Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
I came to tell you some truth, but it got distracted with princi. Sorry for the scene created, i really didn't know that he was your fathers brother. She had calmed down by now and said dont worry about them now, tell me what you wanted to tell me. I said is it alright under these circumstances, she just nodded her head meaning yes. These tamil girls always use their typical head rotation to mean yes or no i thought. Then i held her hand and told her what her dad and my dad told me just before coming here. She became a little cheerful listening to it. Then i said, more bitter truths, she asked do you really have a girl friend. I said no, but that doesn't mean i am a virgin. She then asked me did you go to some prostitute? i said no definately no. I have a just sex friend and we both enjoy whenever we feel we need it, no frills or barriers just enjoy. She hit me hard and said you are lying to break away from me. I looked directly into her moist eyes and told her, this is the truth why i was avoiding you.

If you still think it is ok, then i dont have any problem getting engaged and married to you. I told her to think it over and then decide, what ever she decides i am ok with it. I held her hand tightly and said this is the true reason i am avoiding you as i dont want to hurt pure love. You decide and take as much time as you want, there is no hurry and if you reject me also i am good. We can still be friends. She became quiet for sometime, i paid the bill and we started towards her home, i was about to enter her gate, then i realised the principal episode, so called dad on his cell and asked him to bring mom to divya's place and we all can drop her and go back home. He said give us 10 mins and we will be there. I turned the bike away from her place and started out, she held my hand and asked why? i said wait till my parents also come then you can go in otherwise if your dad's elder brothers are there at home, you will have to face them alone.

Once mom and dad arrived, i parked my bike near her place and introduced divya to mom. Mom kissed her forehead and blessed. Divya's eyes got moist again. Then finally mother held her hand and we rang divya's house door bell, her father opened the door, princi was sitting on sofa along with his wife and roopa. I glanced over to roopa, she scolded me in local language meaning ass hole. I wanted to bash her up then and there, i controlled my anger and decided there that what ever happens i am not going to leave divya, i will take care of divya and give her all that she desires and much more. I will be successful and rich, i will show them what all i can do in life to show them down. I held divya's hand in front of them there itself. They didn't offer a seat to my dad. Divya's mother asked courteously for water or coffee. My parents replied no nothing. Then princi looked at his brother and said is this what you are doing behind my back, her father bent his head down and didn't utter a word. I and my parents were surprised at his behaviour. The person who was lecturing me in the evening now was not uttering a single word to help his own daughter.

Princi scolded him badly in front of all of us, divya's mother then tried to intervene, princi's wife gave her a big stare and she kept quiet. My father now addressed princi as sir and said when both the kids were born me and your younger brother decided that we will get them married to each other. We have seen life's ups and down's together from last 35+ years, prici interrupted my dad and said it is not his choice to make and also scolded him saying what culture have you given your son and stuff. Mom could not take it anymore, she shouted back what culture are you talking, if you marry her off to anyone else and he doesn't care for her then you would spoil her future life, atleast here we are there and she also loves my son, that is enough for us, we don't need any money or status of yours, we have our own which is sufficient. Princi and his family were fuming, divya's mother was smiling now. I then bent my head towards divya and whispered to her have you decided and pressed her hand.

Divya turned towards me and said are you sure now. I nodded my head in agreement. She then pressed my hand tightly and looked straight towards princi and addressed him, periyappa i love him and want to get married to him, he also loves me and only after our parents gave consent that we went out, if you want ask him and she pointed her hand towards her dad. Roopa then said, you want to marry such porki(asshole), divya said yes, he may be porki to you, but he is my life and if anyone wanted to mess with him they have to go through me. Her father got angry on divya now and said is this what we taught you to insult elders. Divya replied, the only elders i respect is you and now them and pointed towards my parents. Divya went and stood next to my mom. Mom put her hand on divya's shoulders. Mom then directly addressed to both princi and divya's parents, decide now either you will marry her to my son or we get her married to my son, either way she will be my daughter in law.

Princi's face fumed in anger, he looked at divya's father and said see to what people you want to give your daughter. I now intervened and told to divya's father, uncle you yourself told me that we should do anything for love and find success through it, so now i ask you whether i should leave divya due to elders disapproval or should i carry forward. He stood silently for some time. My mom got angry and finally held divya's hand and started towards door. Divya's mom stopped my mom and gave kumkum to my mother and divya and bid us bye. We took divya along with us and came out of her house.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 01:07 PM

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