Thriller Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza

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About the story:
The tale starts with a dark conversation, whole scene is black infront of the eyes of the beholder. The conversation is well paced from which the revenge and sanity trickles with every word spoken by those characters.
The story continues and the beholder observe a sweet and sour tale of the main character, around which the story revolves. The love for his spouse and the tenderness is well depicted.
Then comes the grotesque parts. As a matter of fact, this story has a pace of its own. This story needed the velocity and it had that velocity of the events. Bloods and revenge were all over the place in each and every lines of the story and the observer was going according to the velocity along with the main character showing their heartiest compassion.
Then the reason came infront of the observer. Newton's Third Law "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". Well the action was unpredictable but very well depicted. The one sided love of the main character and the refusal that made him mad. The bang and the girl lost in oblivion.
After finishing the story, the observer sat on his chair for quiet sometime. Tried to fathom hard as what should be done with the main character? The sawn-song was rather dark one. It was black swan. He does not deserve to live in this world. Well then the observer thought that "Death is only a path of relieve. He should not be relieved from his pains. He should live and see his death beckoning him from the infinite horizon. He crawls towards those stretched arms of Kalpana but he does not reach. That should be his punishment."

About the writer:
Few words to write about a writer of this caliber. You have done a well balanced justice with your thought and penned down those images very aptly. At times I felt the velocity was rather high and at times it was low. It felt like crest and troughs of a river. The troughs were times when you were describing grotesque scenes. The crests were also the same. Now how can be both occur at same place. The grotesque scenes were narrated well, but I felt that much of details made the scene bit extra bloodied.
I also felt few troughs in the depiction of relation between Priya and Rahul.
The crescendo was the call to Lavanya.

Swan Song:
This story is a full cycle, please do not create a sequel of this. You can write another story with same line of thought but not a sequel.
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RE: Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-05-2019, 05:18 PM

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