Adultery Life After We by xleglover-COMPLETED
Life After We Pt. 08

The excitement spread rapidly through the advertising firm. With Memphis going well, along with Google, Kellogg and a few other new clients, the firm was prospering. Their complete turnaround was the buzz in the industry, and Jen got a lot of the kudos. She was being hailed as one of the top marketing stars in the country.

The partners decided to celebrate by doing an offsite in Vegas, a long weekend of team building, celebrating and partying. The firm's top performers were invited, and that included everyone on Jen's teams. "We should invite Mike Andrews," Johnny said during the partner meeting where they were deciding who would get invitations. Johnny was Jen's old boss and mentor.

"It's dangerous to associate with him," one of the partners said. He was among the group of detractors among the partnership who thought Mike was a traitor for what he did in Liberty-gate.

"Seriously?" Allie said sarcastically. "You don't mind using the Ring though, right?"

The partner scowled at Allie. But then he gave Jen an apologetic look. "I'm okay with whatever you want Jen," he said. All the partners looked at Jen, most of them nodding, agreeing it was her call.

Jen hesitated for just a moment. "Of course we should invite him," she said.

Later that night at the loft apartment Jen invited Mike to the Vegas offsite. "Probably you shouldn't invite Jasmine," she said, feigning regret. She shrugged like it wasn't up to her. "It's supposed to be a team bonding thing, no spouses or significant others."

"Yeah, I get it," Mike said. Actually that made it easier, he wouldn't have to come up with a story why Jasmine wasn't there. He imagined seeing Jen in a skimpy bikini and flirting with her co-workers, like the last time he'd been in Vegas with her. "Definitely, I'm in," he said cheerfully.

Jen spent the next weekend with Clint. As usual, he was rough in bed. She liked it rough, she liked being out of control. Their sex was getting better and better. They were sexually compatible, Jen the submissive pretty blonde wanting to be taken, Clint the aggressive dominant well hung lawyer taking what he wanted. Clint was as good a lover as she ever had.

With recent events, Jen couldn't help thinking about Mike, comparing him to Clint. Clint was confident, outgoing and charismatic, a man's man. Mike was shy, awkward sometimes, a loner. She remembered in bed, Mike was rarely aggressive. Often he was passionate, but only in a gentle way. The few times he'd been rough with her, it was only because of something she'd done (like push his buttons too hard).

"Your realtor's made progress," Clint said Saturday morning. He laid 3 contracts on the table. "You've gotten 3 offers on the apartment."

"Oh," Jen said surprised. Her eyes grew big as she looked at the offers. She hadn't realized the loft apartment was worth so much.

"With 3 offers we can play the buyers against each other," Clint said talking strategy. He tapped the contracts with his finger. "I'm sure we can up the offers by at least 15%."

"Um, okay," Jen said hesitantly.

"This is good right?" Clint asked.

"Yes, of course," Jen said.

"Arnie's made progress too," Clint announced. He pulled an 8 ½ x 11 manila envelope from his briefcase. "Your divorce papers," he said handing the envelope to Jen.

"So fast?" Jen said surprised.

"I told you Arnie's good," Clint said. "Actually it was easy. No fault, you've been separated over a year. You sign, Mike signs, we file the paper with the court. That's all it takes."

"Mike agreed?" Jen asked looking at the envelope in her hands.

"Sam agreed, he said he'd talk to Mike," Clint.

Jen nodded but didn't say anything, staring at the envelope.

Clint pulled the divorce agreement from the envelope and put it on the table. He handed her a pen. "Sign here," he said pointing to the signature line.

"Clint, wait, you're going too fast," Jen objected. "I haven't read it yet."

"It's straightforward honey," Clint told her gently but firmly. "No alimony, your only asset is the apartment." He gave her a "this is easy" shrug.

"Yeah but, I need to read it," Jen said. "What about Anna, custody?"

"Anna?" Clint said frowning on her. "What are you talking about? Mike's not the father, he has no rights."

"I mean ...," Jen sputtered. "I don't know the legal words. The settlement ... whatever you call it."

"I told you, settlement is easy," Clint said still frowning. "No debt, no alimony, you and Mike split the net proceeds of the loft apartment." He pushed the pen to Jen again.

"Clint I need to read it," Jen said bristling at his pushiness. "I can't read it with you looking over my shoulder."

"Okay, sorry," Clint said backing off, although he was clearly miffed. "I thought you wanted to get this done."

"I want it done right," Jen said. She put the paper in her bag.

"I'm sorry, I'm being the asshole lawyer," Clint said giving her an apologetic smile, his tone softening. He squeezed her arm and looked into her eyes. "I want to get pass this, so we can start."

"Um, I think we've already started," Jen said with a laugh, referring to their fantastic sex that morning and last night.

"You know what I mean," Clint said with a smile back. He brushed a stray strand of blonde hair from her beautiful face. "I love you Jen." It was the first time he'd used the L word.

"Clint ... god ..." she said softly.

"I'm not asking you to say anything," he assured her. "I just wanted to say it, so you know. That I love you."

Jen looked down, shyly. "Okay," she said in the same soft voice.

"So I hear your firm is doing a Vegas junket," Clint said cheerfully, changing the subject. "Keri told me."

