amans.. aman was hungry for her and he welcomingly accepted her kiss and their tongues started oozing the saliva out... her hands were hugging him and his hands were on her back makign her more near.her boobs were o his chest and they were enjoying the kiss ..

There was a knock on the door.. and Swathi pushed aman off... she was scared... thinking but relaxed. as it might be steward who haas come to clean the tea...

Aman wiped his lips and Swathi went to chotu who was finishing his ice-cream..Aman was furious as the steward breaked his chance to explore swathi more..he opened the door at fast pace..wantign to scold him... it was mahesh ..and Aman was lil struggled and shocked and recovered .. ya mahesh come in

Mahesh was surprised to see Swathi ..but he felt relaxed after seeing chotu eating icecream.Swathi almost ran out of blood in her face..but she recovered and said .. your son is making your boss buy him icecreams..

Aman smiled.. ya.. swathi.. he is like my son too na.. so cute your son is.. mahesh..Mahesh felt happy and he was delighted .... but somewhere he was scared as to how to blast his resignation..

Swathi ... isnt chotu sleeping liek everyday mahesh asked..thinking ... Swathi ..replied..he slept in the car na.htats why he wasnt sleeping

Aman interuppted and said.. ya and i asked swathis help in typing out some emails for me mashes..she has good speed.. the latpop was open on the tea table.. Swathi looked at aman a bit angrily ..that he is leading to this makign mahesh get a doubt on her

Mahesh was feelign happy that she is able to exhibit her skills and she is becoming a good replacement for his position he was thinking..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by sarit11 - 20-05-2019, 07:00 PM

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