01-03-2022, 01:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 09:55 AM by peble6925. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
(Special thanks
to Givemeextra for keeping this story alive ) Next part :
They both were tired and yet they smiled at each other like they achieved a long due plan and with satisfaction they exchanged kisses by hugging each other. Gopal was even more satisfied, he had no idea that his day start like this at one stage he thought he may not want to pursue Richa and her students, that much satisfaction he got from these two young teenage girls. he hugged both of them and kissed on their lips. And he fell on the bed as he has no strength to stand. Both girls took two sides of him and both kissed him again on his cheeks, all three of them fell asleep.
Anjali could here some phone ringing sound coming from living room, but she barely ignoring it., but it kept ringing, she suddenly woke up and realized that her mobile is ringing continuously, she got up from bed where she gave a glance to Gopal and Sudha., Gopal is in deep sleep and Sudha is hugging him by placing one leg on his dick., Anjali ran towards living room and took her mobile phone and answered it...
Anjali : Bhabhi...
Veena : How many times do i need to call u.. do u know what time it is .., we are getting worried. papa getting worried., why dont u answer the phone call, I told u before leaving here., keep updating us while ur doing ur shopping.. dont u remember.. ?
Anjali ; Bhabhee... , is papa around u?
Veena : No.. he is outside in living room., im calling u from kitchen.. why ur asking about papa.. ? is Gopal with u? what is he doing now?
Anjali : Bhabhi., stop asking me questions., im at my friend's house as I told u., we will start soon from here.. please tell papa that we are on our way..
Anjali : he is in bedroom .. sleeping..
Veena : Whattt?!! sleeping?!! Anjali I told u not to take adventage of this ., u know it is not good for both of us if more people knows about him.. u need to come home immediately.
Anjali : OK Bhabi..
Anjali had no choice , she immediately ran into bedroom and noticed her friend Sudha jumping on Gopal's dick.., haa. haa. Haa.., hmm.. aaa.haa.. thapp.. thapp.haa. thapp..aa...
Sudha : I heardd whatt u both talking on the phone with urr bhabhhiji.. u gett ready .. , lett mme have him for the last time before uu both lleave..
Gopal was already woke up and enjoying how young girl jumping and fucking him infront of him..
Anjali had no choice except listen to her friend, she ran back to living room where she found her clothes and started wearing it., she could hear Sudha moaning , grunting from bedroom., finally it ended up with huge grunting. AAahaaa GGhoppaaall... Anjali thought.. finally., we both can go home now., once she fully dressed., she came back to bedroom., where she noticed., Sudha laying on the bed covering her half body with bedsheet., and Gopal coming out from bathroom naked with half erected dick.
Sudha : Anjali dear ., u need to take care of him once u go home., he got good stamina., he even ready for second round., i only stopped him.,but he didnt even speak a word., looks like he listens to u very well or may be he is shy.. Gopal? did u liked me?
Gopal : Yes ma'am., I liked u both.
he said that by stroking his dick..
Sudha : I see you still want more.., but unfortunately ur madamm is calling u ., but can come to my place at any time as u like..
Anjali got bit irritated with all her childish talk with Gopal, Anjali throwed a pillow at her friend., and told .. shut up.., he is not free., dont make me fight with u., he is not ur lover..
Anjali: Gopall.. go get ready .. we need to leave immediately...
Sudha : he he Anjali.., im just teasing u both., thanks for everything darling.., i dont forget ur favour., but do call me if u get chance to meet me again...I know u came here for short period.. thanks for remembering old friend.. we both only talked about boys in college., now we are in college., had to join in different colleges because of my dad's transfer.. thanks for keeping in touch with me in social media.. without that we couldnt have planned this.. now we can talk about our boyfriends..
Anjali : Shutup dear., thanks to u., I had fun meeting with u.., not exactly with u though.. he.. he
they both laughed together., Gopal came back to bedroom fully dressed and noticed both teenage girls kissing passionately for the last time..
Gopal and Anjali had to say good bye to Sudha...Anjali did some shopping whie going to back to home.. it was almost two in the afternoon when they returned home.Anjali had to answer all those questions from her bhabhi and Papa. Once everyone finished their lunch, Anjali and Veena started chitchatting in Veena's bedroom..
