Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
These are the quotes for the room’s .and food …aman looked at it… hmmm they are the best and professional .. the quote is almost around 1.02 crores…
Aman had a look and kept it aside.. Swathi saw those figures and her eyes became so big.. for 200 guests its so costly … man … he is really spending this party lavishly ..and it shows.. Mahesh started discussing about menu for the guests food for 3 days

Swathi took the quote and was going through...something caught her attention and she interrupted their discussions

Swathi – Sorry sir… .mahesh … is this the new quotations ?

Mahesh looked weirdly at her and said - Yes..

Swathi- I think then they are overcharging us ?

Aman looked interested ..if it was other than Swathi . he might not.. but lil curious he was how …

Aman – Why do you think so ?? swathi

Mahesh – me and sir have both seen the quotes

Swathi - Sir after GST has come.. they can’t charge service charge again after GST is charged.. this is around 5% on the bill amount

Mahesh took the quote and saw that .. Yes sir she is right .. ya sir its overcharged.. almost 5 lacs

Aman – Wow ..Swathi … you don’t at all seem to be a housewife.. you seem to be good in money matters… that’s nice…

Aman immediately called the manager .. and he scolded him …. He said this is fraud…the manager clearly knew that and excused that he doesn’t know finance matters.. will get the revised quote…

Swathi said… if you don’t revise.. we can approach the GST helpdesk naresh …she almost was authoritative on him

Ya sure mam ..we will get it revised.. thanks..he left..murmuring something

Mahesh was pretty happy .. and he remember rohits words.. that swathi will show his intelligence.. and she is strongly proved it to aman .. and aman is clearly impressed with her .. with this he thought.. he was happy that rohits plan was working ..And it will relieve him from so much work torture..

Aman looked at her and her lips ..and then her body .. Swwathi could feel his eyes moving.. she was happy that she saved 5 lacs rupees… and interestingly she felt his eyes moving and more proud to her…those eyes made her body more warm … and somehow his stature made her look at aman once more… and their eyes met..

Swathi bend her eyes down in shy…

Aman – I think Mahesh you should go and review things personally once.. visit all the rooms once and see if everything is correct and also get the revised quotes… Did you call the HR guys also to come and help you

Mahesh Yes sir.. ill do that.. ya copule of admin guys are coming… for help
Aman – you check the top executive rooms and remaining they can do ..

Swathi felt his voice not to be as authoritative as it used to be . .may be bcos they are in resort or may be bcos of arugment with latha…she was looking at aman and feeling sympathetic for him

Mahesh stood up to leave did Swathi ….Swathi was looking for chotu..aman was reviewing his phone .. swathi went to bring chotu as Mahesh left..he was making her run.. and aman was watching them.. its so good to have ur kid with you ..but latha and him .. have put him .. in hostel. Making him study … things… alone.. he felt sad for his son..

He got up and started coming towards.. chotu .. but he missed and Swathi almost hit Aman .. Aman .. held her and his hands touched her body and both of them smiled..her touch was so good for him but she quickly took her back

Sorry sir.. She said and without looking went to chotu and held him ..and mockingly hit him .. for making her run so much ..she was panting so much

Aman - He is cute kid like you swathi..

Swathi – Thanks sir… you always over praise me

Aman – not at all .. I dint do that… you see.. you are gorgeous. They were walking towards their rooms….

Swathi could see his face .. really sad.and she felt so sad for him…

Swathi – Sir you seem to be troubled?

Aman – No no not at all ..why do u think so … Swathi [his tone was struck with kind of sadness]

Swathi – Sir how abt a coffee …. [she was feeling headache as she dint have from morning..also she thought it will change his mood a bit .. if she spend he is alone]

Aman – oh sure .. in my room ? he looked into her eyes

Swathi – Ya sir.. chotu is here too na [she said it wanteldy as it wont give him any wrong thoughs]

Aman – ya ya swathi .we can order milk or some drink for him too

Swathi – They enter the room and it was so big and marvellously had everything inside.. whtever u wanted..

Swathi went to the phone..she ordered one coffee for aman and tea for her and an icecream for chout..hearing icecream chotu was so happy …he hugged her..and kissed her cheeks

Aman- Wow its so good to kissed by your son isn’t.. . we are llosing thse stuff .. in the race of money
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by sarit11 - 20-05-2019, 06:57 PM

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