Adultery Life After We by xleglover-COMPLETED
Life After We Pt. 06

"I saw you and Jasmine on TV this weekend," Jen said to Mike when he arrived Monday morning. "Are you two better?"

"I think the jury's still out," Mike joked with an uneasy laugh. "Those functions aren't much fun."

"The worldwide opening of a new production of La Bohème, that's not fun?" Jen said with an incredulous laugh. "You'd rather watch baseball?"

"Maybe you should date Jasmine," Mike joked laughing back. Then he explained "It's the pre-party, intermission and post-parties that aren't fun. It's all networking."

"The happy hour Friday was networking too," Jen pointed out. "Bonding, team building."

"Jasmine's functions aren't about bonding," Mike said. "More like, sharks circling each other." Wanting to change the subject, he asked "How's Clint?"

"He's good, we had a good time," Jen said smiling.

"He's still in New York?"

Jen shook her head. "He's traveling for two weeks. I'm going to miss him."

Mike hesitated. Then he said "Sounds like you two are getting serious."

Jen hesitated, then said "I'm happy right now."

Mike nodded. He said, "That's good Jen."

As she usually did, Jen took the subway to work. It was faster and cheaper than a taxi. As she rode, she noticed men looking at her. She pretended not to notice, but inside she smiled. It was a petty ego thing, but she liked men noticing her.

Lately she'd worn sexier clothes to work. Lower tops, tighter and shorter skirts, higher heels, dresses that hugged her curves. She was spending more time on her hair and makeup. It was the way she used to dress, before Anna. She was rediscovering that part of her, the fun-loving, flirty, sensual part of who she was.

She knew part of it was Mike. His being around turned something back on inside her. But it wasn't all Mike. Sex with Clint that weekend had been great. He got her to cum twice, and she didn't have to think about the Mike fantasies to climax. So her happiness and sex life weren't tied to Mike, which was obviously a good thing.

Later that week Jen went to the Starbucks for a caffeine break. "Hey no whip Jen," Joey said with a grin.

"Hi Joey," Jen said with a smile. She gave him a quick up and down look. So cute!

"You don't come around a lot," Joey said grinning. He teased "Are you getting your whip from another guy?"

"Yeah Joey I'm cheating on you," Jen said with a laugh. Joey served up her skinny caramel latte and Jen took the coffee to a chair in the back.

Joey sat down next to her a few minutes later. He said "We've got another mixer tonight, you should come."

"I've got a boyfriend," Jen said, flattered by the invitation and again amused at how forward he was.

"You're not married to the guy right?" Joey said looking at her ringless left hand. Jen was wearing the Jacob ring on her right hand.

"That's true," Jen said with a laugh. This boy was persistent!

"So come to the party, we'll hang out, just friends," Joey said giving her a charming boyish grin.

"Just friends huh?" Jen said with a skeptical smile. She gave him another quick up and down look. He was definitely hunky! Why not? "Okay, tell me when and where," she said with another laugh.

Jen called Mike when she got back to her office. "Can you babysit tonight?" she asked.

"Oh sure," Mike said. He asked "Working late?"

"Actually, I've got a date with Joey," she said with a laugh. "You remember, barista boy?"

"Oh yeah."

"You really don't mind?" Jen asked.

"No, I'm good," Mike assured her. "It's more comfortable here than at Steve's place. They've got a lot going on with their kids. After I put Anna down I'll watch the game."

"Okay... baseball?" Jen asked.

"No, Thursday Night Football," Mike said.

"Is it a good game?"

"All Thursday night games suck," Mike said with a laugh.

Jen laughed back, mostly to be polite. She was more interested in college football so didn't keep up with the pros. "I got some Anchor Steam, it's in the frig."

"Oh, thanks," Mike said flattered she remembered.

"I don't know when I'll be home," Jen said. "Maybe you should plan to spend the night again."

Mike paused. If Jen brought Joey home, he'd have a chance to watch them. "... sounds good," he said.

Without thinking, Jen blurted out "If you want you can stay in the loft apartment. Until you get your own place. I mean, if it's more comfortable than Steve's place."

Mike didn't answer immediately, processing what she'd said. Finally he said "Clint won't mind?"

