Me and my Punjabi wife Trapped in a cabin with a stranger
Characters In the story:
1. Me: 36 m, 5 ft 6, average built

2. My wife: simran: 34, 5 ft 4, slim, light brown hair…which she colours with streaks of blonde, eyes hazel from her europian father , fair, slim, 32a 30 34 from her punjabi mother, dresses always modern
It's her legs and butt that I think are her best features sculpted from a dedicated workout schedule. In addition, she has well-proportioned breasts that she thinks are too small but, which I enjoy immensely because they are so sensitive.

3. And the stranger

It was late January and I was packing up my studio apartment in New Delhi in preparation for my move back to my holiday home in Shimla for a week. I had finished my project in December then planned to move home for the holidays with simran. Unfortunately, bad weather had begun moving in and the forecast was for a significant blizzard.

There was really no way we were going to beat the storm so, we resigned ourselves to our fate as we reached Shimla as we had nowhere else to go on this short notice. Anyway, after almost two years apart from simran, we weren't going to complain about more time alone. As we followed the storms progress, the forecast became worse, so in preparation we made a run to the market and liquor store to be well stocked just in case.

My beautiful wife, Simran and I have been a married for five years after her being my girlfriend for 10 years

Simran is one of those women that appears classy and sophisticated in public, and gives the impression of being conservative but, can become quite passionate behind closed doors, when the mood strikes. We started making love after only two weeks of dating, and have maintained our appetite for each other throughout our relationship. Our infrequent meetings over the past couple years have resulted in marathon session in the bedroom when we did get together.

You can say simran is a sexoholic but only with me….

Finally done with our shopping, we returned to the apartment just as the snow started getting heavy. My studio holiday apartment was actually a walk down with the entrance off the street since, It had a room with a queen size bed, a small TV stand, a desk and a counter that served as a kitchen with a microwave, a hot plate and a small fridge underneath. There was a bathroom with a shower, and other than that, the only additional space was a tiny closet with the door missing. The apartment was cool in normal times and with the storm there was definite nip.

Simran and I made a snack tray, opened a bottle of wine, sat on the bed and watched news of the blizzard on the TV. We had barely started on our second glass when my hands began stroking her body, and within seconds we had shucked our clothes and were wrapped in a tight embrace as we enjoyed the feeling of each other.

I pushed her arms up and held them over her head as I kissed her neck and licked her small nipples, drawing appreciative moans from her slightly open mouth. Then downward over her tight tummy my mouth traveled, and skipping her vagina I moved to the inside of her thighs, teasing but not lingering, while causing her hips to roll with the light touch of my tongue. 

"Rohan, don't tease me," she panted, as her legs tried to pull my waist towards her.

I grabbed a condom off the night stand, quickly put it on, and we both groaned loudly as I slowly fed my cock into her wet, shaved pussy. The feeling was so good that I lasted only a short time before I lost control and gasped for breath as I erupted. We lay there in each other's arms cuddling and kissing, both thinking about the life together that we were about to start. We were planning to have children.

The cold drove us under the covers, and her warmth against my body soon had me hard again. This time we went slow and steady, and I had the joy of feeling her body spasm against me as she was engulfed by her orgasm. Afterwards, we lay side by side our gentle kisses drifting further apart as we fell asleep.

I was awakened later by a sound that I didn't recognize. For some time, I remained in bed trying to figure out its source before finally getting up. The TV had lost its signal, no doubt from the storm, so I turned it off, and with less noise, it seemed the strange sounds were coming from outside. Unable to look out and worried about the conditions, I continued to try to figure out the meaning of the sounds without opening the door.

"Rohan, what's the matter?" Simran asked, still half asleep.

"Nothing, just some noise," I answered, looking over and seeing her right breast uncovered.

The noise began again, this time louder, and it almost sounded like mumbling. Despite my concerns I figured I needed to open the door and see what was outside. I unlocked it and with my foot against the bottom, and with my hand firmly on the knob I eased it slowly open. The snow was falling heavily and the stairs down to my door were now partly buried. Lying mostly covered in snow was a dark mass, and only after reaching out and touching it did I realize it was a human. 

"Shit," I said out loud. Opening the door wider I reached out into the cold and used both my hands to shake the form.

"Hey. You need to get up. You can't stay here or you'll freeze," I said over the noise of the wind howling around the building, hoping he or she wasn't already frozen.

My shaking only resulted in eliciting more moans from the form. I rolled it over to get a better look, and a ruddy male face came into view with longish hair and a full beard on his face. Snow was caked into his hair and beard, and as I shook him again his eyes slowly opened but they were heavy and unfocused.

"Hey mister. Get up," I said, shaking him harder.

"What's going on Rohan?" Simran asked, now sounding fully awake.

"Some guy is out here," I replied.

"Is he okay?" she asked, her compassionate side kicking in. I heard fumbling behind me and Simran quickly appeared at my side in a long t-shirt. 

"You better get him inside he doesn't look good," she stated.

Even though I knew it was the right thing to do, I was reluctant, fearing we would be starting a long process that might end up with security officer and an ambulance.

"Okay, stand back I'll try to roll him inside," I answered.

The snow had formed to the door and pulling him inside brought a mound in that I had to scoop and throw out so the door would close. After that, I had to half drag and half roll him to a place away from the door, near the foot of the bed. Simran began brushing away the snow from his coat and pants, and now in the light we could see that he was a big man, probably in his forties, with a large belly. 

"He has a strong pulse," Simran announced, while she held his wrist.

I bent down close to his face and slapped him softly.

"Hey, are you okay? Wake up," I demanded.

His heavy eyes opened and he tried to say something, and as he did I caught a heavy wave of liquor from his breath.

"Shit he's drunk," I stated, now getting pissed as I thought about how he was ruining my night with Simran.

"Are you sure?" Simran asked.

"Where in the hell am I?" The man blurted out in an obviously intoxicated voice, then seemed to drift away again.

"Yeah, I would say so," I replied, sarcastically.

"Wonderful," my wife giggled.

"Call security officer. Tell them to come get this guy," I said, as I looked him over some more to make sure there were no injuries.

I heard Simran dialing then she stuck the phone into my hand.

"Hello please state the nature of your emergency," a female voice said flatly.

"I found a drunken man on my doorstep. Can you please get this guy before he freezes?" I explained.

The operator fired off a couple more questions but, when she learned he was inside she stated that emergency services were almost shut down because of the storm and this was going to be very low priority. She explained that I needed to act like a Good Samaritan before finally asking for the information from his driver's license. After a brief search of his pockets, we were unable to find any identification, and with that she hung up.

"Well, what did she tell you? Simran asked.

"You heard most of it. City's basically shut down. Bigger emergencies. We are low priority and the guy will probably sober up before they get over here," I said, angrily.

While Simran mopped up the melted snow, I took the guy's jacket and shoes off, threw a blanket over him, and put a chair cushion under his head. Simran put on some sweat pants to go with her t-shirt then; we went back to bed hoping we had done the right thing.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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