Adultery Life After We by xleglover-COMPLETED
Now came the hardest part. Jen. Mike's equation fell apart when it came to her. Could he ever be happy without her? He didn't know ...

It wasn't just the sex. He loved her desperately. He had a hard time imagining life without her.

But there was still hope. Okay, she was with Clint in San Francisco, their relationship was serious. But they weren't married yet, or even engaged. She'd invited him to Belinda's party that Saturday. She made it sound like she really wanted him there. She wouldn't have invited him to throw the divorce papers in his face, or announce her engagement to Clint. Jen wasn't cruel like that. So there was still a chance. He planned to pull Jen aside at Belinda's party and open his heart to her.

The week dragged. Mike enjoyed spending time with Anna, but all he could think about was seeing Jen at Belinda's party. All he wanted was a chance. They had a long history together, and their playing in Vegas had to mean something, right? They could start slow, get to know each other, maybe date again. He just wanted a chance to get her to fall in love with him again.

Finally Saturday arrived. The afternoon party started at 2. He caught a cab at 1. He wanted to be there early to give him a chance to talk to Jen before things got crowded.

But the traffic from his new apartment to New Jersey was horrendous. When he finally arrived at 3, Belinda's house was packed with her guests.

Mike ran into Allie as he searched for Jen. "Always fashionably late," Allie said grinning at him.

"Traffic was bad," Mike said. "Have you seen Jen?"

"The sunroom, over there," Allie said motioning to the sunroom at the other side of the house.

Mike nodded. He asked hesitantly "Is Clint with her?"

"I think he's there, yeah," Allie said with a frown.

Mike nodded to Allie, then worked his way through the crowd to the sunroom. Okay, Clint was here, big deal. That didn't change his plan. He'd ask Jen for a quiet word. She couldn't refuse that, right? He'd talk to her. He still had a chance.

He made it to the sunroom. He saw Jen. His heart leaped at the sight of her. As always she looked gorgeous. She wore a slim dress that showed a lot of her amazing legs, hose and high heels. She'd curled her long blonde hair and it fell around her beautiful face. Her lips were wet with pink lip gloss.

Clint stood next to her. They were surrounded by a lot of people. He recognized most of the faces. Belinda had been Jen's maid of honor at their wedding so it made sense most of the guests were mutual friends and acquaintances.

Everyone looked at Jen. All smiling at her.

No, not smiling at Jen. They were looking and smiling at her left hand. She had her hand extended to the crowd, like showing something off. Mike saw Jen and Clint exchange a glance, smiling at each other.

Mike focused on Jen's left hand. The blood drained from his face.

Jen wore a huge diamond on her wedding ring finger. An engagement ring. Jen had agreed to marry Clint. They were engaged.

Mike staggered back, as if the sight was a physical blow to his gut. He felt short of breath and claustrophobic. He needed to get away. He pushed his way through the crowd and ran out the door. He didn't stop running until he was blocks away from Belinda's house.

He walked for hours, aimlessly walking, feeling numb, not thinking or feeling. Somehow he found himself back in New York, at Central Park. He sat down on a bench. Then all the emotions hit him. Despair, hopelessness, heartache, jealousy, humiliation, anger.

How could Jen do that to him? Invite him to a party, then throw her engagement to another man in his face, in front of their friends? Was she that pissed about his leaving her, about his relationship with Jasmine? Was this her way of getting back at him?

But that wasn't Jen. She could be jealous and insecure, and sometimes had terrible temper tantrums. But her anger always flared out quickly, she didn't hold grunges, and she wasn't vindictive.

Still, the evidence was right in front of him. Jen wore Clint's engagement ring, they were engaged. He'd lost her. He felt empty, his heart broken.

He sat in the park a long time ignoring the chilly weather. They often picnicked here. How many times since moving to New York years ago? So many times he'd lost count.

He imagined Jen having a picnic with Anna, smiling and laughing and running around. Being close and having fun as a family. But now, the man in that picture wasn't him, it was Clint.

Mike thought of Anna. He narrowed his eyes. He wasn't going to lose the baby. And he wasn't going to ask Jen for permission (hat in his hand) to keep seeing Anna. Fuck that. He was going to take her!

Mike left Central Park and walked a few blocks to an internet café. Using the Cloak to cover his tracks, he hacked into the government's vital records computers. He assumed Anna's birth certificate listed Drums as the father. His plan was to falsify her birth certificate to list himself as father. That way, no one could take the baby from him.

It took some time but eventually Mike hacked into the vital records computer. At the user interface he typed in Anna's name, "Anna Stephanie Johnson." He added her birthday and hit the Search button. He frowned when there were no hits.

He tried variations of Anna's name, like "Anna Johnson," "Anna S. Johnson" and "A. Stephanie Johnson." Still there were no hits. Frowning, he searched Anna's birthday and her last name "Johnson." Nothing.

