Thriller Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza
[img=98x16]file:///customavatars/avatar849585_40.gif[/img] Meriaiza 

[b]Vendetta : The Pain Never Ends (Teaser)

"Can you feel the pain now? How does it feel when you are on the receiving end?"

"Please forgive me. Oh please for God's sake have some mercy. I am sorry please please let me go I can't suffer anymore."

"That must be how all of your victims begged for their lives as well but did you showed any mercy to them?"

"HAHAHA you asshole I was just saying what you wanted to hear. I don't feel any pain and I don't feel sorry for what I did. Thank God that your mother died already otherwise after banging that old cow I would have killed her and eaten her body as well."

"You truly are a sadistic animal. By now I have seen so much in life that I don't know anymore if there is a God but if there is one, than I pray to him that you'll suffer worse than what your victims suffered for the rest of eternity. For know I promise you this, I will make you feel the pain that you have caused to others. You say that you don't feel any pain right? Trust me you will be begging for mercy by the time I'll be done with you and this time you will mean it as well."

In the next few minutes he did things that were far more horrifying than what even that animal could have imagined....
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RE: Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-05-2019, 05:03 PM

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