Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Rohit was full as mahesh had come.. rohit said bye to him and left. Mahesh had couple more rounds of whisky and slept in the guest bedroom. Swathi dint like having food.. went to sleep with empty stomach. Rohit msgd a thanks lips kiss msg to her. Swathi was having in mind the way rohit removed her blouse zip .. she was fully excited and angry on him

Swathi- No more dishes for you from now on.. for what u did in balcony.

Rohit - Come on bhabhi.. its so nice to see u that ... u know how sexy were u llooking when ur zip was open ..ur saree with blusoe..and ur pink bra...aaah

Swathi- Shut up

Rohit- Really bhabhi hadnt .. ur were so angry..i would have kissed everyhwere there

Swathi- Shut up rohit... pls... u remember im mahesh wife

Rohit- Why dont u remember ur a beautiful woman, thats eligible for all the best things in the world

Swathi- i am adjusting rohit... but cant adjust this ways

ROhit- bhabhi .. comeon...u wont get this back .. whenever u want.. t his time is the best for a woman to enjoy her life... u might get money .. but not this time

Swathi - I know rohit...

Rohit - Bhabhi ur fair skin was glowing in that lights when i opened ur zip u know.... i felt like kissing..

Swathi- Hmmm

Rohit - then may be lickign it from neck to .. the waist..and may be down

Swathi- Hmm... rohit..ur such a n idiot i must say

Rohit - Bhabhi. u know how much i loved ur taste today..aaah was so wonderful

Swathi - ya you spoiled my taste with that drink

ROhit - Dint you like it.. bhabih ..

Swathi - When u gave me i dint like it for the first time..but somehow feeling wanting to have again

Rohit- No problem.. we will have again bhahbi ... but dont stop me this time

Swathi - I dint stop u na....

Rohit - Ya not even where u stopped me to open

Swathi - No no that no at all..

Rohit - bhabi ... trust me you will enjoy ...

Swathi - Thanks for the first cheque...rhit

ROhit - Dont change the topic...bhabhi ..

Swathi - Pls rohit ... dont do that... to me....

Rohit - bhabhi ... u know we ae made for each other..we just cant leave each other..just remember how much we enjoyed yday just with one dish of yours

Swathi - ( she is also wanting rohit to take her but ) ... pls rohit i know.. but..we shouldn't

Rohit- bhabhi...shall we meet in my office tomorrow.....

Swathi- Why ?no more meetings anymore

Rohit - You havent seen my office yet na?

Swathi - Did you show to mahesh ? no na.. then why u want to show me

Rohit - Pls bhabhi its bcos of you i am like this.. so i want to share everything i have... but i know we have to keep it mahesh doent know anything...

Swathi (felt so nice ) - you know how to melt me

Rohit - ya bhabhi i know .. and how to taste you ... ur my lady luck..and my lovely dear..

Swathi - DOnt make me remember that scotch kiss.. it was so nice ..

ROhit - ya..shall i arrange more in office

Swathi - Shut up... u idiot.. its office

Rohit - i know but you will be meeting the owner rohit ...pls my lucky queen..pls come na

Swathi - ok i cant come rohit..... aunty will scold me.. i came to movie only bcos of you...taking swethas name....

Rohit - I know bhabi...leave that to me.. tell me will u come or not..if aunty asks u to come...

Swathi- Why will aunty ask me to go ? ur in dreams wake up mr. rohit

Rohit - Bhabhi ... im dreaming abt u ..only and ur bare back ..

Swathi - SHut up.... u r such a romantic idiot ... why will aunty tell me to go

Rohit - What if she says ... will i get what i want

Swathi - No no i wont.. but how will aunty ask me to go

Rohit - Tell me ..will iget ... it or not

Swathi - if she will ask me .. then lets see ..ok bye good night now

Rohit - Ok bye bhabhi ..good night

Swathi slept sound.. somehow her heart started acceptign the fact she should enjoy life...She went to bath and undressed her ... clothes... she looked at her beauty in bra and panty in mirror..she knew she had maintained it well... she saw marks on her panty ..and realised ..those marks are bcos of the orgasm she had wit h.. rohit... she touched herself... and washed her face..changed her saree and came out. she thought she can bath .. after mahesh leaves..

Rohit left a lovely erotic message...hugging a lady from behind.she was just in her bra... she blushed.. she had no signs of aunty telling her anything..she thought rohit must be drunk and was in dreams when he msgd

Mahesh and chotu left already for school.. swathi finished her household chores...Swathi went to her bedroom and was setting things right at home..

Landline phone rang and aunty picked the phone... Swathi heard her talking and could get it was mahesh ...talking on phone... after few mintues , nirmala aunty called swathi.

Aunty - Swathi, mahesh had given you some files it seems to keep in safe

Swathi- Yes Attha, he had given me... i kept them in the bedroom desk

Aunty - Ok , those are important files it seems , one of them is in blue cover it seems , which is pertaining to rohits company

Swathi - Ok , i had kept all the files safely.... mahesh need not worry

Aunty- Ya but rohit wants that file it seems , but mahesh is in office already .. He asked you to deliver it to rohits home.

Swathi - Me? Rohits home is in will take 2 hours for just travel one way attha

Aunty- I dont know mahesh had asked u to deliver it.... as they can't ask even drivers to get that as its important it seems.

Swathi - But attha , .. chotu will come.... na.. if i get late..

Aunty - Thats ok .. chotu ill take care..see we need to keep rohit in our good books , as rohit i shelping mahesh with his new job .so we need to spend time . its ok

Swathi was appreciating inside rohit.. for his moves..he wasnt in drunk stage...hes fixed me..and i cant even say no.. now...i have to go..but rohits quite far..and he told me it was his office ...

Swathi got a voice msg in whats app .. she told aunty that she will get ready and then leave...she went inside bedroom closed the door and heard the msg..
It was rohits voice .. so ready for serving my dish my lovely queen..

Swathi called him...

Rohit - Hi bhabhi .. so im all ready and empty stomach for my dish

Swathi - You re a impossible man... you know how to plan .. ur a dirty guy..

Rohit - You said i was drunk na.. now u see im not.. so when will u be here

Swathi - i have to get ready and then come....2 hours in some cab or auto ... to ur home..2 hours boring... driving in traffice

Rohit - My car will be waiting for u at the super market and u come to secnderbad only,...i told mahesh gachibowli wantedly ... just so that we can spend that extra time with each other..havign my dish

Swathi - You are such a jerk rohit..ur exploiting mahesh and auntys innocence

Rohit - All for my queen and lady luck u see.... prepare my dish and get it ...bhbhi .. im hungry...

Swathi - i ll come only if u promise me to not open.....

Rohit (before she completed rohit said) nothing doing.. u promised me to have it..

Swathi - I dint promise . i just said will see...

Rohit - Ya will see means ...u have agreed... ladies words have diiferent meanings bhabhi

Swathi- Rohit you are milllionaire... you will get any gal to you like this... why do you bother me so much

Rohit - Bhabhi , i need my lady to be with me.. who has helped me when needed.... moreover i always liked you even before..i want you to be happy..enjoy life.. and be my queen..and im your servant.

Swathi - Oh rohit.... you are really confusing me ..and dragging me into u all the time... however strict i want to be.. ill be there at the super market in an hour.. getting fresh ..... for you (she said slowly)

Rohit - Pls come with my dish .. waiting for u

Swathi- Hmmmm... Bye.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithik - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 10:54 AM

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