Thriller Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza

Before I attempt an evaluation to this story, I would like to state that, I wish to be honest with it.

The story is truly a good-read, fast paced, sensational and overwhelming with grimness, and with all that a well-crafted thriller tends to promise. In one word, a MASTERPIECE. The violence and gory bloodshed is at times voraciously shocking and, and when reminded of the initial brutality to the couple, and especially the horror and helplessness of a husband when his wife is bangd and butchered in front of his eyes, it pleases. The transition from one chapter to another is well-handled and at the end of one update, a reader wishes to know what happens next. The action scenes are brilliantly depicted as well, giving the visuals as perfect as a film-script narrative. The mystery is also unfolded with artistry, and not as a sudden introduction of all that had happened in the past. The end with a question for a 'Right to live' is of the greatest impact.

It requires a great deal of imagination and a vast knowledge of plot-construction to create one story like this, and Meri bhai stands out to be a master in it. A perfect 10/10 for, plot-constitution and imagination.

However, the description did not please me so much as the story-line did. When a lady is getting helplessly bangd and then would be butchered, her undergarments and her figure should not be of any interest. All that counts there is the agony she is going through. Again, the villains, (except Mr. X) I feel, were not of much merit, though they are described to be much feared in the area. They fell prey to the anger of the main protagonist with hardly any resistence from their part. Moreover, there hadn't been much attention paid in narrating the environment (such as objective co-relatives and stock situations) which actually helps in creating the aura of pity, fear, and suspence. Though, the simplicity of the language and the way it is delivered, is highly worthy of praise. There is a confusion between 'than' and 'then' which I found many times in the story. So, I will give Meri bhai, a 7/10 for the description, which, though successfully delivers the message, disturbs its artistic value, which otherwise, is as precious as a black pearl...

As a conclusion, I would just add, that the story holds a lot of quality to be in stands in paperbacks or hard cover, and I won't ever be surprised, if I see it someday at any book stall. The only thing it needs, is a bit more concentration on creating an environment before introducing the characters into the plot.
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RE: Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-05-2019, 05:13 PM

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