Me and my Punjabi wife Trapped in a cabin with a stranger
"Simran how's it feel?" he barked out.

Simran's body stiffened against me and she caught her breath. She gave me an odd look and opened her mouth to speak and then stopped. Then, we both heard a zipper being opened and knew Guru was pulling his cock out.

"Tell him," I told her.

She gave me a strange look staring into my eyes for a few seconds then said, what should I tell him?
Tell him how it feels…I said
No no….simran mumbled
"she feels really good." i said grinning

"I hope Rohan gets you off again. I like how you look when you cum," he answered, egging her on. Again there was no reply from Simran but some demon was now putting bizarre thought in my head. 

"Show him your tits," I said into her ear. 

As I whispered the command, it seemed like it came from another person standing in the corner, and this odd person wanted Simran to be seen, to be on display. Up until then, Simran was bent close to my chest, with the blanket hiding most of her and the only evidence of our lovemaking was the movements beneath the blanket, our moans and the noisy bed.

"He'll want more," Simran said sounding concerned, but it seemed more a statement than a warning.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"What do you want?" she quickly shot back.

For a moment I thought about the risks. I thought about just pulling her to my side and going to sleep. But, she had opened a window with the way she responded when Guru saw her climax and I had to see what else was out there.

"Show him your tits," I said again.

Simran slowly sat up straight in the bed without missing a beat on my cock, while staring at me the whole time. The blanket fell around her hip and she arched her back and tossed out her hair. I knew part of this was not my command it was her genetic need to act like a peacock - to be on display.

"Well if you're going to give a show I'll get a front row seat," Guru said, and within seconds he was sitting in the desk chair next to the bed no more than four feet away. His pants were open and he was stroking his fat cock. Simran looked over at him for just a second too long before she closed her eyes again.

"Those are damn nice tits, Simran. My first wife had ones just like those. Liked them pinched hard. You likes yours pinched?" he asked.

"Damn Rohan, don't lay there having all the fun, pinch on em," he demanded after several seconds when Simran didn't respond.

For some reason, I did what he said. I had done the same thing dozens of times before when we were making love but, this time Simran started going crazy. Her mouth fell open and a long moan escaped. She started tossing her hair around and her pussy seemed to get even wetter.

I was so enjoying Simran's show that it wasn't until Guru was pulling the pants off his legs that I realized he was getting naked. His shirt was already off and when he was done he sat back in the chair. His body was completely covered in thick hair like some man-bear, and his large belly hung so low that all I could see was about 4 inches of his cock protruding from below with its fat head. Simran saw him too and tried not to look but I could see that her eyes kept going back to him. 

Before long, I could see him getting antsy, and with his eyes locked onto my wife I feared he was going to reach out.
He lit up a cigarette and took a deep puff…and got up

"Guru, stay in the chair," I told him, trying to regain some control.

"Whatever Simran wants," he replied, staring at her and offering his lit cigarette to simran..

"Just stay there," I demanded.

He didn't stay still for a minute before I saw him lifting his naked body from the chair and put his cigarette on simrans lips….
Simran took a deep drag and let out a big puff of smoke from her lips….while on me…

"Stay there," I tried to command, but he ignored my words and moved behind Simran.

From his spot, I realized he could watch her rising and falling on my cock. He was also in a position where neither Simran nor I could see him easily, which had the effect of increasing the sexual tension in the room even further.

"You are one hot woman," I heard him hiss to my wife, "Rohan you're going to share, aren't you."

"Just watching Guru, no touching. Get back in the chair," I called out but, my demands got no response. At the same time, the feelings from Simran's pussy were too incredible to stop.
Simran signalled him to give him another puff…
Guru just smiled and said want something better…
I looked at him confused….
Guru got up and took out a powder from him pocket and rolled a paper making a home made cigarette with the white powder…he lit it and smoked a puff…
I saw a sense of pleasure come on his face as if he had experienced something heavenly …
What is it…I asked…
Puff of life he said as he placed it on simrans lips…
simran had not seen what he was offering her as it was made behind her back so she thought it was the regular cigarette.
She took a deep puff and breathe in….then maybe realizing a different taste coughed out…bending on my face and letting out the smoke on me…
It was a sweet smell …I took a deep breath…
What the fuck is this simran demanded trying to shake her head…

it’s a maruana cigarette dear…to enhance your pleasure…
I could see simran liked it as she signalled guru for another puff…
Guru obliged her by putting it to her lips…all this while simran was on me…
I could see the effect of it on her…she became more agrressive while riding me…and more vocal
“Yeah baby” I said I was reaching my orgasm….
I could see Simran looking over her shoulder trying to keep an eye on Guru but from my position I could see nothing except an occasional fat thigh when he moved to the side. Suddenly, her back went stiff and she pushed her chest against my hands.

"What's wrong? What's he doing?" I asked.

"He's touching my back," Simran replied.

Leaning as far as I could to the side without losing Simran, I looked around her and saw that he was leaning forward from the end of the bed and was using his right hand to rub on her back.

"Cut it out Guru or we are going to stop," I threatened.

"Calm down. No ones being hurt," he replied, not stopping his touching. He started rubbing simrans back from top to down…feeling her skin

Simran's motions on top of me were getting erratic and when I looked up her eyes were almost closed and her mouth was hanging open. She licked her lips and took her breaths in short gasps, and it was clear that the scene was making her very excited.

My God I thought, here is, my wifee, the future mother of my children getting turned on by an old fat hairy man. Maybe Guru was right, maybe there were some things to learn about her.

Simran stopped her movements over me and for a moment the room went dead quiet, and I cringed thinking this was where she was going to launch on me in a tirade about not protecting her. 

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said allowing me to breathe again.

She climbed off me, and showing amazing modesty given the circumstances, got out of bed and moved swiftly to the small bathroom. As soon as the door was closed, I looked at Guru who was smiling widely with heavy alcohol affected eyes smoking his cigarette…

"Don't fuck it up Lad," he counseled. 

When I didn't respond he went on. "You know what I said before. You've seen a bit now but there's more for sure. No one will ever need to know too," he said, while chuckling a bit at the end.

"This is freaking me out," I said to him. It was an honest answer but one that showed him some opportunity.

"Just get it started than let it go on its own," he replied, with his hand now fondling his large balls.

"No way," I said, shaking my head trying to find some clarity. This is wrong…you only get to watch…that’s all you deserve.

The toilet flushed and the water started in the sink.

"Don't fuck this up or you'll always wonder. No one will ever know," Guru said again, as the door opened.

"Don't fuck this up or you'll always wonder. No one will ever know," Guru said again, as the door opened.

OMG!!! .....and with the weed, we know she wants it too!!!
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: Me and my Punjabi wife Trapped in a cabin with a stranger - by Givemeextra - 19-05-2019, 11:48 AM

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