Anjali started explaining to her bhabhi each and everything.. how it started it with her friend Sudha and how they planned for this trip .. and it got accomplished with the help of her bhabhi.. Even Veena got excited with all the naughty stuff that she hearing from her Sister in law. Anjali also expressed that she also got excited when she was watching Sudha jumping on the Gopal's cock.. but she couldnt continue the same as her bhabhi summoned her immediately to home..
Veena felt bit pity as she was so hard on her on the phone and she was spoiling her little trip.
At the moment Veena decided that she will do something for her.
Gopal was taking little nap in his home after tiring shopping…
Meanwhile at college ., Sheetal and Sarika sat together for lunch in the same staff room along with their other teachers., Sarika couldn’t wait to talk again with Sheetal about Gopal., at the same time she got some naughty idea where they were sitting at table facing each other.. Sheetal was just having her food.. but suddenly she felt someone poking and stepping on her toes with their feet under the table., Sheetal did not move much but she immediately guessed that is none other than Sarika., she immediately looked at her and raised her eyebrows ., but Sarika continuously poking her thumb finger onto Sheetal's feet..both were wearing sarees., sitting very much closer as it is very small in width and long table., there were other teachers sat right beside them ., chitchatting and taking food along with them .. as they were facing each other taking food very slowly Sarika drew a line with her right foot thumb finger on Sheetal's left leg till her knee inside the petticoat of Sheetal's saree .. this gave some goosbumps to Sheetal with her sudden move.. Sarika continuously moved her foot up and down very slowly and passionately.. feeling her soft leg.. she even tried placing her foot between Sheetal's both thighs..but Sheetal resisted it by closing the gap between her legs.. this resistance gave Sarika a bit anger on her face., she pinched sheetal's thigh skin with footfingers., where Sheetal had to relax a bit and let the Sarika do her naughty stuff., Sarika fully stretched her leg under the table and placed right between both the thighs inside the petticoat of Sheetal., where their legs were fully covered under sarees..Sarika even tried massaging Sheetal's thighs with her foot., this move made Sheetal excited and gasped "hmm.." Sarika's foot felt very soft on her thighs and it is bit erotic and made her excited little more., as her foot sometimes touching her panty..
As they were looking at each other eyes and taking food very slowly .. Sarika continuously massaged Sheetal's thighs with her foot., this made Sheetal's pussy bit wet., unknowingly she even widened her legs little more..,this gave a free way to Sarika so she can directly touch Sheetal's panty with her thumb finger.. this is the time Sarika excited little more where she felt and noticed that Sheetal's panty is wet., she herself gave devil smile on her face., Sarika slowly moved her thumb finger up and down on Sheetal's panty like she fingering on it., Sheetal felt high voltage passing through her body., her hands were shaking . she couldnt even take her food., Sarika continued same with her thumb finger., dont know how she did it., Sarika even managed to move aside her panty with her two fingers., as soon as it is side lined., Sarika inserted her thumb finger into Sheetal's pussy..oh GODD.. hmm..aa. Sheetal had to bit her lips to control her moans, as her pussy lips were being touched by naughty thumb., Sarika passionately slowly moved her thumb finger up and down and she even rotated it inside her pussy., this made Sheetal and Sarika go crazy at the table., Sarika's thumb finger is making magic in Sheetal's wet pussy.
It was very uncontrollable situation for both of them., as they were eating slowly ., other teachers finished eating and started packing their lunch boxes., Sarika had to remove her leg from Sheetal's pussy and from her saree., and they continued eating food without even saying a single word., it is almost time for next class after lunch break,. other teachers going to their classes one by one., When almost everybody left the staffroom., except Sheetal and Sarika., they meanwhile finished their food., they silently packed their lunch boxes and moved to wash room where they normally wash their hands after taking food., there is one wash basin in that room with a medium size mirror on top of it., Sarika and Sheetal they both stood in line to wash their hands one by one., first Sarika went in and washed her hands., once she finished washing her hands., she moved aside a bit and started wiping her hands with her saree pallu., and then Sheetal came to near wash basin and started washing her hands., as soon as she finished and she looked in the mirror., she noticed Sarika looking right at her like a hungry little tigress., they both looked each other for a moment through mirror... Sarika came near to Sheetal and hugged her very tightly and completely from behind., this made sudden heat pushed out from their bodies with a huge gasp "hmm.. aaa".. Sarika did not stop there ., her one hand held Sheetal's naked waist other hand moved under Sheetal's pallu., and she grabbed her both boobs with one hand.. Sarika rapidly massaging both the tits with one hand.,AAaa.ss.hmm..aa.sssS..hmmm.. while she was kissing on Sheetal's neck and she even humping slowly on Sheetal's ass from behind.. Sheetal had to take support of wash basin with her both hands from the sudden attack of Sarika., even Sheetal was so excited with the sudden move of her fellow young teacher as her pussy was already wet and it is now dripping...
