I opened my eyes at 6:35 in morning. My wife was in deep sleep lying on her right but mostly rested on her belly. I had been fucking her till 2 in morning. Her sari, laid on side chair, and her petticoat had come up almost to her leg joints that only covered her crack.

I saw her exposed back of her thighs and then they're meeting place. I got glimpses of her hairs and start of slit hidden in closed pulpy seat. How beautiful, women look lying that way.

I put my lips just at that pace which gave me a pungent mushy smell. I began kissing leg joint counting every kiss till they were fifty.

She opened her eyes and I pulled her to me. Now this was the time to talk her of business; about man who was mad to sleep with her.

I struggled a bit to gather words to say, " Darling! Last day Sen told me that they are likely to put me in exports."

"Great! Congratulations. " She said.

I said sultrily," Sen also told me that Reddi is not coming to senses after seeing you that night."

She blushed red as if all of her blood had come to her face. Her face and eyes again began becoming heavy. She looked at me in perfect amaze.

I said in my ever-lowest voice, "I think we need not feel Reddi ji a beast any more. Sen asked me to believe that Reddi is too shy and simple a man to ask for any woman. He had acted abnormally on that evening only due to a mischievous instigation's by some one. In fact his wife left him three years back and..."

Interrupting me suddenly she said in humid voice, " He is a worthy and nice but too shy, having large energies. He goes to gym and likes rich food but had not thought any woman till saw me that night...Like- like, Is it so!"

I almost jumped, "How do you know that?"

"Ladies have special ear," she smiled," Mother told me every thing you had said to her." She appeared lost some where.

"Really but when?"

"After we returned from market and you were laying here. "

An anxiety came in my mind that mother might have also told her some thing about proposed job's requirements of decoding big business contacts. That might unnecessary widened the scope of more ifs and buts.

"What did she told you?" I asked her.

"She told me gigantic things about your CEO."

Thanks! Mother had limited herself in giving her information only about Reddi ji.

"Look Ruchi, it is important that we understand the situation. They are giving us the position that we had never dreamed. " I said to her in most plain words.

She didn't say a word.

"Darling you know it, Reddi is in tortured state after seeing you that night... I mean if we consider this some way and we meet him again just to thank him or some thing like that."

"But what is the guarantee he would not loose his mind before every one after seeing me again." She said.

"Sen feels he is in real misery and expects us to give him bit of ease. It may be important for export things to go further although Sen had not said it categorically but it may be implied. " I said, "Well, I know it is difficult question for a lady to think and answer."

I put my lips to her lips and kissed them intimately.

"It is like that. You are married to me and we have an unbelievable opportunity for biggest career boost. We know that breaks not come again and again."

I said glumly," You are tempting and difficult to resist by any man particularly living in female exile... He has every thing - great life, great food, great body but is restless for a particular woman. He was keeping strict control over him for years but you melted him as if he was wax."

I continued," What if we give him some of your company to him? Not necessarily...I mean beyond limits...further it will depend only on you how you feel with him. "

She blushed and spoke in taunt," A man suggesting his wife to be flirted by his powerful boss. Is it not please, husband?"

"I am rather giving you purpose to think and feel. We can logically analyze the situation. Look, assume you are most pretty woman of earth and have two men here. One is your husband. The other man...I mean big man eager to boost your husband's career."

I said raising her curiosity," You love your husband and we are faithful to each other. The big man after seeing you, is killing himself."

She was truly looking in my eyes,' The more you restrict to your husband, we drift away from unbelievable coming to us. While as you think more for that big man, unbelievable begin chasing us but you may feel drifting from husband. "

She was mindful of my words.

"I thought over it that...

Here I lay on bed. Suppose the upper part of me is mine...I mean your husband and the below waist is Reddi. You have seen him quite closely and felt his vast heat on that evening. Now depending how you feel exactly you give stars to both of us, like they give to heroes. I mean for honest understanding of situation."

"Me giving him and you stars. You crazy man! " She asked.

"Wait a minute I am telling you...

Five stars to me: You kiss my lips five times distinctly: means-I AM ONLY YOURS. Highest possible grading to me but that would eradicate any chance for getting this boost. Lesser number of kisses means lessening step by step my husbandly position."

I continued with a pause," Now look at Reddi...I mean at my hard penis. NO KISS MEANS: it not possible for you to give him any company. Like five stars to me. Export things may not move that way.

Now ONE kiss at penis head means ONE STAR: you don't like him but can meet him only in my presence for career sake. Ascending number of kissed indicates better position for him. "

I looked at her face, which was red like a fresh tomato. She spoke shakily," I can' please...I can't."

I said," We have to give answer to ourselves dear before I reply Sen. It is not a force on any one of us."

She looked in my eyes.

I took out the pad from drawer, pulled the paper from binding and gave it to her.

"Darling, I have written choices on it. Read it."

She took it in uncertain hands and saw amazingly at it. T took another copy and read to her what I had written ;

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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIVES --- stranger_women - by ddey333 - 12-03-2022, 10:56 PM

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