18-02-2022, 03:31 PM
(17-02-2022, 01:52 PM)tirths2000 Wrote: Dear writer,
I apologize if it came across that I was trying to poke into a private conversation between yourself and the moderator. or you were merely trying to understand the reason for "banning" a certain member from posting comments.
I apologize once again if I misinterpreted, but your ostensibly innocuous query felt loaded with a vested intent. Which is why I wrote in the first place.
- It came across as if you were supporting a demand for restoration of his rights by "liking" the demand and endorsing the open threat issued in the same message.
- It seems odd that in a virtual public forum someone would have a strictly private conversation. There are private messaging options for private conversations.
- While it is perfectly reasonable to inquire why some person is banned, it appeared to me that your question did not end there. It also included "I never found a bad comment from this person". Which felt you were arguing against this ban.
- You also illustrated how important and valuable that certain member is to this forum. With which it appeared that your intent was to have the ban lifted forthwith.
Lastly I am neither your bro, nor your brother, nor your boss. Would appreciate if you could stop calling me by such charming epithets.
স্যর, ভারি সুন্দর ভদ্র ও সংযত লেখা আপনার। আপনার মত ইংরেজিও বোধহয় কম লোকই জানে। আমি এত সুন্দর ইংরেজি লিখতে পারিনা।
আপনার ন্ম্রতা ও ভদ্রতা প্রতি শব্দে প্রকাশ পেয়েছে। ধন্যবাদ।