Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
Then when my eyes fell on computer, i started looking at the softwares and the learnings from the weekend classes. I got a hold of some of them and had to learn many things. I decided to spend sometime everyday on it as i was completely home now. Just then divya walked in and asked what are you doing dear. I said nothing and turned towards her. She didn't bother me much. We both had another round of coffee. She said, i like your mom also now man. I asked what happened suddenly, so divya said, mom gave her access to all her jewels also, she said, all these belong to you from now on, your father in law made all of these from his earnings only, so keep them safe. I said, just if someone gives you jewellery you will love them? She said, since we both are still studying, i will have to wait for you to buy me anything from your earnings, see your mom thats why she has preserved each and everything as she knows the love of waiting to get something and the happiness when you get it. These things cannot replace love. I said finished all the gyan chapters dear and held her boobs and pressed, she said, i am all yours from yesterday only, wait for dinner to get over da and she left the room after giving a sexy smile.

I took out the last smoke left with me and walked towards balcony and lit it. Probably english madam was waiting for me, because as soon as i lit the smoke, she came out and waved at me. I waved back, she asked in a very peculiar accent, how did it go. i jokingly asked what? she said your first night idiot, her was of saying idiot to me was attracting me towards her. I told her i need your help, she said my help? why did not everything go alright last night? i said, all those things went very well, you should also try sometime i said naughtily. She was all ok with these words, then she asked what help? i said my smoke has got over, this was the last one i had left, i cannot ask anyone in family to get me and i am not supposed to go out of house for another 2 days, please can you get me. She laughingly said, from teacher you are making me peon now? i said nothing like that, just asking for your help. She said come after sometime, me and shamili are going outside, will get it from supermarket. I said thanks, and then asked why is she so dull and down. Madam said, her family problem, her husband has become drunkard and her in laws are blaming her for progeny, how much can anyone bear it, so she has come here. I asked is she leaving her

husband, so madam said, it is not possible as she was married to a relative only and she is not so educated as she was married off at a very young age, when she feels too much stress that she cannot take, she comes here and stays with me. I asked her how about your parents as you stay alone, she said, they both passed away long time ago. I then asked her, shall i ask you something personal? she nodded her head with an yes, i asked her, why are you not married? She had tears in her eyes and then said, i have some form of physical deformity from a very young age, so no one wanted to marry me, thats why i studied all i could, and

now there is nothing more to study. I asked boyfriends, she nodded no, as soon as someone got to know about it, they ditched me. So i asked her what deformity, you look absolutely gorgeous and sexy. She said, sexy, me, what if your wife listens idiot, i said, nothing like that, i just told you the truth. She blushed with the word sexy, i could make it out from her eyes. I again repeated what deformity to her, she said, there is something i cannot share with anyone now. I have buried it in my heart long time ago, please dont ask me anything more. I just said sorry to her. She then said catch you up later as i need to get smoke for you now. I said ok and then opened the balcony door and went back to system.

Divya walked in now and said dinner is ready, come we will have it, i said get it here only, she said mom called otherwise i would have got it for you. We both had dinner in the hall itself. After dinner, Divya took over helping mom in kitchen from akka and vini. Vini wanted to do it as she was used to doing them. Divya said, you are still a kid, let me do it, you study well and sent her, Vini did not like it at all. She made dull face and left kitchen.

I came back to system and started studying whatever was taught in the classes and also started understanding the softwares. I dedided to open an account to trade. I made note of all the queries i had to be asked in the class. Just as i closed the system, Divya made her way to the room, she had again got the milk in the silver glass. She was not shy anymore, she came and directly sat on my lap and then took a sip from it and then moved her lips over mine and fed me milk. I said to her, i need a different milk and pointed towards ber milk cans. She blushed and said mom said take precaution till you finish your education. Then you can plan for all of it.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 01:22 PM

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