Sarika continuously hugging and massaging Sheetal's body very tightly and suddenly she pushed Sheetal against the wall... and hugged her from front ;., but she did not dared to kiss on her lips., but she continuously hugging her body and kissing on her neck., now her both hands are massaging Sheetal's boobs. they both can hear their bangles making sounds with the same rhythm.. and they both know that they are getting late for their respective classes.. but Sarika is uncontrollable. Sheetal just stood there by taking the pleasure from her..hmm.. sss.aa ., but When Sheetal came to her sences and was about to push her away from her body..Sarika liplocked her., Sheetal couldn't push her away and she even started taking pleasure from her soft lips,.Sheetal responded back to Sarika., this led to very passionate and long french kiss between two beautiful teachers., HHmm..hmmpch.hmmm.,aa.mmmmch., Sarika did not stop there., while she is kissing Sheetal., her right hand moved downwards and started lifting Sheetal's saree slowly along with petticoat., Sheetal did not stopped her and she is continuously enjoying Sarika's very soft lips., and first time Sheetal placed her right hand on Sarika's left boob and started pressing it with the same rhythm..
Sarika completely lifted Sheetal's petticoat and she massaged Sheetal's thighs and straight away her hand moved towards her panty and she slightly moved her panty and inserted her middle finger into her pussy.. oh my GODD.. haaaahAAAA.. aaahh.. Sheetal's pussy is so wet .. Sarika immediately fingering it like she dont want to waste any more time.. AAaaa.haaa..aaa.. hm.. aa.. kissing and fingerring.. their both bodies are shaking like anything.. with very great difficulty Sheetal whispered in Sarika's ear by breaking the liplock... pleaase stopp itt.. someonnnee will commee.... Sheetal couldn’t take it anymore.. she pushed Sarika away from her body...they both looked at each and came to their senses like this is not the right place or right time..still no single word between them., Sheetal came to near wash basin again washed her face and adjusted her saree., and moved out of the washroom., And after that Sarika did the same,. once she came out of the washroom she did not find Sheetal in the staffroom,. it is completely empty., Sarika also had to leave to her class.
Sheetal continued taking her class with cum dripping pussy., and she knows that it can only satisfied with Gopal's cock .. and with a sudden thought of him in that moment., She finished her class and came back to her staffroom., and she immediately dialled a contact which says Richa ma'am on her mobile.
Richa : Hello!!
Sheetal : Hi Richa ma'am .. how are you? this is Sheetal.. sorry to disturb you at this time..
Richa : no no Sheetal.. im free right now. thts why I took your call., watsup?
Sheetal : Nothing ma'am just wanted to talk about your students that are coming to your tuition..
brief silent from Richaa.. after few seconds…
Richa : What do you want to talk about my students.
Sheetal : Can we talk in the evening once we got home.. before you get busy with those students?
again sudden brief silence from Richaa.. but Sheetal could hear some tense breathing from Richaa..
Richa : Aaa.. ok.. Sure Sheetal . but why not now? what do u want to ask?
Sheetal : It is better if we talk in private. what do you say Richaa ma'am ?
Richa suspected something not right with Sheetal.. but she finally said ..
Richa : ok Sheetal we talk in the evening then..
Sheetal : ok ma'am .. see you in the evening.. bye
Richa : bye.
As soon as Sheetal disconnected the call., she was in deep dilemma and thinking about Richa and how to make her confess about her students. As she was thinking she noticed Sarika entering the room followed by other teachers...
Sheetal: Sarika ma'am .. please call me in the evening once you go home. I need to talk to you.
Sarika : ok Sheetal ma'am.