Jen shrugged. "The apartment's half yours anyway."

As if thinking to himself, he said under his breath, "Not sure Jasmine will like that."

Jen frowned into the phone. She said tersely "Do whatever you want Mike, I'm not forcing you."

After hanging up, Jen looked out her office window at the New York skyline. She regretted snapping at Mike. They were with other people know, she had no right to be jealous. But did Mike know how he pushed her buttons? She admitted to herself though that she probably pushed his buttons too.

It was hard, trying to be friends with an ex-spouse. She told herself it was worth it though, for Anna. She'd done a lot of stupid things, but this decision she knew was right.

Mike fed Anna. He played with her and read books, and she fell asleep in his arms. He gently put her into her crib, knowing she'd likely sleep through the night.

Mike looked in the frig for the Anchor Steam. There were a few bottles. He opened one and turned on the football game (New Orleans at Carolina). But while his eyes were on the TV his mind was elsewhere. Jen was going out with Joey, the barista/college student. Jen was 29, Joey 19 or 20. He thought about their age difference. Jen was a MILF, a cougar!

Mike was rock hard. He couldn't concentrate on the game.

"Will she let Joey fuck her bare?" Mike asked himself. He went into her bedroom. The birth control pills were no longer on her dresser. He opened her lingerie drawer. The round container was there. Mike saw she was current with taking the pills, so she should be protected.

He went to the side of the bed and opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet. The five condoms were still there. Yes, Jen would definitely let Joey fuck her bareback, let him sperm her. Mike felt dizzy with lust.

"Oh, there you are," a voice said from the door.

Mike spun around. It was Jen! Fuck, he'd forgotten to chain the door!

"I thought you had a date?" Mike sputtered out.

"I do, I need to get dressed," Jen said. She looked at the open drawer. "What are you looking for?"

Jen's question gave him an excuse. He said "I'm trying to find my Kindle." He closed the drawer, trying to look casual and unconcerned.

"I put all your things in a box, in the den closet," Jen said. "I don't think your Kindle's there."

"That's because my Kindle's at Steve's place," Mike thought to himself. He said "I'll go look in the box." He hurriedly left her bedroom.

Jen closed her bedroom door after Mike left. Curious, she opened the draw of the nightstand. The only thing inside was a half empty box of condoms. The other day she'd found her birth control pills on top of her dresser. She didn't remember putting them there, she normally kept them in her lingerie drawer. It made Jen wonder...

45 minutes later Jen came out of the bedroom. "Find your Kindle?" she asked playing dumb.

Mike stared at Jen. She wore her hair down, combed straight back with a black hair band. She wore low rise skinny jeans and a black, long sleeve crop top that ended an inch above her belly button. On her feet she wore black flats. "I'm sorry?" he said realizing she asked something.

"Did you find your Kindle?" she repeated.

"Oh ah, no," he sputtered out. "Maybe I left it in San Francisco."

"Oh that's too bad," she said, rubbing his arm briefly. She went into the nursery to check on Anna. Mike stared at her ass as she walked in. God she looked so good! Some of her new tattoo was visible above her low rise jeans. Mike had to admit the jet black tribal tramp stamp gave her an even sexier, bad girl look, so different from her sweet innocent face.

Jen abruptly turned around, catching him looking. She left the nursery, closing the door behind her. "Did you say something?" she asked innocently, pretending she hadn't noticed him checking out her ass.

"Oh ah, I just wanted to say your new tattoo looks good," Mike said.

Jen broke out into a smile. "You jerk, I thought you didn't like it," she said giving him a playful punch in the arm. She held her arms out. "So do I look like a college girl?"

"What?" Mike said not understanding.

"I'm going to Joey's frat party," Jen explained. She scrunched up her pretty face. "He's only 20. I feel so old."

"I think he's really lucky you're his date," Mike gushed.

Jen moved a step closer, getting inside Mike's personal space. "You really think so?"

"Yeah," Mike said. "Every guy there will be envious."

"The girls there will call me a cougar," Jen said. "You think it's bad, going out with a 20 year old?"

Mike's heart pounded in his chest. With a hoarse voice he said "Honestly? I think it's really hot."
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RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:21 PM
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