What the heck? What was going on?

Then something occurred to Mike. Was it possible? He typed in "Anna Stephanie." But this time, for her last name, he entered "Andrews" (his name) instead of "Johnson" (Jen's maiden name). He hit the search button. There was a hit.

With his heart pounding, he double clicked on "Anna Stephanie Andrews."

It seemed to take forever for the window to open. When it finally did, he saw the birthdate was right. And Jen was listed as the mother. He looked to the "Father" field.

It said "Michael Andrews."

He leaned back in the chair, his eyes locked on the screen. He felt his eyes tearing up, his heart filling with joy and relief. He was Anna's legal father! He was!

Mike was floating on air as he walked back to his new apartment. He was Anna's legal father! No one could take her away from him!

But with his relief over Anna, his thoughts returned to Jen. He had the daughter, but not the mother. Jen was marrying someone else. Now, at best, they'd be friends, not a loving couple, intimate lovers, soul mates, husband and wife. His relief and joy at being Anna's legal father felt bittersweet.

With a heavy heart Mike turned the corner towards his building. As he approached he saw someone there, sitting on the brick steps.

A girl with long blonde hair and long shapely legs.


She stood as he approached. They looked at each other for long moments. Mike broke the silence by asking "What are you doing here?"

For a moment Jen looked lost for words. Recovering, she asked "Is this your new apartment?"

Mike nodded. A thought occurred to him. "How'd you know?" he asked. He just signed the lease the other day, no one knew he lived here, not even his parents.

"Oh, ah, you know, Keri," Jen sputtered.

"Of course, Keri and Google," Mike thought sarcastically to himself. "Do no harm, yeah right."

"Um ... can I see your new place?" Jen hesitantly asked.

They walked up the two flights. Inside Jen looked around. "Cute," she said, although she sounded sad.

"Why are you here?" Mike said, repeating his earlier question.

"I wanted to talk to you," Jen answered.

Mike looked at her. After a moment he nodded and motioned to the sofa. Jen sat down. Mike sat too, but on the other sofa. Jen forced an awkward smile. She moved to Mike's sofa and sat next to him.

Mike felt awkward sitting next to her. Vegas and all their game playing seemed so long ago. Since then she'd spent the week with Clint, getting engaged (and probably fucking him non-stop). Their intimate time together seemed a million years ago.

"One last fling huh?" he said bitterly under his breath.

"What?" Jen asked not able to make out his words. When he didn't answer, she said "I missed you at Belinda's party. Allie said you were there?"

Mike blurted out the question that had bugged him as he walked home from the internet café. "Why's Anna's last name Andrews?"


"Anna's last name," Mike repeated. "Why's it Andrews?"

"I mean ..." Jen sputtered. She looked down and said softly, "That's my name."

"Your name?" Mike asked surprised. "You didn't go back to Johnson?" He'd heard people calling her by her maiden name since moving back to New York.

"No," she said. Reading his mind, she added "I guess people assumed I did. But I didn't." She shyly looked down at her feet again. Mike was silent, processing this.

Then he asked the more important question. "I saw Anna's birth certificate. Why'd you name me as her father?"

Jen looked surprised at his question. "I mean, we were married when she was born," she said. "I think it's automatic."

Mike opened his mouth in shock, then quickly closed it. All this time he'd fretted about losing Anna, yet his place in her life had always been secure. He felt incredibly foolish and stupid. He decided never to tell anyone about hacking into the vital records computer and his scheme to change Anna's last name. He didn't want anyone (especially Jen) to know how idiotic and naïve he'd been.

In addition to feeling foolish, he also felt disappointed. He'd harbored a hope Jen had PICKED him to be Anna's father. In his fantasy, Jen had chosen him as Anna's legal father, writing his name in the "Father" field of her birth certificate instead of Drum's. That fantasy was now dashed. He was listed as Anna's father through a legal technicality, not through Jen's conscious choice.

He felt Jen's eyes on him. Wanting to hide his disappointment, he returned to her earlier question. "Yeah, I was at Belinda's," he said.

"I thought you'd talk to me," she said looking disappointed.

He thought back to the party, the anger and humiliation he'd felt seeing her show off her new engagement ring. Feeling irritated, he shrugged and said "Let's talk now."

"Okay," Jen said hesitantly. "I want to talk about Jasmine." She paused, as if gathering her thoughts (or remembering her rehearsed lines). "She's not right for you," she said, nervously brushing a strand of blond hair behind her ear. She hurriedly added "She's nice. But she's too serious."

"Too serious?" Mike said with a humorless laugh. "How's that bad?"

"I mean, it's just ..." Jen sputtered out. "You're so serious Mike," she said. She quickly added "That's not bad, it's how you are. But you can't be with a girl as serious as you."
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RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:21 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:22 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:22 PM
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