My other Story in Telugu : https://xossipy.com/thread-45793.html - వైశలి ది క్వీన్.

They both were tired and yet they smiled at each other like they achieved a long due plan and with satisfaction they exchanged kisses by hugging each other. Gopal was even more satisfied, he had no idea that his day start like this at one stage he thought he may not want to pursue Richa and her students, that much satisfaction he got from these two young teenage girls. he hugged both of them and kissed on their lips. And he fell on the bed as he has no strength to stand. Both girls took two sides of him and both kissed him again on his cheeks, all three of them fell asleep.
Anjali could here some phone ringing sound coming from living room, but she barely ignoring it., but it kept ringing, she suddenly woke up and realized that her mobile is ringing continuously, she got up from bed where she gave a glance to Gopal and Sudha., Gopal is in deep sleep and Sudha is hugging him by placing one leg on his dick., Anjali ran towards living room and took her mobile phone and answered it...
Anjali : Bhabhi...
Veena : How many times do i need to call u.. do u know what time it is .., we are getting worried. papa getting worried., why dont u answer the phone call, I told u before leaving here., keep updating us while ur doing ur shopping.. dont u remember.. ?
Anjali ; Bhabhee... , is papa around u?
Veena : No.. he is outside in living room., im calling u from kitchen.. why ur asking about papa.. ? is Gopal with u? what is he doing now?
Anjali : Bhabhi., stop asking me questions., im at my friend's house as I told u., we will start soon from here.. please tell papa that we are on our way..
Anjali : he is in bedroom .. sleeping..
Veena : Whattt?!! sleeping?!! Anjali I told u not to take adventage of this ., u know it is not good for both of us if more people knows about him.. u need to come home immediately.
Anjali : OK Bhabi..
Anjali had no choice , she immediately ran into bedroom and noticed her friend Sudha jumping on Gopal's dick.., haa. haa. Haa.., hmm.. aaa.haa.. thapp.. thapp.haa. thapp..aa...
Sudha : I heardd whatt u both talking on the phone with urr bhabhhiji.. u gett ready .. , lett mme have him for the last time before uu both lleave..
Gopal was already woke up and enjoying how young girl jumping and fucking him infront of him..
Anjali had no choice except listen to her friend, she ran back to living room where she found her clothes and started wearing it., she could hear Sudha moaning , grunting from bedroom., finally it ended up with huge grunting. AAahaaa GGhoppaaall... Anjali thought.. finally., we both can go home now., once she fully dressed., she came back to bedroom., where she noticed., Sudha laying on the bed covering her half body with bedsheet., and Gopal coming out from bathroom naked with half erected dick.
Sudha : Anjali dear ., u need to take care of him once u go home., he got good stamina., he even ready for second round., i only stopped him.,but he didnt even speak a word., looks like he listens to u very well or may be he is shy.. Gopal? did u liked me?
Gopal : Yes ma'am., I liked u both.
he said that by stroking his dick..
Sudha : I see you still want more.., but unfortunately ur madamm is calling u ., but can come to my place at any time as u like..
Anjali got bit irritated with all her childish talk with Gopal, Anjali throwed a pillow at her friend., and told .. shut up.., he is not free., dont make me fight with u., he is not ur lover..
Anjali: Gopall.. go get ready .. we need to leave immediately...
Sudha : he he Anjali.., im just teasing u both., thanks for everything darling.., i dont forget ur favour., but do call me if u get chance to meet me again...I know u came here for short period.. thanks for remembering old friend.. we both only talked about boys in college., now we are in college., had to join in different colleges because of my dad's transfer.. thanks for keeping in touch with me in social media.. without that we couldnt have planned this.. now we can talk about our boyfriends..
Anjali : Shutup dear., thanks to u., I had fun meeting with u.., not exactly with u though.. he.. he
they both laughed together., Gopal came back to bedroom fully dressed and noticed both teenage girls kissing passionately for the last time..
Gopal and Anjali had to say good bye to Sudha...Anjali did some shopping whie going to back to home.. it was almost two in the afternoon when they returned home.Anjali had to answer all those questions from her bhabhi and Papa. Once everyone finished their lunch, Anjali and Veena started chitchatting in Veena's bedroom..
