Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
She took her hand bag and blouse along with her to washroom. Mahesh came to the cabin and enquired about Swathi.. He said she is inside washroom .. he said ht got the file and he is already gave instructions to submit the papers for tender.

Mahesh and Rohit were discussing about some industry contacts.

Swathi set her saree inside.. she saw the marks of rohits hands on her waist that made her so red on her fair skin.she could feel his saliva.. on her back..he is such a romantic person... she can he hold himself so long ..without getting full into action at once..he is really a strong man ..she thougth.... she is thinking like this with her hubby outside...she felt a bit guilty..but her quotient of guiltiness is coming down day by day..she applied the lipstick back ... she felt tight down .. under her panty..and she pissed and foudn that her juices are fully leaked in panty... she cleaned her pussy and felt the chill of water being cold..she felt so the juices have been leaking still...she came back to senses and set herself right..

Swathi opened door and came out.. Smiled at mahesh.. She acted surprised that mahesh is here..

Swathi- How come you are here mahesh..!!!

Mahesh- Nothing there was a new tender that was come up ..i went to his home in
gachibowli but i was told he is i came here... But how did u come here

Rohit- i only msgd her to come here , so that it will be near to her mahesh

Mahesh- Ya its near to our place....

Rohit- I had also told her about our new upcoming office in bangalore... and i asked her tips about interiors..she has good knowledge in it Mahesh

Mahehs- She is mad for interiors rohit..even home you saw na with limited budget she has arranged it well

Rohit - ya ya i saw it... you and aunty unnecessarily had tied her down ...she has good interiors (rohit looked at her and her body) knowledge (he continued)

Swathi- Thank god you are here Mahesh!!! i don't need to hire an auto..they are fleecing.. while i came... (she was easily lying now)

Rohit - Ya it's my fault from now on whenever u need to come ill send you my car ...bhabhi..

Swathi- Its ok Rohit ..its just one time na... i am anyways not a frequent visitor here. na..

Rohit - We should use her interiors skills mahesh .. think about it..

Mahesh - I have no issues with that rohit..but u know mom na.. she says she has to take care of the kid etc..

Rohit - ya .. she should..but she should also fulfil her desires na... no doubt she is a mom..but she has her own wants and desires..which i think she can fulfill.

Swathi was feeling so good.. as Rohit was talking like a true gentleman..she always wanted the urge to prove her skills which she gathered during her Masters...but somehow.. after kid..she shelved the ideas..

Mahesh- see rohit.. now its almost impossible she has to take care of the kid and mom also.. she cant afford to work 8 hours..

Rohit - Ya thats true.. the kid till becomes 5 years old has to be under parents care.... Swathi knew he had a point in she is truly enjoying her motherhood with chotu...

Mahesh- ya .. rohit

Rohit- But I'm sure ill do something to make Swathi bhabhi happy and fulfil all her wants ..bhabhi ..will u cooperate with me..?

Swathi loooked at him... he had two meanings.. in that..and she wanted both of them to be fulfilled..

Swathi - Sure rohit why not... you are our wellwisher.. you are helping us so much

Rohit - Well im really happy that we are togehter now.. mahesh ... its like dream goign to be true for me now

Mahesh- You are already living your dream rohit..

Rohit - Ya i just got some .... more... (he looked at swathi ..she understood... )

Mahesh gave some more papers and Rohit gave him one more envelope.. Mahesh opened it and found a 1 lac cheque in it...

Mahesh- What is this for rohit ? our agreement was 50k per month ..and you already gave me of this month

Rohit - Oh thats for you to settle your bike and tv loans mahesh.... you need to reduce your EMIs and focus on work

Mahesh - But how can i take it rohit ? you are already paying me for what im doing na

Rohit - Mahesh , i need to take care of my people and see that they focus on work more remember that tender documetns you bought just now ... i missed it ... to figure out.. you did that .. and you should keep doing that ..
I want you to work on this tender document and prepare all these documetns for me... i want you to put that extra efforts.. and remove all your loans soon...
Also you need to meet the government office rangarajan... ill give his contact to you ..and meet him whenver he wants... he is very cruel on timings....

Mahesh - Oh sure rohit , (he was so happy that he wil be able to prepare the documentation...which in his office would be only given if he is a general manager..level... he was determined to work on it instantly and put all his extra time onthat...and in reward he is already in his hands) ill .. certaintly start working on it

Rohit - Thats nice.. believe me.. and trust her.. give her some part of the work which you can...(pointing out to Swathi) .

Mahesh- I will but ..we need to work there is not extra laptop at home.. when we are back to our bedroom ..we will both work ...Swathi was feeling so happy inside..that her real value is coming out
Rohit - Ok guys ..shall we all go for a movie tomorrow..

