Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
As she went out of the room, she realised that Mahesh has not taken bike keys..she checked in the apartments and she find out it was someone else...she came back again ... to guest bedroom and called mahesh

Swathi - Mahesh , where are you?

Mahesh- I am at the super market swathi here 2kms away... since its bonalu festival all shops closed , i came to the mainroad shop

Swathi- Comeon mahesh what was so much need for eggs come back soon ... rohit is getting bored here..

Mahesh- Pls be with him... and let him not go .. ok ....

Meanwhile aunty and chotu had their dinner, they wished rohit as sswathi was talking to mahesh...Mahesh was getting scolding's from swathi. Rohit wished her bye and aunty took chotu and left to her room

Swathi was feeling tensed and happy that mahesh is gonna take more time... Rohit said he will wait in the balcony... and he left to get some fresh air. Swathi scolded mahesh for being so idiot and cut off the phone...

She dint know what to do... if she goes out rohit would surely take more time to have her...and she is enjoying it ... but she thought she is going overboard..her body wanted her to step out and her inner heart said no...

Swathi came to balcony and looked at rohit..he was sipping the scotch... the one which made look mahesh idiot for her.. the same is making rohit look like a hunk for her..

Swathi- What you doing here rohit ?

Rohit - I came for two things bhabhi . One it became so hot inside the bedroom ... so wanted fresh air

Swathi- and second?

Rohit- well its a bit dark here and we can spend time here ..and we can see if Mahesh comes too (he wickedly smiled at her)

Swathi hit rohit are such a mad man...

Rohit- bhabhi you have a nice smooth back...

Swathi- Shut up rohit... you are going overboard..

Rohit- Bhabhi ..psl come near and talk na

Swathi- No i wont , i know what will u do ... u will taste me again ...

Rohit- oh ok if u dont like

Swathi- I dint say that

Rohit- Thne come near na

Swathi- No i wont... if i come i know u will

Rohit- If u wont , i think you dont like

Swathi- ya i dont like that ok ???

Rohit- oh .. is it so ..then take ur lipstick back ... (shows his tounge0

Swathi- Shut up... its in ur belly by now..

Rohit- Hmm come take it ... na... (sips one more time the sotch)

Swathi- ill come if u wont touch me .

Rohit pulled her at once and locked her lips without any gap to speak . as he locked he let the whisky in his lips into hers and pushed the drink into her lips ..

Swathi was dumb..and she dint know what happened..she tasted the whisky and said..this thing u drink bad.... yuck...

yes thats why i need your lips to suck that sweet... is tasted on the ...

Swathi- Shut up !!! (she wiped her lips and said) dont do like that again...

Rohit - Swathi open your lips pls .. i wont kiss promise....( he took another sip and came near her).

Swathi - (opening lips) (rohit pulled her near and bought his lips near hers) NO rohit pls

ROhit- keep your lips open

Swathi- (opens) pls its not good

Rohit slowly put his lips and let his scotch into her lips .... Swathi dint knew why she is even allowing like t his..infact inside she was liking this kind of closness...

Rohit locked her lips and they slowly starting tasting the scothy tongues.

Rohit again started playing with her back now fully and enjoying her lips... as the hooks of this blouse was a zip in the back.... he slwoly put his hands there....

swathi was giving her lovley lips kiss and french kissing him....

ROhit slowly caught hold of the zip button behind nd slwoly started pulling down..

Swathi opened her eyes and pushed rohit.

Swathi- You idiot what are you doing... (she tried to put the zip back..but coud not take her hands back..she lifted her hand tring hard). Rohit hugged her and started kissing her armpits and she lifted hands.. Swathi pushed him and turned her back to Rohit and tried to put the half open zip again ..

Swathi- pls keep it back rohit... we are in open and you are crossing ur limits (she was struggling and fuming in anger, to get her words right as she tried to put the zip back again ). Rohit was so tempted..but could see that swathi was angry with his act.\

Rohit slowly touched her waist and guided his finger to the zip and closed it...Swathi closed her eyes and felt happy..

Swathi- Dont ever do this again rohit. (she could feel his breath on her neck and goose bumps came on )

Rohit saw that he needs to slower his pace of getting swathi.. Rohit slowly let his lips kiss the neck. Swathi shuddered in pleasure.. ROhitttttttt pls...

He slowly hugged her from behind and started kissing her neck deeply and intensely..he was wanting to have her soft ones…. But he knew its not the time… he kept on kissing her neck and back … soflty .. swathi was moaning…

Swathi made herself comfortable and was enjoying rohits kiss on her neck..she moved back .and she had touched her hips to his pants…. She could feel it like something a rod… that’s so tight… she thought may be jeans was thick ..thats y … she moved front and escaped the touch…

Rohit was so happy that he is slowly getting what he wanted… swathi…. Eating her inch and kissing her neck everywhere and anywhere…Rohit moved his pants to her ass once and touched it ..and started kissing her back and neck….

They both saw Mahesh walking down from the street… swathi quickly moved and went inside the room.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithik - by sarit11 - 18-05-2019, 10:53 AM

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