Thriller Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza


To begin with, the prologue and the couple of first updates led me to remember my favorite all time classic, Alexandre Dumas' 'The Count of Monte Cristo' which is more supple in intensity than Vendetta. Although very short compared to that masterpiece, this was written for an online viewership and was adequately prolonged to fulfill the requirements of a forum story.

The first few parts outline the plot sharply while the reader (such as me) shivers from the brutal force of words the author uses to elaborate the bang of the officer's wife which is in stark contrast of a romantic scene described a few moments ago. As the plot is digested eventually, the vendetta justifies itself in the reader's mind as he is oblivious to the truth behind the supposed antagonist's remorseless actions.

The author is found in such immaculate control of the story's plot that not once during the whole text is the reader, even by exposing subtle hints, shown the reality of the climax generated tacitly in the prologue. This clearly shows bold professionalism on the part of the author and his sincerity in making a serious attempt at writing a thriller, an open source thriller.

In the climax, while all eyes are set on Rahul making his revenge come to a sweet end, the author creates an anti-climax which breaks the mountain of thoughts the reader has formed in his perplexed mind regarding Rahul's heroism and the thought of his evilness in being the antagonist-in-hiding is revealed. Here there is the clash of ideals - while both men justify their acts, it is Rahul who speaks contradictory to his own actions by pleading Lavanya to affirm his right to live, which I think is the point the author is trying to put across - the denial of capital punishment.

There were a few faults too which I inadvertently could not help but notice regarding minor typographical and grammatical edits which I would willingly point out if the author intends to rectify. Apart from that, one or two sentences were used numerous times thereby nullifying their power of meaning with each mentioned instance. A relevant example would be the worn out phrase, 'Laughing like a maniac' which has been used no less than 5-6 times throughout the story.

Coming to an end, the story rocked me completely. Once started reading, did not stop until I read the last letter. It is indeed comparable to the great crime stories of Agatha Christie which, although milder in language are similar in plot. Hats off to this great writer for giving us a masterpiece like this, specially in the English language which is much easier to read and understand considering the roman script used. Meriaiza has surpassed the limits of expectation and given us what we did not even comprehend. He has embarked his skills to a new level of talent, taking the board along with his leaps and bounds to the level of genius from the level of excellence. Thank You.
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RE: Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-05-2019, 05:23 PM

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