Mahesh - its possible only for me at 7 ..ya we can book a 8 pm show.. and chotu will stay with mom ..what swathi ?

Swathi- Im fine..except the fact that last 5 times you have never sticked to your plan about a movie..

Rohit ( laughed out loud) - dont worry swathi bhabhi .. he will be on time and he will bring you to the movie hall..illl send my car at 7 30 pm to your house

Swathi - hope so ... what mahesh ... will you be a politiican or gentleman??

Mahesh (Confused... about politiciian.. thought they wont stick to their words realised) - Gentleman

Rohit - I love your way of teasing him bhabhi.. (he said smiling)

Mahesh - Ok then we need to work on this.... ill try to give everything in 10 days to you rohit (picking up tender docs)

Rohit - Sure... bye guys.. even i have to go for a meeting and thanks for giving me that bhabhi (he told her looking into her eyes)

Swathi - thats my pleasure too rohit..(she then realised her mistake of letting her thoughts) Mahesh was thinking about the documents she bought.

Mahesh and swathi had a conversation ... and mahesh is happy aobut that one lac..he asked swathi to deposit in the bank drop box while he will wait .. he said our EMI of 8k will be less from this month now.. you only repay the amounts online..if you can ..Swathi felt tht mahesh had started taking rohits words seriously and giving him work to deal with..she was happy inside and thanked rohit inside....She msgd he was driving....

Swathi- Thanks are a perfect gentleman.

Rohit - well no thanks between us...btw .. i thought i was romantic...

Swathi- That you are ... you are such a bad made all my body wet ..chiii

Rohit - Where all it was wet ???

Swathi - (She realised that her words are being taken for wetness down.. )- shut up ...

Rohit - Tell me na..where was you wet

Swathi - On my back ..bcos all of your tongue...

Rohit - Oh that wetness..... i thougth somewhere else...

Swathi - (yes im wet there too .idiiot she thought)... your a mad man..

Rohit - Bhabhi .. i wanted your dishes daily bhabhi....

Swathi - Shut up rohit... what you saying.... we already did too much of what we shoudl not do..

Rohit - I know but im feeling so hungry with every dish served...(swathi h ad the same feeling too but she dint say anything)

Swathi - By the way how was the dish today (she is surprised of herself why did she send that msg)

Rohit - Each of your dish will take hours to eat and enjoy bhabhi ..

Swathi - I know i have already seen that... we spend 2 hours today

Rohit - Ya ... so i dont know for full meals how much time would i take care..

Swathi - Wake up from your dreams.... rohit... you wont get anythin gof that sort.... I cant take it.. ok ..(she remembered and thought his size to be a huge one... bcos mahesh had touched her so manytimes being tight but she never felt so tight and hard...)

Rohit - What you cant take it? bhabhi.... its so nice na

Swathi - Its so nice..but im a housewife of mahesh and we shoudl stop everything here doubt its so nice..but we should not..

Rohit - Bhabhi .. only a idiot will stop .. if he is enjoying someting.. moreover we are not having drugs are something..... right?

Swathi - With you around ..i feel like that im being drugged... the way you make it for me..

Rohit - Bhabi wish you had wear a black bra .. it would have been so romantic.. you know.. the fair skin and the black bra.. aaah

Swathi - Shut up . i knew it.. you will say that.. thats y i dint put i had a black laced bra... and it transparent..

Rohit - You are such a cruel lady ... go i wont talk to u ...

Swathi - What to do ..if u see you wont stop without havign them isn't it...

Rohit - Them ? what them?

Swathi- Acha thanks for the cheque today .. rohit...

Rohit- Dont change the topic.. now..

Swathi- really mahesh is so happy that hsi burden will come down a bit

Rohit - Ya bhabhi ...ill make sure we will enjoy this life..and ill make sure mahesh is busy and happy

Swathi- Thanks have come like an angel in our life

Rohit - No bhabhi you are my queen...i need my queen to get everyting in life.. her life..her desires... be it ... general or sexual...

Swathi - Shut up are too bad a guy.. u were preessing me everywhere today....(she was not out of that strong thing in her ass she felt)

Rohit - thats not my only hit your round ones on my face today.... (remembering her ass hit on his face when he put hands on her boobs)

Swathi - what to do you ..were taking extra liberties..

Rohit - with whom else can i take?

Swathi remained silent and felt happy..but dint reply..

Rohit - Bhahbi my lvoely bhabhi.. ur so delicious... in urlips. ur so aromatic in ur armpits..and ur back is so smooth.....

Swathi - shut up .... rohit...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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