Fantasy | Updated - Part 49 | - Breaking Purvi - **Ragging, Forced, Humiliation, Rough Sex**
Chapter 1 : Semester Break

**Part 1.**

The last day of exams marked the end of Purvi’s first semester in college. Coming from a lower middle-class family, Purvi was the third child of a daily wage earner and a housewife. Her father worked hard, making sure Purvi got the proper education she needed to pursue a higher education. She knew it was the only way to gain financial security to help the betterment of her family so she studied hard, toiling day and night to achieve the scores she needed to be the first in her family to be accepted into a local college. Purvi had even managed to secure a scholarship from a local NGO to assist with her expenses.  

Her cheery and outgoing personality made it easy for her to quickly make new friends even though most of the students came from middle to upper class families. Most of them were much better off than her but managed to make do. She limited her spending only to the necessities, cutting the cost of dining out by cooking at home. Purvi had even taken up reading, she filled up her Saturday nights by borrowing books from the college library instead of visiting the bars and clubs with her mates.    
She was a beautiful girl, your typical dusky Tamil beauty with big brown eyes and sharp features. Her body was slim but what stood out were her huge breasts on her small 5”2 frame. From the time she was 12, her breasts had started to grow, gaining the unwanted attention of boys and men alike from her village. In school, she was the subject of jealousy from the other girls, giving her nicknames like” milk truck” behind her back. The boys always flocked towards her, trying to get a peek or a grope of her heavy chest.  

Before she started college, Purvi had managed to find a room in a small low cost flat within walking distance of college. The small two-bedroom unit was shared with another student, Nila, who was a senior by two semesters. Nila too, came from a small village from a lower middle-class family. She was slightly above average in terms of looks, had flawless dark brown skin and straight long hair.  
Nila was a very quiet individual, mostly spending her time in her room. Studying perhaps, Purvi knew Nila was a bright student, excelling in her studies. She would only come out to cook, wash her clothes and occasionally clean up, keeping the flat spotless. Purvi helped too, of course, taking the opportunity to try and bond with Nila.  
Nila was never rude or smug towards Purvi, keeping conversations casual, about classes, lecturers or things related to their home. On occasion, Purvi noticed that Nila would disappear at night, only coming home in the wee hours of the morning, but she never probed further out of respect for Nila’s privacy.   

It was late in the evening on Thursday when Purvi came home after finishing her final paper. She removed her shoes at the door and walked into the living room, noticing Nila sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone.  
“Hey Nila.”, Purvi smiled at her, waving slightly as she gently placed her bag on the floor, afraid to damage the laptop that was given to her by the NGO that was part of her scholarship package. Breathing heavily after having to walk up 2 flights of stairs.  
The layout of the flat was simple and small. Upon entering the main door, you are in the hall which doubles as a living room. The entire space opens up to the small kitchen at the back. On the left walls are two doors leading to both Purvi’s and Nila’s rooms. The flat owner was kind enough to provide the basic home appliances for them.  
A simple 3-seater and 2-seater couch facing each other in the living room with a small table in the middle. There is even a small wall mounted television with the basic channels. Further down, a small round dining table that is able to seat four that is placed directly in front of the kitchen. Each room comes with its own bathroom. The flat was probably built at the same time as the college many years ago for student occupation as the exterior is old and faded.  
“Hi Purvi.”, Nila looked up from her phone, she smiled slightly, watching every move Purvi made, as if studying her. Her gaze shifted towards Purvi’s heaving chest, watching it rise and fall. “You had your last paper today, didn’t you?” 
“Yeah. It was pretty tough, but I think I did ok.”. Nila was seated on the long couch as Purvi slumped down onto the 2-seater, tired from the day’s activities.  
Nila smiled slightly. “Thats good to hear.”, Nila glanced down at her phone, reading a WhatsApp chat then looked up at Purvi again. “Are you going back for the semester break?” 
“Nope. Unfortunately, I could not get my train tickets in time. Also, my family will be away for a distant relative’s wedding. I would be alone at home anyway so I guess I will be spending some time here.”, Purvi replied, wondering if Nila was casually asking her to leave.   

“I see.”, her face turned into a slight frown. She quickly realized it and gave Purvi a smile. “Hey, have you had anything to eat?”  

“Yea. I had something early on.”, Purvi smiled, wanting to slowly get up to go into her room to freshen up.   

“Purvi, hold on.”  

“What’s up?”, she slouched back onto the chair, surprised that Nila was a little more chatty than usual today.   

“Hey... Uhm... you know that... Uh... in this college... Some older students... they conduct ragging on the newcomers... “, Nila was stammering, she gulped a little.   

Purvi’s body arched forward, dreading what was coming next. She let out a heavy sigh. “Yea... I heard about this from some classmates...”, she continued, her gaze piercing into Nila’s eyes. “What about it?”  

“Ermm... so, I was asked to tell you...”, Nila seemed to be deep in thought, thinking about her words very carefully.   

Purvi kept quiet, waiting for Nila to find her voice again.  

“...tonight, they would like to conduct their ragging... on you...”, Nila whispered.  
“That’s it?”, Purvi laughed a little. “I mean, how bad can it be? Is it a group thing?”. Purvi was told that juniors in college are usually ragged on by seniors, but just made to drink disgusting stuff, do something embarrassing or disturb a professor. Nothing out of the norm.  
Nila eyes were wide open, looking at Purvi. Her face remained serious. “No.. No.. Just on you...”  

“I see...”, Purvi took note of Nila’s serious expression, assuming that she is trying to scare her, she decided to play along.  
“Ok. Well.. When and where?”   

“They will come here.” 
“Here?.. And who is they”, Purvi was slightly taken aback. Usually, the seniors would rag on students in the college compound itself, with the aim of public embarrassment. It was somewhat a rite of passage. The juniors are then accepted into the group and treated as friends and collegemates. It was something Purvi knew she would eventually have to go through.  
“I can’t tell you.”, Nila said, lowering her voice to barely a whisper. She looked back down at her phone. “They’ll be here by 10. They just told me to inform you.” 
“Ok then.”, Purvi giggled a bit as she got up. “I guess we will see what happens later.”, she shrugged her shoulders as she made her way into her room. Nila was putting on a good show trying to scare her.

**End of Part 1.**
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