Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Her body was really feeling aching ... now.. she is out of mind and out of heart..she dint reply to him.. as she knew if she goes aman will again act.. and she will have to she is feeling hot too..

There was a knock on the door.. Swathi got up feeling relaxed.. and happy that mahesh had come.. Chotu was busy with his phone... Swathi opened door and
Aman was standing...She dint knew how to react .. she smiled and immediately became serious.. and was standing ..there. not able to know how to react to him..

Aman waited till she made space for him to enter.. and he entered..

Aman- Im sorry swathi ... pls... talk to me na

Swathi - Sir ..chotu is here.. pls.. you leave.and Mahesh might come .. too

Aman - Then pls come na.. Lets have coffee and tea again ... and chotu can have icecream.. pls..

She was surprised bcos all the time authoritative.. aman is almost begging her..she was feeling proud and mad..she dint know what to do ..

Swathi - Sir pls dont embarass me

Aman - I want to make good of you friend .. pls dont say no... na.. wont you forgive your friend..(he was adamant and soft].. your friend is a sailor sailing on a boat without any directions and convictions..

Swathi smiled at his words and quotes..

Swathi - You are so impossible sir... you know how to play wiht your words..

Aman felt relaxed seeing that..

Aman- Thanks.. so tea in my room? Swathi dint repply

Aman called Chotu.. CHotu u want icecream? .. Chotu ran to him and walked along with him...

Swathi was fixed... she took the room key and slowly locked the key ... Aman was waiting for her to come .. and he was holding the door for her .as if the door falls .. he has to again open ...Swathi walked and said

Swathi - Sir let chotu have his icecream .. meanwhile ill help Mahesh.. you can tel me after he finishes..(aman was taken back with her words)

Chotu .. left his hand.. mom you also pls come.. ... na pls.. pls .. Aman quirked smiling and he was very happy with that development..Swathi also laughed seeing his devilish smile.. she knew he was so happy to spend time with her...

Swathi walked in and said .. sir only tea .nothing else... she after that realised.. that she is only unnecessarily giving him hints..Aman felt success as she entered the room and he locked the door after and followed her .. and he was looking at her lovely body .. ah .. she is really got the right curves and flesh... hmmm
Aman went to the phone to order tea and swathi waited and walked and opened the balcony door.. a cool breeze flew in making her happy..this wonderful place has wonderful weather too..she thought... she looked in from the second floor and she could see Mahesh a bit far as his t shirt was a good one today.. she wished..he came early today...

Aman was playing with chotu.. he felt so nice playing with him.. he told chotu that you can play with your elder brother his son is also cmoing ... Chotu was happy but his focus was on the icecream that was half left and his mom dragged him..... now he wants again aman promised him icecream

Swathi felt happy that aman is not got money on his he referred chotu and his son.... but she also felt..if he is thinking her like... no no .. it can't be.. i think he got carried away. thats why he kissed...her saree was moving and displacing due to breeze...

The service was dot.. the steward walked with icecream and tea.. Aman asked him to keep the cups in balcony. and he followed after the steward left into the balcony....he was fully tempted seeing her curves in full display ..due to breeze..he was getting hard for her.. Swahti realised aman is coming near..her heart skipped beating... oh god.. hope he doesnt do any stuff again .. this weather really can tempt anyone..god.. pls dont.. she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze...

Aman approached her.. he was fully tempted seeing her ... body exposed and her waist which was flesh. and her round hips.. was making him burn with desire.. her round boobs in blouse were a treat to him ..and his eyes..

Swathi knew he would again start.. and she knew he was watching her..... she was praying to god.. to make Mahesh come and knock the door... she was looking at him. now.. mahesh was quite far ..and cant ..even see here...She closed her eyes and was enjoying the cool breeze that was hitting her face...

Aman approached her behind.. Swathi was feeling the cool breeeze on her face..she was enjoying the air hitting her face softly..she felt a hot breath on her neck .. and she realised aman is behind her..her heart pace increased madly.. now.. she knew she is going to be eaten again .... she stood still

Aman let his hands touch her fleshy navel portion .. and he moved near her..
Swathi knew that its gonna happen... was she giving him hint by wantedly showing him her back.. aaaaaaah .. Swathi put her hands over his...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by sarit11 - 20-05-2019, 07:00 PM

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