Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Chotu slept as she was messaging aman.. She made him sleep in the sofa and went to both friends..

Swathi - Arent you completed yet?

Mahesh - Its just stared Swathi ..we are only on second peg ...

Rohit - I think lets stop with one more we both need to go tomorrow

Mahesh - I am not gonna stop my friend.. let me enjoy my time.. pls don't put restrictions .. im feeling so stressed out these days...this is the only relief for me

Swathi - Stop it mahesh .its almost i guess your 7th peg from morning

Rohit - Ya i think you should stop mahesh

Mahesh- Not today ..

Rohit - Bhabhi ..shall i make you also a drink?

Swathi - No rohit.. i never tasted...

Rohit - Try it na ?. wha tmahesh ...does she need permission from you?

Mahesh - Na!!!i already told her.. jsut she can for fun..but she doesnt even like the smell so what to do..when i have this . i wont have that (he winked at rohit .saying no bed)

Rohit - ya bhabhi has different way to taste (he remembered that day she allowed him to kiss a lot when he had it.. and she really loved and tasted it so well..he looked at her.. he looked at her lips and showed his tognue ... wanting a kiss]

Mahesh was enjoying his drinks .. and Rohit poured a mocktail for her prepard by him... he went behind mahesh to give it to her.. she took it .. and looked at his eyes angrily ..

Rohit kissed her lips ...and pushed his whisky into her and left her lips... and went back .. She looked at him angrily .. she could not even shout at him ...

She gulped the entire and looked at him very angrily.. which slowly turned into a smile.. this guy really is such a hunk …. He makes me do weird things and still im liking this…. Mahesh was in his way … and he got up to get to washroom …
Swathi looked at him angrily … and as he left. She went and hit Rohit … what were you doing…. Don’t you know.. How dangerous it is .. If he sees us ?

Rohit replied… ok ok I won’t do anything when he is around. But do everything.. when he is not around .. that’s ok ???

Swathi – Ya that’s what I was saying … What??? Not everything… not everything (she hit with a pillow ..He is playing with his words)

This time she sipped his whisky peg and kissed his lips along with her tongue and made him taste her kiss and the whisky …. Rohit was surprised this time..but he happily gulped..she went back to her place..

Rohit and Swathi … were smiling sheepishly as Mahesh came back.. its so relief after holding yourself for so long..down .. and then you go to washroom Mahesh joked .. Swathi hit him with pillow and Mahesh laughed at her…

Rohit – Guys I think we should have dinner and then retire to bed .. tomorrow morning we have our programmes to take care

Swathi – Yes . ..

Mahesh- No Rohit .. couple more pls….

Rohit – Lets have dinner … swathi bhabhi also needs to sleep na … we can continue… after dinner… let bhabhi have sleep … and her second round

Mahesh – Second round for Swathi ?

Swathi was shocked… he is too drunk..this guy is gonna make her die

Rohit calmly said.. – Yes her second round of sleep..she already had her first round right….

All of them laughed out loud… Swathi was so relaxed..she thought Rohit is out of his mind..she picked up one more pillow and this time went behind to hit him.. jovially …. Mahesh was laughing and Swathi went behind to hit Rohit.. Rohit held swathi not to hit and swathi was hitting .. him.. Mahesh was laughing out more loud… he is feeling so relieved and happy for spending a day ..he liked to .. friends.. family .. and alcohol.. As swathi hitting him .. he held her not to hit..but without Mahesh seeing he put his hand on her boobs and squeezed.. she left out a pain sound and hit him again.. and moved away..

Swathi – come let’s have dinner guys…

Mahesh – Serve me snacks only … no food for me [he was pouring one more peg… for himsleff]

Rohit- Stop it Mahesh now…. Now you should sleep … and go to bed

Swathi- I ll kill him .. if he comes …

Rohit - Swathi .. bhabhi .its so good that Mahesh is able to take so much ..and still talk like this.. he is strong ..

Swathi – Ya ya only in work and this…

Rohit – So what you want him to be in ? (he whispered0

Swathi He must be like you …. 9her toes touched to his as they were having dinner)

Swathi was feelling really hot inside .. its like a volcano inside her.. she needs to be relieved… her boobs and her vertical lips were so heavy for her..she needed something to be done on them..

Rohit finished his dinner quickly… he took one more peg in hand..

Rohit- Bye Mahesh good night …I leave that to you .. when you want to sleep.. ill have one more peg and then go to sleep

Mahesh – Sure man..thanks for wonderful day Rohit.. its been fruitfull..we finished our talks .. our strategies as to how we get info..and then whole day with family and friend… its so good man.. im feeling really blessed now..

Rohit – Hugged him ..he took chotu and other hand a peg of whisky.. and left … sleep in guest or my bedroom… Swathi bhabhi will kill you …

Swathi – No doubt …

Rohit went inside swathis bedroom made chotu sleep and came back to his bedroom ..switched off and closed the door from outside..and he went to swathis bedroom again ….

Swathi and Mahesh were talking..

Swathi – Now come on Mahesh you had too much

Mahesh – Pls dear..let me remove my stress out pls..

Swathi – She caressed his hairs lovingly .. she liked the way he asked her..she kissed him on forehead and said good night…

Mahesh – Good night Swathi dear

Swathi went to her bedroom ..and thought Rohit must be drunk .thats why he is slept..she felt lil happy and more unhappy that her second round is not gonna happen
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithik - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 12:29 PM

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