Adultery Life After We by xleglover-COMPLETED
Life After We Pt. 09

Mike showered and dressed and went to the reception, which was next to the pool. Most of Jen's firm was already there, taking advantage of the open bar. He chatted with Steve and Calvin. He said hello to Keri and her husband Jim. Not too far away, Scott was holding court. Tom was in that crowd. So was Leo.

Scott, Tom and Leo, three of Jen's past (present?) lovers. Mike didn't hold a grudge against Tom, and he didn't know Leo. He still hated Scott though, he probably always would.

He looked over the crowd. They were definitely the beautiful people. They were really dressed up too, cocktail dresses and heels for the ladies, designer slacks and jackets for the men. Mike felt underdressed in his chinos, button down shirt and loafers. But then, he always felt uncomfortable around the Populars.

Jen was the last to arrive. Everyone's head turned. When Mike saw her his breath caught.

Jen was wearing an outfit of all white. But not a dress like all the other girls. She wore white short shorts that rose high up to her belly button, emphasizing her slim figure and flat tummy. On top she wore a sleeveless blouse, showing off her slim elegant arms. The shorts were so short they barely covered her ass. They showed off almost all her long shapely legs, and she topped off the outfit with ankle strap high heel sandals.

Jen looked chic and sexy, and she'd done it with her own unique style. She was definitely the IT girl!

It seemed everyone wanted her attention. She chatted politely, but as she did she scanned the crowd. She smiled seeing Mike and walked over to him. Of course people noticed as Jen headed to Mike, touching off a lot of whispering and gossiping.

"You look incredible," Mike gushed.

"Thanks," Jen said beaming at him.

"I feel underdressed," Mike said with a nervous laugh.

Jen looked him up and down. It was such a Mike outfit. "You look cute," she said smiling into his eyes. She squeezed his hand. "Sorry about before."

"No worries," Mike said. "Clint okay?"

"He's fine," Jen said with a shrug. She didn't want to think about Clint, not at that moment. He was putting major pressure on her. Maybe he had a right to, maybe she should listen to him. Maybe she WOULD listen to him, eventually. But not now. She didn't know what she was doing. She was just doing.

Mike frowned. Is that what Jen used to say when she was with a lover and he called? An unconcerned shrug and a dismissive "Mike's fine"? It bothered him, seeing it from the other side (the "boyfriend" side).

"Is something wrong?" Jen asked seeing the frown on his face.

"No, nothing," Mike said a little too fast. If it bothered him, why was he getting hard?

"Hey Jen, you look fantastic," Scott said approaching them. He grinned and gave her a long look, like he was eating her up with his eyes. "A few of us are going clubbing after dinner. How about it?" Begrudgingly acknowledging his presence, he added "You too Mike." With a laugh he added "Don't worry, no karaoke bars."

"We'll see," Jen told Scott, her tone dismissive. She took Mike's arm and with a softer voice said "Buy me a drink?"

"He's an ass," Jen said, seeing Mike distracted by their short conversation with Scott.

"A freaking brilliant ass, right?" Mike said, repeating something she'd often said during her affair with Scott.

"He's talented," Jen said. Then she admitted with a sheepish shrug, "Maybe not so brilliant. You still don't like him, do you?"

"No," Mike said.

"I don't think he likes you either," Jen said with a laugh.

Mike still looked distracted, like he had a question on his lips.

"What?" Jen prompted.

"Why didn't Scott go with you when you got the tattoo?" Mike blurted out, remembering that time in Vegas all 3 of them checked out the tattoo parlor for Jen.

"Didn't feel like it," Jen said. She laughed and said "I bet you wish he had." Seeing the spark of excitement on Mike's face, she shook her head. "I don't get why me and Scott does it for you so much."

"I know don't," Mike said with an embarrassed smile. "Probably because we hate each other."

Jen nodded, feeling playful. She leaned in close and whispered into Mike's ear, "You know, Scott's the biggest ever in my ass. Like, by far."

"You liked it," Mike said remembering that time at Penn State. He knew Jen normally didn't like it up her ass.

"Yeah I did," Jen admitted, thinking back. She'd teased Mike, letting him think Scott was fucking her unprotected pussy without a condom. She'd been playing along with his pregnancy fantasy. In fact, Scott had been fucking her ass, not her pussy. She said "It was more the situation though."

Partly because it was true, and partly because she knew it would drive Mike crazy, she grinned and said "Scott's an ass, but sometimes that's a turn on."

Mike grinned. "Is Clint an ass?"

"Yeah, sometimes," Jen said with a laugh.

"So he turns you on?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"I guess not," Mike admitted. They shared an uneasy laugh.

As the reception ended, people boarded buses for Caesar's Palace. Dinner was at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill. Once at the restaurant, Jen said to Mike "I need to mingle, do my boss lady thing."

"Okay, no worries," Mike said.

"See you later," Jen said moving off to socialize. Mike watched her bop around from person to person, laughing and talking, doing her team building thing. She flirted a lot too, with Scott, Tom, Leo and others.

