Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi went to bath and had nice bath got ready well and applied lipstick and took chotu and went to school.. The school were celebrating its sports event celebrations and the chief guest was yet to arrive..
Nursery school kids were playing... some song... and Swathi was helping back stage the teachers... as the guest has arrived... there was a buzz and everyone turned back.. Swathi could not see as all the staff gathered and she was busy in making chotu ready for his gameplay... The chief guest was made to seat along with the principal in a side stage..which was put to allow to perform the kids.. Swathi looked at the chief guest and it was none other than AMAN....Swathi was fully surprised.. aman was busy with principal and the staff.. she was looking in admiration..such a nice guy ...he is fair, he is jovial , he is damn rich ... and still he is enjoying small small things..she thought...

Now the time for chotu to start his play and Swathi bought him from behind the stage..and its then when Aman saw her..he recongized her and waved hi to her... Swathi waved him back and went to back stage... Aman excused as the play was going .. saying that washroom and he went to the back stage..

Swathi - Hi sir how are you !!!

Aman- (hugged her gently) im r u swathi..its so good to see you .. (he felt so good in her hug) (swathi wasnt ready for that..but she dint say anything)

Swathi - Thanks you sir...

Aman : i dint knew you work in the school (his suddenly dead desire of that day what he saw her last party ...had again became live seeing her so gorgeous)

Swathi - No sir , i dont work ... mahesh mom doesnt like it... i just was helping them..

Aman - Oh is it..what crap..but anyways it's so good to see u ..after that party.. ur looking more beautiful today

Swathi - (blushed so madly)..thanks sir..(if aman had complimented earlier she would have been offended..but after meeting rohit ..she has been taking these compliments positively)

Aman - we should be meeting frequently ..not just in parties..swathi
Swathi - Oh ..sir... you are a big man you must be busy (swathi said hesistantly ..thinking what is he saying)

Aman- Come on ..swathi are like my friend ... dont be so formal with me ..

Swathi was surprised with his words..he is calling her friend..while he keeps scolding her hubby.. Swathi smiled..

Swathi - Sir you are so kind..but im just the wife of your employee..

Aman- Ya swathi i know..but mahesh is my employee..not you right..(he started walkign with swathi ..and swathi obliged)

Swathi - Thanks sir.. it would be an honour to be ... your friend..

Aman- Comeon swathi we are just friends... nothing formal between us (Swathi felt his hands holding her shoudlers...she was surprised..shocked and wasnt not able to decide feeling his hands)

Swathi - Thanks sir.. i really feel ur so down to earth (she lightly moved away from him...aman kept himself still) (he felt his hands to be gripping her..but somehow she was able to successfully escape that as amans name was called as chief guest...he realised its not good ..and left her shoudleer ssoflyt[
Ok Swathi ill wait for your call.. give me u r no (he said giving his card to Swathi)..Swathi was he hugged her again giving card and asking his no... Swathi shyly gave out her no..she could smell his nice body perfume which he had applied..she was sure he must have got hers too... he pressed her gently and left to the dias...Swathi felt his blazer and his chest close to her..and as he left she heaved a sigh...thank god he left..

Swathi was feeling so unusual of herself..earlier she never even would have looked into amans eyes also..and would always ignore him in all the parties..what is happening to her...She missed her sons performance , being with aman..she scolded herself and as she went back to dias .... aman gave out prize to her son and he kissed his cheeks..he dint kiss any other contestant..while he did he looked at swathi..Swathi smiled..

Swathi waitied till chotu finished getting ready and as performance of 5th class students started.. Chief guest started to leave... and she also she was taking auto..she got a msg..and it was amans mobile. no..she was surprised..that why did he msg...

Aman- Hi gorgeous...aman here

Swathi - Hi sir... how are you.. we just met na sir

Aman- ya i know ..but ur so beautiful..dint compliment you enuf...

Swathi - Sir ... you are over praising... latha mam is much much beauty than me...

Aman- I know..but are special... .Swathi

Swathi - What's so special ..sir..(Swathi started feeling a lil proud that aman is wanting to talk to her so badly she looked for herself in mirror in the auto..her lipstick was so thick and inviting she thought)

Aman- well thats what i need to find out na... but..where.. u never meet...

Swathi - We met already three times in last 6 months sir...

Aman - but never one on one right...

Swathi - Sir hows that possible... im just a normal employees wife.... and mahesh doesnt like this stuff

Aman- Comeon you dont talk like mahesh old fashioned swathi... you are my friend.... and not employee..right.... but it woudl be really good to make you my employee..if you want i can talk to mahesh about that

Swathi - No no sir.. he wont like it..and he might not like it if im trying to get recommended by you... no no sir.. dont do that

Aman- Dont worry .. ill do only what you like ..swathi ..anything that u wont like..i wont do..its just that i want to keep

Swathi - sorry sir.. im just ahousewife ... and i have my own concerns... we can meet wheenver there is a party or somethinng..thanks foryour kind words sir..

Aman- oh swathi ... you are such a wonderful lady..anways keep in touch bye..

Swathi - Bye sir...

Swathi was feeling so shy ..about gettign so many compliement suddenly from these two guys..both are rich ..both are handsome..both are better than mahesh.... oh ..what is she thinking.... comeon.. i have to stop my dirty thoughs...she went back to being with her son..and realised..she is loosing herself for her desires..she should not... she was trying to make herself determined..She could see amans car going... she sighed a relief..thats a bentley.. car..only a few hold in the city.. she thought ...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithik - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 12:12 PM

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