Anjali started explaining to her bhabhi each and everything.. how it started it with her friend Sudha and how they planned for this trip .. and it got accomplished with the help of her bhabhi.. Even Veena got excited with all the naughty stuff that she hearing from her Sister in law. Anjali also expressed that she also got excited when she was watching Sudha jumping on the Gopal's cock.. but she couldnt continue the same as her bhabhi summoned her immediately to home..
Veena felt bit pity as she was so hard on her on the phone and she was spoiling her little trip.
At the moment Veena decided that she will do something for her.
Gopal was taking little nap in his home after tiring shopping…
Meanwhile at college ., Sheetal and Sarika sat together for lunch in the same staff room along with their other teachers., Sarika couldn’t wait to talk again with Sheetal about Gopal., at the same time she got some naughty idea where they were sitting at table facing each other.. Sheetal was just having her food.. but suddenly she felt someone poking and stepping on her toes with their feet under the table., Sheetal did not move much but she immediately guessed that is none other than Sarika., she immediately looked at her and raised her eyebrows ., but Sarika continuously poking her thumb finger onto Sheetal's feet..both were wearing sarees., sitting very much closer as it is very small in width and long table., there were other teachers sat right beside them ., chitchatting and taking food along with them .. as they were facing each other taking food very slowly Sarika drew a line with her right foot thumb finger on Sheetal's left leg till her knee inside the petticoat of Sheetal's saree .. this gave some goosbumps to Sheetal with her sudden move.. Sarika continuously moved her foot up and down very slowly and passionately.. feeling her soft leg.. she even tried placing her foot between Sheetal's both thighs..but Sheetal resisted it by closing the gap between her legs.. this resistance gave Sarika a bit anger on her face., she pinched sheetal's thigh skin with footfingers., where Sheetal had to relax a bit and let the Sarika do her naughty stuff., Sarika fully stretched her leg under the table and placed right between both the thighs inside the petticoat of Sheetal., where their legs were fully covered under sarees..Sarika even tried massaging Sheetal's thighs with her foot., this move made Sheetal excited and gasped "hmm.." Sarika's foot felt very soft on her thighs and it is bit erotic and made her excited little more., as her foot sometimes touching her panty..
As they were looking at each other eyes and taking food very slowly .. Sarika continuously massaged Sheetal's thighs with her foot., this made Sheetal's pussy bit wet., unknowingly she even widened her legs little more..,this gave a free way to Sarika so she can directly touch Sheetal's panty with her thumb finger.. this is the time Sarika excited little more where she felt and noticed that Sheetal's panty is wet., she herself gave devil smile on her face., Sarika slowly moved her thumb finger up and down on Sheetal's panty like she fingering on it., Sheetal felt high voltage passing through her body., her hands were shaking . she couldnt even take her food., Sarika continued same with her thumb finger., dont know how she did it., Sarika even managed to move aside her panty with her two fingers., as soon as it is side lined., Sarika inserted her thumb finger into Sheetal's pussy..oh GODD.. hmm..aa. Sheetal had to bit her lips to control her moans, as her pussy lips were being touched by naughty thumb., Sarika passionately slowly moved her thumb finger up and down and she even rotated it inside her pussy., this made Sheetal and Sarika go crazy at the table., Sarika's thumb finger is making magic in Sheetal's wet pussy.
It was very uncontrollable situation for both of them., as they were eating slowly ., other teachers finished eating and started packing their lunch boxes., Sarika had to remove her leg from Sheetal's pussy and from her saree., and they continued eating food without even saying a single word., it is almost time for next class after lunch break,. other teachers going to their classes one by one., When almost everybody left the staffroom., except Sheetal and Sarika., they meanwhile finished their food., they silently packed their lunch boxes and moved to wash room where they normally wash their hands after taking food., there is one wash basin in that room with a medium size mirror on top of it., Sarika and Sheetal they both stood in line to wash their hands one by one., first Sarika went in and washed her hands., once she finished washing her hands., she moved aside a bit and started wiping her hands with her saree pallu., and then Sheetal came to near wash basin and started washing her hands., as soon as she finished and she looked in the mirror., she noticed Sarika looking right at her like a hungry little tigress., they both looked each other for a moment through mirror... Sarika came near to Sheetal and hugged her very tightly and completely from behind., this made sudden heat pushed out from their bodies with a huge gasp "hmm.. aaa".. Sarika did not stop there ., her one hand held Sheetal's naked waist other hand moved under Sheetal's pallu., and she grabbed her both boobs with one hand.. Sarika rapidly massaging both the tits with one hand.,AAaa.ss.hmm..aa.sssS..hmmm.. while she was kissing on Sheetal's neck and she even humping slowly on Sheetal's ass from behind.. Sheetal had to take support of wash basin with her both hands from the sudden attack of Sarika., even Sheetal was so excited with the sudden move of her fellow young teacher as her pussy was already wet and it is now dripping...
