Fantasy | Updated - Part 49 | - Breaking Purvi - **Ragging, Forced, Humiliation, Rough Sex**
**Part 14.**

“Why?... why did you do this...?”, Purvi was looking at the little pendant in between Nila’s legs. She was stunned, unable to take her eyes off Nila’s pierced pussy lip.  

“Doggie here thought she would be a hero, didn’t you?”, Viraj smiled, his left forefinger gently grazing along Nila’s slit. Occasionally, he will pull on the pendant, making her left pussy lip stretch. “But that would be a story for later. Now, have you made a decision, little cow?” 

Purvi looked up at Nila, her eyes wide, “Did they do this to you?..” she asked, her voice soft. “They hurt you.Go to the security officer, Nila.”. Nila kept her eyes on the ground, watching Viraj’s hand playing with the little pendant.  

Ganesh and Ravi burst out laughing. “The security officer? Do you know what they...”. Ganesh stopped talking as Viraj put his right hand up, stopping him midsentence again.  

“Option 1 or 2?”, Purvi felt Viraj’s sharp eyes gaze into her soul. There wasn’t much to think about. There was no way she would be leaving the flat topless. She could only pray dadaji’s mart was closed by now, but they would probably ask her to walk down the road to the next open shop. What would Ravi choose for her to wear? She did not own any scandalous clothes. So many thoughts were running through her head.  

“2 … option 2 …", Purvi stammered. Viraj took his hand off Nila, clapping them cheerfully.  

“Ravi, you heard her.”, he giggled excitedly. ” Pick a top... from Doggie’s clothes...”  

Shit. Nila’s bust was significantly smaller than hers. Anything from her closet was going to be extremely tight on her. But it was still better than going out half nude, Purvi thought to herself. Viraj knew that as well, deliberately not taking any of Purvi’s clothes for her to wear. Purvi stayed on the floor, arching her knees upwards to cover her breasts. She would occasionally look at Nila’s pussy, wondering what had happened for her to be so accepting of anything these three asked her.  

Ravi got up and walked towards Nila’s room, leaving the door wide open behind him. Purvi turned her head, watching him rummage through her clothes, leaving piles on the floor for her to clean up later.  

“Hurry up, yaar.”, Ganesh chuckled loudly from the dining area,” It’s not like they have a lot of clothes to choose from.” 

“Got it!”, Ravi exclaimed, holding a white top as he walked back to the hall, throwing it at Purvi.  

“Alright. Cover your udders and fetch me my drink, little cow.”, Viraj smiled as Purvi unfolded the top. It was a very thin skimpy white sleeveless top that Nila would occasionally wear to sleep. Purvi glanced under the 3-seater couch at her bra, considering grabbing it.  

“I know what you’re thinking. No bra.”, Viraj was watching her every move with great interest.  

Purvi slowly slipped the top over her head, struggling to pull it down over her breasts. On her, it became extremely body fit due to the size of her chest. She slowly pushed herself upwards, standing up in front of Viraj and Nila, adjusting her top. Purvi looked down at her body, the material was struggling to contain the abundance of tit meat on her chest. The outlines of her dark areolas could be seen very clearly, not to mention her two thick nipples sticking out at attention. The top was barely long enough to cover her panties, exposing her thighs and ass when she walked. 

“Very nice.”, Viraj clapped slowly, “Why don’t you follow her down, Ravi. Keep an eye on her in case she gets any smart ideas.” 

Ravi gave him a thumbs up, his eyes not leaving Purvi’s suffocating breasts. “Shall we?” 


Halim could feel his cock slowly beginning to grow as he sat in front of his accounts. He was not in the mood to think about money right now. He flicked the butt of the cigarette into the ashtray beside him as he laid back, adjusting his lungi slightly to give his old cock some space to breathe between his legs.  

It’s been many years since he has had sex, let alone laid his hands on a woman. Who would want an old man like him? He loved to watch the young college girls from the flat come in. Most were decently dressed, some, the wilder ones, would come by to buy a pack of cigarettes in their skimpy dresses before they went for their night out in the town. He would steal a glance at their cleavage, or their tight asses as they moved around, nothing more.  

Halim maintained his appearance as an innocent old man, always smiling sweetly at his customers. Nobody here knew about his checkered past, nobody questioned him. Everyone within the vicinity lovingly called him ‘dadaji’ out of respect for his age.  

He picked up the crumpled pack of cigarettes, slowly lighting one up as his mind wandered to a memory from 40 years ago.  

Halim was young then, at peak physical health. His thick hungry cock sniffing out the next target he would like to fuck. Nobody cared about what his platoon did here. They were placed in the middle of nowhere surrounded by random little villages filled with natives that did not support their cause, expected to handle any enemy combatants that came their way with no backup or support.  

Both Anil and him, another member of his corps, were placed on duty patrolling the jungles along the border, when they came across a young woman bathing by the river. She was beautiful, her body slightly fleshy, big heavy breasts hung off her chest and a thick little bush between her legs. Little droplets of water glistened under the sunlight off her light brown skin as she washed herself. They stood their ground, watching from behind a tree. 

“Fuck. Look at that.”, Anil whispered as softly as he could, poking Halim in the arm.  

 “Shall we introduce ourselves?”, Halim whispered back, his cock starting to itch as it grew in his uniform. It has been quite some time since he had gotten some action. He could not take his eyes off her beautiful young body. 

“Let’s wait. She might not be alone” 

“Or she could lead us to an enemy base camp.”, Halim shot back, eager to get closer to this mysterious woman.  

“We could wait. Then follow her. She could be just a random native”, Anil shrugged. Anil was much younger than Halim, unfortunately placed in his team, expected to die for a cause nobody here knew about. He quickly grew accustomed to the ways of his new platoon.  

“Let’s go, she’s done.”, Halim picked up his gun, moving slowly as to not make any noise.  

They both watched her slowly put on her clothes, making her way upwards, disappearing into the dense forest. They followed her as silently as they could, praying hard that she would not notice them. They kept walking until they finally reached the edge of the jungle, staring into a wide-open space surrounded by farms and little huts. The woman entered a little brown hut right at the edge of the opening.   

Anil peeked in through a little gap, “There are three of them inside, that girl and her parents, I think.” 

“Perfect.”, Halim sneered back at him. 

Both the young men stormed into the little hut in the guise of suspecting the family of harboring enemy combatants, shooting the old man in the stomach. Anil grabbed the old lady, throwing her onto the floor and tying her hands together, leaving the young woman to fend for herself. Distraught by the death of the old man, Halim took the opportunity to grab the young woman, tearing off her clothes as he forced himself onto her.  

There are no words for the horrors that the young woman experienced that night. When both the soldiers had their fill, she welcomed the bullet. Halim made sure there were no witnesses, shooting the old woman in the head as they walked out of the little hut.  

Many years had passed and there were many similar stories to this throughout Halim’s career in the army. Eventually, they had started to get sloppy. Thinking they were untouchable, in one raid, a victim had survived. Requesting help from an NGO, the case had caused quite a stir within the upper ranks. Halim and his platoon were reprimanded and court martialed. But due to his years of service and contribution to the country, the cases were hushed. He was thrown out of the army, unable to reap the benefits of having a pension to retire peacefully.  

Unfortunately for him, a young man from his little village was in the army as well, and had heard the rumors. The news spread like wildfire, making Halim a social outcast. Villagers and elders he knew as a child spat at him as he walked by. It’s been many years since; and Halim has adapted to his new life here.  

He removed his glasses and placed them on the table, stretching his body.  

“I’ll continue tomorrow...”, he whispered to himself as he took another long puff.


**End of Part 14.**
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