Thriller Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza
It was as if the rest of the world didn't existed anymore for both of them. They were standing facing each other and nothing else mattered anymore. Vidyut was the first to break the ice.

Vidyut:"So you come back in less than 24 hours. Didn't took you that long to figure all out."

Rahul:"No I still didn't figured all out. Why Vidyut WHY? Why the hell you did this to Kalpana? How did she deserved any of that?"

Vidyut:"She didn't but you deserve each and every second of the pain that you suffered when all of that happened to her. Did Priya deserved what you did to her? DID SHE?"

Rahul:"I am ashamed of myself for what I did to Priya. I was young and a fool to did that to her. Blinded by anger I ended up doing things that I'll never forgive myself for but can you justify the way you made Kalpana suffered for my sins?"

Vidyut:"Neither of us can justify our actions but atleast I did this all to avenge Priya. What's your excuse?"

Rahul:"Did I killed Priya? How can you justify yourself by saying you did this all to avenge Priya? You even killed my unborn son." Tears came out of Rahul's eyes while saying that. Maybe there was still a heart beating inside the monster.

Vidyut:"Remember what I said? Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same. You didn't even bothered knowing about what happened to Priya did you?"

Rahul:"No I didn't. I was afraid what will happen to me if she'll tell anyone and once I realized the gravity of my mistake, I was just too ashamed of myself to face her."

Vidyut:"Well in that case let me tell you what happened to Priya afterwards. She didn't told anyone what you did but she was not the same person anymore. I never saw her smile anymore. I feel as if she stopped trusting everyone. Even her friends stopped coming around after a while when she was not even talking with them. She didn't talked with anyone apart form her family and even that was not that often. It's not easy living your life in fear and that was exactly what she was going through until one day she just gave up. I will never forget her body hanging up from the ceiling. I was the first one who saw her lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. You can't even imagine the trauma all of us went through. My parents adored her and for me she was everything. My father didn't let the security officer do her post mortem. After her death nothing was the same anymore. My mother died soon as well due to heart attack. She spend the last days of her life so miserably that in a way her death was more like a relief to her. My father was not the same man anymore. In trying to escape the grief he ended up becoming a alcoholic. As for me, I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't found out Priya's diary. I read who you bangd her you son of a bitch and I read why she died. She was thinking about suicide anyway but when she found out that she's pregnant that was it." He become quite after saying that. Maybe it still pained him after all those years. Rahul was just crying miserably. He never realized that his one mistake could end up destroying the lives of so many.

Vidyut:"You may still see it as one mistake and compared to what I did to you it might not seem as extreme as my actions but it sure did destroyed the lives of everyone I loved and cared. Anyone else would have been destroyed as well but not me. I lived the rest of my life planning and waiting for the right moment to take my revenge. I waited until I knew that your wife was pregnant. I did everything knowing fully well the consequences of my actions and trust me I'm not ashamed of myself."

Rahul:"Why didn't you killed me?"

Vidyut:"That's a question that even I have asked myself many times. Even after what you did to Priya, she didn't told about you to anyone. So how could I kill you than? Death is nothing more than a relief anyway and I wanted you to feel the pain of seeing the woman you loved suffer in front of your eyes. As long as you'll live, you wont be able to forget it." Than there was silence. All was said and done. This time it was Rahul who broke that silence.

Rahul:"Vidyut I know it's of no use but still I want to apologize to you for all the misery you have suffered because of me. I wish I could have turn back the time and not repeat my mistakes but both of us know that's not possible. I also forgive you for everything you did to me. For every pain I suffered because of you. Trust me even if you were killing me and told me the reason that you did, I would have accepted the death and forgive you. Still I can't forgive you for the pain that Kalpana suffered because of you."

The knife was the same one with which Kalpana was killed mercilessly. As soon as Vidyut saw the butcher's knife he went down on his knees and closed his eyes. He knew it was time to pay for his sins as well. Rahul hit Vidyut on his head with such force that the knife went straight through his skull till his jaw. Blood started pouring out like it was coming out from a fountain and the dead body of Vidyut fell Rahul's feet.

Rahul:"And now...... now, what joy will I have left to live for?" His hand went up in the air once again and as he was about to hit himself with the knife his phone rang. It was of Lavanya. He picked up the phone and started telling her about everything. By the time he finished, both of them were crying.

Rahul:"Lavanya can you honestly just answer one question please?"

Lavanya:"I'll try. What's the question?"

Rahul:"Even though I'm worse than a beast, don't I too have the right to live?"

The End
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RE: Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-05-2019, 05:02 PM

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