Sarika continuously hugging and massaging Sheetal's body very tightly and suddenly she pushed Sheetal against the wall... and hugged her from front ;., but she did not dared to kiss on her lips., but she continuously hugging her body and kissing on her neck., now her both hands are massaging Sheetal's boobs. they both can hear their bangles making sounds with the same rhythm.. and they both know that they are getting late for their respective classes.. but Sarika is uncontrollable. Sheetal just stood there by taking the pleasure from her..hmm.. sss.aa ., but When Sheetal came to her sences and was about to push her away from her body..Sarika liplocked her., Sheetal couldn't push her away and she even started taking pleasure from her soft lips,.Sheetal responded back to Sarika., this led to very passionate and long french kiss between two beautiful teachers., HHmm..hmmpch.hmmm.,aa.mmmmch., Sarika did not stop there., while she is kissing Sheetal., her right hand moved downwards and started lifting Sheetal's saree slowly along with petticoat., Sheetal did not stopped her and she is continuously enjoying Sarika's very soft lips., and first time Sheetal placed her right hand on Sarika's left boob and started pressing it with the same rhythm..
Sarika completely lifted Sheetal's petticoat and she massaged Sheetal's thighs and straight away her hand moved towards her panty and she slightly moved her panty and inserted her middle finger into her pussy.. oh my GODD.. haaaahAAAA.. aaahh.. Sheetal's pussy is so wet .. Sarika immediately fingering it like she dont want to waste any more time.. AAaaa.haaa..aaa.. hm.. aa.. kissing and fingerring.. their both bodies are shaking like anything.. with very great difficulty Sheetal whispered in Sarika's ear by breaking the liplock... pleaase stopp itt.. someonnnee will commee.... Sheetal couldn’t take it anymore.. she pushed Sarika away from her body...they both looked at each and came to their senses like this is not the right place or right time..still no single word between them., Sheetal came to near wash basin again washed her face and adjusted her saree., and moved out of the washroom., And after that Sarika did the same,. once she came out of the washroom she did not find Sheetal in the staffroom,. it is completely empty., Sarika also had to leave to her class.
Sheetal continued taking her class with cum dripping pussy., and she knows that it can only satisfied with Gopal's cock .. and with a sudden thought of him in that moment., She finished her class and came back to her staffroom., and she immediately dialled a contact which says Richa ma'am on her mobile.
Richa : Hello!!
Sheetal : Hi Richa ma'am .. how are you? this is Sheetal.. sorry to disturb you at this time..
Richa : no no Sheetal.. im free right now. thts why I took your call., watsup?
Sheetal : Nothing ma'am just wanted to talk about your students that are coming to your tuition..
brief silent from Richaa.. after few seconds…
Richa : What do you want to talk about my students.
Sheetal : Can we talk in the evening once we got home.. before you get busy with those students?
again sudden brief silence from Richaa.. but Sheetal could hear some tense breathing from Richaa..
Richa : Aaa.. ok.. Sure Sheetal . but why not now? what do u want to ask?
Sheetal : It is better if we talk in private. what do you say Richaa ma'am ?
Richa suspected something not right with Sheetal.. but she finally said ..
Richa : ok Sheetal we talk in the evening then..
Sheetal : ok ma'am .. see you in the evening.. bye
Richa : bye.
As soon as Sheetal disconnected the call., she was in deep dilemma and thinking about Richa and how to make her confess about her students. As she was thinking she noticed Sarika entering the room followed by other teachers...
Sheetal: Sarika ma'am .. please call me in the evening once you go home. I need to talk to you.
Sarika : ok Sheetal ma'am.

My other Story in Telugu : https://xossipy.com/thread-45793.html - వైశలి ది క్వీన్.