Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
She stepped into bathroom .. there were lot of creams .. and lovely herbal soaps..everything reminded her feeling like a queen …. She put the water into the tub and pulled the liquid soap and mixed…. She was feeling like a queen now .. as she entered .. she watched her body . which was fleshy but yet ..Flat and inviting… she could feel the marks made by Rohit on her wasit due to lot of pressure…such a hunk he is .andhow strong was his… hmmmm ..wish she allowed him to suck her lips.. the pussy lips… it would hve been so good to feel his tongue..there… if Mahesh dint walk in tht day ..he might have….but t hank god Mahesh dint see..
The thought of Rohit was making her leak..but she knew she cant think about him for a week..but suddently she heard a phone call in the and she realised her bathroom was near to some exhaust fan .. and she could hear the other side some shouting.. it was Amans voice

He was shouting at someone..and she got scared..if it was Mahesh.. she feared a lot…but after few words .. bleakly she could understand it was on phone.. and she was relaxed it may not be Mahesh

Latha - you do what you want.. I hardly care anything. It would have been good if you were here today ..but you always behind those tenders contracts what shit.. What will you do .. if u cant enjoy these and savour these moments in life…
I know you are doing this for our company..but don’t you think ..we should enjoy what we are earning.. I m hosting this party just to maintain human relations and client relations.. pls alteast come tomorrow…. Not on the day of the party ..

Swathi felt sad for him… and she thought these are the problems of going behind money.. he was shouting too much over pitch.. and she was surprised that such a soothing voice aman had such a bad and high tone…

Aman continued shouting oh latha.. 50 crores deal ??? comeon we are dealing more here.. tender ..big ones..and you are worried about small ones… comeon latha .. it’s a lovley resort..we can make it as honeymoon..but … do fuck whatever u want then ..[he disconnected the call and she could hear a bang on the door]
Swathi was feeling so sorry for Aman such a lovely gentleman he is ..She thought.. he is craving to be with his wife..and latha mam is … hardly caring… poor guy …

She spent almost 2 hours in the bath .. and had put on a saree but old one.. and the best one she had.. it was covered blouse .. and but had a lovely opening in back .that can show her back a lil more than normal…

Swathi was waiting for Mahesh to come ..for lunch ..she called him.. and he asked her to come to the lunch lounge..and bring … chotu too

Swathi walked in the richness was making her comfortable and her attitude of being a queen was coming back slowly into her .. the stewards everyone was so polite to her and guided her to the lounge…

Aman and Mahesh were already sitting there.. she wished aman gently with her eyes … and moved to get a small plate for chotu to eat first.. it was wonderful place.. One side pool ..Other side lush green carpet spread almost half acre… it was so wonderful place to sit and enjoy u r food she thought

She was sitting and making chotu eat .. and often Aman and her eyes met.. she was feeling sympathetic for him.. While he was feeling that her looks are so inviting and maybe she started liking him he thought..

Chotu finished lunch and wanted to play in grass. She allowed him and came to their seats while they were discussing ..

Swahti – Hi sir.. how are you . hpe im not disturbing your discussion P{she could see heis eyes red.. with anger.. and he smiled… Swathi’s looking into his eyes made aman feel so good for her]

Aman – Not at all …

Mahesh smiled and asked her to sit…

Mahesh – Sir so total 86 rooms have been booked and around 200 guests are expected .. of them 145 would be staying in resort and remaiing would come from outside…
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by sarit11 - 20-05-2019, 06:56 PM

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