Those guys (Scott, Tom, Leo and Owen) sat at a table and Jen put her purse down, reserving a seat at their table. Mike was disappointed. He'd hoped to sit with Jen, but he wasn't going to sit at that table with all her former lovers.

Mike started looking for an empty seat at another table when he felt a tug on his arm. "Hey you," Jen said. "I saved you a seat."

"With Scott and Tom? No thanks," Mike said with a "no fucking way" laugh.

"Oh, don't be like that," Jen said chastising him. She took his arm and pulled him to the table.

The table was a 6-top. Jen sat Mike down on one side, then she went to the other. She sat between Scott and Tom. He sat between Leo and Owen.

Jen flirted with Scott and Tom, seemingly mesmerized by everything they said, laughing at all their jokes, touching their arms to emphasize points. She flirted just as outrageously with Leo and Owen. It was like a competition, all 4 guys vying for Jen's attention. She gave them each her exclusive attention, moving from one to the next. When it was a guy's turn, it was like he was her entire world.

But she didn't pay any attention to Mike. She didn't talk to him, she didn't acknowledge his presence. It was like he wasn't even there.

Mike got hurt and angry, feeling like a third wheel. Why had she gone out of her way to sit him here? It was like she was being mean, spiteful.

Then, suddenly, Mike felt something in his lap. It was Jen's foot! As she flirted with Leo (it was his turn), she pressed the pointy toe of her high heel into Mike's crotch. Mike quickly adjusted the table cloth to cover up what she was doing.

Mike looked at Jen. Her face gave no clue what she was doing under the table. But as she flirted with Tom (it was his turn now), she slowly pressed and rotated her toe against his crotch. Mike quickly got hard.

Thinking 2 can play this game, Mike reached a hand under the table. He caressed Jen's slim ankle and shapely calf, her skin perfectly soft and smooth. He caressed her that way until he noticed her breathing getting heavier. Then he took off her high heel, letting it drop to the floor (the restaurant was noisy so people didn't hear). He flicked his fingertip across the bottom of her now bare foot. Alarmed, Jen tried to pull her foot back but Mike held her tight around her slim ankle with one hand.

With his other hand, Mike softly ran a fingertip up and down Jen's arch. If touched just right (so it didn't tickle), the bottom of Jen's foot was a major erogenous zone. That part of her body was so pleasurable it was almost painful, just like the inside of her ear and the back of her knee. Having been together so long, Mike knew exactly where and how to touch her.

As Mike used his fingertips like feathers to caress her, Jen gave him a desperate "don't do this to me" look. Mike gave her a "you started this" grin. Somehow Jen managed to keep flirting with Scott, Tom, Owen and Leo as Mike caressed her under the table. Still, she quickly got her cum face on.

As the entrees arrived, Mike took mercy on Jen and let her foot go. Jen immediately pulled her foot back when she felt Mike release her ankle. With his foot, Mike pushed Jen's high heel over to her. He saw her adjust in her seat and knew she was putting her shoe back on. He couldn't help grinning when she scowled at him.

As dinner finished up, Scott, Tom, Leo and Owen urged Jen to go clubbing with them, encouraged by her flirting with them all night long. Jen politely declined, saying "I'm running the meeting tomorrow morning."

"Seriously?" Scott said incredulously. "We're in Vegas and you're going to bed early?"

Jen gave Scott a shrug. Then she took Mike's arm and hurriedly pulled him out of the restaurant. Everyone noticed of course, because they were the first to leave.

"Are you really going to bed?" Mike asked once outside Mesa Grill.

Jen gave him a wicked, excited smile. She still had her cum face on. She whispered "I want to play the game Mike."

"Yeah?" Mike said just as excited. He looked back at the restaurant. "Want me to get Scott?"

Jen gave him a shrug. Mike felt the same way. Scott added spice to their game, but it was kind of "been there, done that."

"I've heard of a place," Mike said thoughtfully. They got in a cab and rode to Climax, an adult club 20 minutes outside the strip.

"What are we doing here?" Jen asked after Mike paid the steep cover. She was tightly holding his arm.

"Let's hang out, see what happens," Mike said. To be honest he didn't have a plan. He'd read about Climax on a swingers website some time again. It was a strip club, and for a price any sexual fantasy could be made into reality.

Mike got a scotch and Jen an appletini. They sipped their drinks as they watched very attractive men and women strip and dance on stage.

They ventured further into the club. Things got more intense as they went deeper into the club. They entered a large, crowded room. There was a stage in the middle.

"God," Jen breathed as she watched a muscular black man penetrate a slim petite blonde with his huge black cock. "God," she said again as another black man took her asshole. The two men started fucking her. Their movements were awkward at first but they soon found a rhythm as they double teamed her.

"Wish that was you?" Mike whispered into her ear.

"Is that why you brought me here?" Jen said huskily, her eyes not leaving the black-white-black threesome on stage. "To get me gang banged?"

Before Mike could answer, a woman approached them. She handed Mike a refresh scotch and Jen an appletini.
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RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:21 PM
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