"Um, yeah, an off-site to celebrate turning the corner," Jen said.

"Want company?" he asked grinning.

"Oh ah, I would honey, but it's supposed to be team building, just the firm," Jen said uncomfortably.

Clint tilted his head skeptically. "Keri and Jim are invited?"

"Well yeah, Google's one of our biggest clients, Keri can do whatever she wants," Jen said with a laugh.

"I heard Mike's going," Clint said narrowing his eyes, his words like an accusation.

"Yeah but, I mean ... without Mike we don't get Memphis." She added, "The partners decided to invite him."

"I heard it was your decision," Clint said frowning at Jen. When she didn't say anything he said "Jen, I understand you need to work things out with Mike. I think I've been reasonable. But I have limits. Go to Vegas, do what you're going to do with Mike. But then that's it Jen. Then you need to make a decision."

"God Clint," Jen lamented in a soft voice. He was giving her an ultimatum? To help ease the tension she said "I'm wearing your ring." She was wearing the Jacob ring on her left hand; she'd moved it there from her right before Clint arrived.

"Will you wear it here until you get back from Vegas?" Clint asked, tapping the Jacob ring on her wedding ring finger.

"... yeah, okay," Jen said hesitantly.

Clint heard the hesitancy in her voice. He said "I know you have lingering feelings for Mike. I understand that, I still think about Sarah all the time." Sarah was Clint's first wife who died. "But you need to think it through Jen. Keri told me about Ricky, Scott and Tom. All those times you and Mike almost split up. Then you did split after Frankie. It must've hurt, all those times. Your marriage with Mike wasn't healthy. Do you really want to go through that again?"

"Keri said my marriage wasn't healthy?" Jen said dumbly, processing Clint's words.

Clint shrugged and said "Look at the facts Jen. You had another man's baby. Don't get me wrong, Anna's a great baby. But having another man's baby is wrong Jen. Think about Anna, what are you going to tell her when she's older?"

Jen was quiet when Mike arrived Monday morning. She was still thinking about Clint's words. He was right. Their game had been exciting and thrilling, but painful too. They'd repeatedly hurt each other, and other people too. And Anna ... what would she tell Anna?

She thought about the divorce papers in her bag. She should give Mike the papers, end it. That would be the smart thing. But something held her back.

Later that week Mike and Jen were watching TV after putting Anna down. The TV was mostly background noise, they were drinking wine and talking about current events, politics, new movies, music.

They had a lot in common, it'd always been that way. Politically they were similar, both democrats, although Jen was probably farther to the left than Mike. They both loved movies. While they didn't always like the same movies, they both felt watching a bad movie was better than no movie at all. They didn't like all the same music, but they both enjoyed listening and talking about music and debating which bands were the best. Also, Jen had gotten Mike interested into classic bands like Springsteen and Fleetwood Mac so now he was a big fan.

Now that they were talking again, their conversations were easy going and familiar, and they never ran out of things to talk about.

After work Jen had taken a shower and was now dressed in a short sleeve shirt and boy shorts. She noticed Mike stealing glances at her. She thought of Jasmine. Yes, she was beautiful and blonde, younger, had long legs and bigger breasts. But could she tease Mike as good? Did she know how to push his buttons?

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Jen said. "I'd like your opinion."

"Sure," Mike said.

Jen got up and turned around so her back was to him. She raised her top a few inches. "I'm thinking about making my tat bigger," she said. "What do you think?"

Mike's eyes darted between her firm ass (her ass looked so good in the body hugging boy shorts) to the jet black tribal. When he didn't answer Jen looked over her shoulder and repeated "What do you think?" As she said that she used her other hand to lower the boy shorts down an inch. Now, not only could Mike see the entire tattoo, he could also see the T of her lacy pink thong.

"I think that's a good idea," Mike managed to say, his throat suddenly dry.

"How big?" Jen asked.

"How big?" Mike asked not understanding.

"Yeah, I mean ..." Jen took his hand and put it on her lower back, over the tat. "How long should I make it?"

"I guess, like how we saw it that time," Mike said. He slowly, softly traced a finger along the curls of the tribal, extending by an inch on one side, then moving all the way back, extending by an inch on the other side. "Like that." He continued to trace along the swirls of the tribal tattoo. "Want me to show you again?"

"Yeah," Jen said breathing harder.

Mike traced his finger again along the curls of the tattoo, one inch to the right, and then one to the left. "Like that," he said.

"Should it go lower?" Jen asked. She pulled the boy shorts down revealing the upper half of her tight ass cheeks.

Mike wrapped a finger into the sides her thong and pulled it down. Now the top half of her ass was completely exposed. Then he traced his finger along the curls of the tribal. This time though he swirled his finger tip downward, tracing just above her ass and then down between her ass cheeks. "You mean like that?" he asked.

"Yeah, like that," she said barely able to talk.

"No, don't do that," Mike said, still caressing up and down between her ass cheeks.

Jen let him touch her. Finally she pulled her thong and boy shorts back up. "I think you're right," she said in a low voice. She turned around, so she was facing him. They were just a few inches apart. His eyes were on her pussy. Teasing and his touching had gotten her hot. Her pussy lips were swollen and camel toed in the boy shorts.
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RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:21 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:22 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:22 PM
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