Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
In the evening as mahesh had come , she informed that aman has been the guest... he was surprised that boss dint tell that to him.. of course he doesnt tell everything that is his personal... Mahesh had lot of mails communication with latha over the conference booking..and collected lot of details and brochures of the same..

Mahesh was fully tired and dint want to work... Swathi applied him nice balm and oil and asked if he wanted to get fresh with hot water.. mahesh had dinner and had a nice bath ..and slept... Swathi approached him and held her hands over his undie...but mahesh wasnt in a mood... she kissed him and tried to excite him..but he excused and slept to other side..she left him and turned ...

As her mobile was silent..she saw a light come up.. one msg had good night from aman..while rohit send her a kiss pic... She replied to rohit

Swathi - Hi sir, how ru

ROhit - im good mam... whats up... sleeping?

Swathi - Ya .. just got into bed.. mahesh is sleeping.he is so tired..

Rohit- Ya i know poor soul..working hard

Swathi - Hmm ya ur right...

Rohit- so how was ur day...

Swathi - Oh ya it was surprising.. met Aman today?

Rohit- Aman? how come?

Swathi - he came to the event ... he met me separately..he said he wanted me to be his friend

Rohit- What ? what ? did he say that?

Swathi - ya ya .he said that mahesh is his employee..not me.. he is my friend.. he said.. if i wanted he will give me emplloyment..

Rohit - ( dint reply for some time)

Swathi - What happened.. feeling jealous ???

Rohit - Ya i am ... (but his mind was thinking something else)

Swathi - Dont be rohit... so r u comign tomorrow

Rohit - Yes if i get my mangoes

Swathi - Pls rohit ..dont say that and make me feel bad...

Rohit- Bhabhi ... see i promised you enjoyment and happiness... and i want to give you everything... i really started feeling so good from the time we met again
Swathi - Me too rohit .. no doubt ur acts make me so happy ... but .. we shud understand we have our limitations

Rohit - bhabhi you can have them with Aman ... not your rohit...

Swathi - Hmm rohit.. looks like ur jealous of him... my sweetu is.. jealous also?

Rohit (felt so good as she referred him sweetu) ya cant miss my lovley bhabhi ... her everything belongs to me

Swathi - Shut up raavan.u got more than u have to. now stop

Rohit- Pls bhabhi .. dont stop both of us from this....u know how much i love

Swathi - No rohit.. pls... understand ur bhabhi

ROhit- Bhabhi .. i understood u ... thats why ..i m doing this...

Swathi remained silent..she wanted him to do that to her mangoes too ..

Swathi - Mahesh .. will be around tomorrow..its sunday ...

Rohit - Dont worry bhabhi .... im ther to take care na....

Swathi - chi .. raavan ur so bad.. u always make me... do what i dont like..

Rohit- Sorry bhabhi ... but i know u like it

Swathi- Hmmm very much ,,..

Rohit.. - Right now as im talking to u .. i feel like havingu bahbih ..

Swathi -i am already feeling on u me rohit... over me..

ROhit - Aaah bhabh i(swathi was loosing her control..) ..ah i want those mangoes bhabhi

Swathi - no .. no they are not urs.. ok sleep.. . bye...Swathi abruptly ended the she was leaking down .and she dint want to push her she might want somethign inside...

Next day being sunday, mahesh got up late... as he got call from Rohit... Rohit asked mahesh and swathi to come over to his house.. so that they can discuss about the new office and even swathi can provide some inputs.. Mahesh was fine with it..he said he willl come by 12 pm..

Mahesh asked swathi to get ready and take chotu also with them... Swathi was feeling that her blouse knots are going to be madly handled today... She went insdie and cleaned her armpits small hairs.... applied facial and applied to her body the liquid soap and was alrready ..for rohit for her mangoes
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithik - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 12:13 PM

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