Thriller Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza

A small Review
A Small Review

The prologue in Meriaza's "Vendetta" is enough to make a thriller lover's heart sing. The plot is a good one, complex and engaging, but what makes this story far better as well as unique, are the words that deliver the beauty of human existence, as well as the pain of losing the one you have loved dearly and lost so violently.

The protagonist's wife is being bangd and brutally murdered, we learn in the first chapter. But that's only an outward manifestation of something far more serious going on deep within the mind of the unknown villain. He does not come across as an ordinary villian, but someone who is not averse to voilence of the higest degree and yet, is able to be calm, composed and out right bold amongst the brutality that he is witnessing and is the instigator of. He is clearly a psycopath. If it weren't for the descriptions and personifications of setting, and the kind of brutality he leads the protagonist to experience we might never know what is going on inside this man. He's not someone who is bothered by the repercussions of his actions and where they might eventually lead.

This story starts as a joyous ocassion for the protagonist and his wife who are getting ready to go out to celebrate, but the narrator suddenly gives it a twist that makes everyone wonder what has suddenly happened "He smiled at her and went towards their bedroom but as soon as he was inside the room and started removing his shirt, he heard Kalpana screaming loudly with pain. He panicked and quickly ran outside the room shirtless but as soon as he was outside the room, someone hit him hard on his head and he blacked out......" and thereon we are hooked.

The villain or other main character, comes across as someone who have strategised this event for lengths, and not only have the motivation, but the conviction to lead the event to its conclusion which he knew in advance and doesn't seem afraid off.

As the story progresses, the author leads us thru the pain, the torture and the agony that a man suffers and how the brutality that have been brought upon him made him a kind of man for whom only more blood shed was needed to bring satisfaction.

The story is tight from benigning till end, with a lot of twist and turns and enough action to keep the readers on the edge. The best thing about the story is that every update leaves u shocked and awed with anticipation about what is going to come next.
The author clearly knows what he wants his viewers to experience and is very much aware of the limitations, that have been imposed on him by limited number of characters and yet makes sure that the pace of the story is not slackened in any way and the thrill ride continues page after page.

Finally, the autor leads us to the confrontation between the two characters, as the story works to a startling ending.The writers manipulates the events so brilliantly that even when the suspense behind the motivation of the villian is revealed, the thrill still continues as the viewer is shocked to realise and in some small way sympathesise with him and his reasons for doing what he did, the events are so beautifully orchestrated so as to make the reader think who is to be blamed ? and if what happened with the protagonist was just a retribution on the part of the villain or does someone really deserves so much brutality to be enthrusted upon him ?
This twists actually justifies the name of the story "Vendetta" in more ways than one.

Thank goodness there are still writers like Meriaza, for whom the act of writing isn't about strip-mining language of its words, or fill the story up with lame sex scenes right out of some chep paperback in name of erotica. It is autors like Meri for whom a well-placed interaction between various characters is still a thing of importance that can only enhance the stark reality of their actions, the motivation behind those actions and finally, the repercutions of those actions. Thank goodness there are still stories like this where a man can bare his soul, exploring with emotions, and go all the way to the end of where it takes him.This story, is of the genere that is prevalent in movies made in Hong Kong with loads of blood shed and action , but what makes this story unque is the suspense wowen in the story by the autor so brilliantly that even when we know where the story is leading still the readers are stuck to each and every chapter upuntill the last update is posted for which, the credit goes to the autor who it seems when started writing the story knew what the readers were expecting of him and made sure none were disappointed. This story is a clear example of 'perfection' in writing an original action-suspense with each update clearly thought out a million times and then some more.The thrill quotiont of the story clearly demonstrate the grip of the author over the subject and the clear time and effort going into keeping the story on the faster track all thru till the end. This story isn't just about the violence or bloodshed; it's about making the reader feel off-balance and as if something isn’t quite right till the very end and even then the readers remain divided about who was right or who was wrong ?

In the end, I would just like to say that Meri shows that he is one of the best and unique writers of this forum , who not only has a vivid imagination but lots of literary talent to give words to this imagination, that too in such a way to keep the audiences awed and wanting for more and there is no word of praise for the autor and the story big enough to demonstrate how good both are and all that can be said is Meri we are waiting for your next masterpiece..............................................................
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RE: Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-05-2019, 05:26 PM

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