Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Aman decided to take her any which ways he can her figure was great and he at a age of 38 is really feeling high for her ... adding to that her right way of application of make up .. her sweet smile and clean .. was tempting him... he wanted to use this stay at resorts as a platform for making swathi to get laid with him...

Swathi meanwhile made chotu ready and Rohit was closing his eyes sipping his tea and enjoying the old songs .. he had a love to the olds songs both in hindi and telugu ... he really loved them bcos the lyrics were understandable.. music was soft and lyrics were not dominated by drums and rockymusic... when he is enjoying..he listens soft songs....but for outside world ..Rohit is a modern guy with rock and jazz music... everyone thinks that he is a hunk and metro sexual .. but inside he is a lovable person and has emotions and tastes for him... definitely he was a play boy ..and the worst or best part of him was he uses to use people to get a benefit...but only good was that he never ditched them without money or a reward .. ofcourse the reward made the people happpy

Swathi came back with chotu who was playing games in mobile..Mahesh was still on phone.. and they could not hear what he was talking so much with aman he was out of the glass door..

Swathi - What are listening to these songs?

Rohit - Oh hi bhabhi ... ya ..when im happy.. i do

Swathi - Oh whats made you so happy (swathi was exicted to hear) ...?

Rohit - Well got something nice today to smell .(he llooked at her with lust)

Swathi - You bad ass !!!! such a bad guy are you ... you re such a despo...

Rohit - Do you really think im a despo bhabhi?

Swathi - No you are nt ..but you make ppl struggle so badly .... you re a bad guy .... rohit...

Rohit - Ya but with pleasure right??

Swathi - hmm yes... you are such a wonderful person to make love rohit.. you should get married soon.

Rohit - Bhabhi .. no marriage for this life... im happy being single....

Swathi - Comeon dont say that.. some lucky gal must be made for you ... and to take enuf of your apetitie for fruits and food (swathi laughed.. whenever she laughed teasing him ..he felt like pushing her bed and make her fully deep into his...) she should be really strong and should be able to take hours of your play ...
Rohit - ya bhabhi ... just someone like you ... who can take me ... enuf .... and anyways you are there for me na

Swathi - Shut up rohit.. we should understand we live in society and we have our restrictions..and i have my problems... and i have my ways of dealing with it

Rohit - I know bhabhi ..but i want u to be wihtout problems... i want you to puruse your dreams... you know what i thought of giving u job.. but i think you might assume im giving job bcos of mahesh and our intimate moments.. and i know you wont like it..

Swathi -( she was feeling happy that rohit thinks so good about her ) - Thanks rohit..

Rohit - Thats why i think you should get a job in amans company based on your credentials...

Swathi - I have already got that thought rohit..but you know na nirmala aunty and mahesh...

Mahesh just walked in and Swathi changed topic... you should get are getting old..

Mahesh - Sorry guys . it was Aman. he was talking casual stuff and asked us to come on Tuesday itself to resorts .. Swathi was surprised .. that she will be a getting almost 5 days relief from household chores and relief

Rohit - Thats nice Mahesh.. even im going abroad on some work we should be fine meeting after your visit ...

Swathi - Ok so shall we leave now {she looked at rohit teasing him ]

Rohit - lets have second round na my friend.. im wanting some more of it what we had in the morning.. [looking at mahesh ..but she knew it was for her]

Swathi - I havent bought any extra dress rohit..and chotu has spoiled by chotu ... pls understand that its not that nice [she had leaked madly in the evening and wanted to change the dress ]

Rohit - Bhabhi you can wear some dress.. there are more dresses in the wardrobe

Mahesh- How come you got ladies dresses man ???

Rohit - Ha ha ..those were bought during the time of preethi when she was my girlfriend... they are unused and new ones... but i think it will be legging or jeans...

Swathi - Ok then ... second round is on for you then !!!!! [rohits eyes dazzled as his eyes met with swathis...]

Rohiit - Thanks bhabhi .. it will be in the same place ... i really loved that place... for having second round

Swathi- its your rohit.. your wish ....[swathi was feeling so embarassed but she is talking so like this infront of her hubby and he is thinking that they are talking about drinking place... and he is lil surprised why they need to talk about that so much ]

Rohit quickly sprang from his bed and he called the servants and asked them to prepare heavy snacks and food .. and he went to the bar room along with mahesh ..

Mahesh - Ya we need to cover for the entire week rohit.... the second round of drinks (laughing)

Mahesh got a message from Anamika , rohits secretary checking for the status of tender documents.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithik - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 12:22 PM

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