Adultery Indian Girl and the Landlord

In the meantime, Radhika while happy that her plan had went really well so far knew that she needed to take the lead on things to keep everything in her control. Sure, she had timed things well and had her fun with Murali. Having sat there on the couch filling in the time with the conversations she had left just enough time for the little session that she had in mind. She knew the program about the college’s flag hoisting function through the official website and had factored all the commute times in. Just as Murali had started going for more than she had intended, Manju had arrived and cut their little encounter short. However, she knew that he would be lusting for more. She also knew that he would be soft putty in his hands if she played her cards right. She intended to have a lot of wicked fun with the middle-aged landlord that eventually solved her problems. She had given him a literal taste of her pussy and wanted to see how much more dominance she could have over him. The right approach for this was to keep feeding the fire but only what was necessary to keep it at the right temperature and keep it under her control. If Murali started making his own plans, then things could go sideways very quickly.
So, on that evening when it had been a week since the original encounter, she decided to make the next move.
Manju was furiously grading the big stack of notebooks and papers for the class, the doorbell Rang. She got annoyed and wondered who came unannounced to break her rhythm. When several shouts to Lata and her husband to open the door went futile and no one opened the door, she finally got up herself muttering and scampered to the door to answer it. She saw that it was Radhika in a fuchsia-colored traditional salwar suit. She immediately approved of her attire.
“What a nice suit!” Manju said.
“Thank you, Aunty. I really like the feel of this fabric”, she said looking down and touching the garment. Then she looked up directly looking at her face and commented, “Wow! You look really tired!”
Manju pouted her lower lip creating a typical sad face and nodded appreciating the sympathy.
“That is quite a stack of papers that you are working on. It must take hours to complete the work.”
“Yes, I just started on them and there is still a long way to go. It will take about one hour for me to finish and then I still need to cook dinner. There is just no respite for women.”
“You are right aunty! I wonder how you are able to do it all... work, then come back and take care of home and also cook.”
“Ah! Experience teaches you everything,” said Manju feeling wise and proud.
By now, Murali’s ears that were deaf to the loud yells from his wife moments ago, had immediately attuned to the pitch and notes of Radhika’s voice. He got up from the bed in his room, hurriedly threw on his shirt and moved out. He quietly sauntered into the living room happy to see the elegant young lady and tuned into the conversation that was going on.
“No aunty, I have been working for a few years now but every day when I come back home, I am completely exhausted. All I want to do is lie down and sleep, let alone cooking. I wish that someone would just massage my feet when I get home from the long day at work.”
Murali looked at her feet which had a totally new nail paint on them. They were a bright and playful orange now. She had taken off her sandals at the doorstep and the ten lovely toes were in clear view next to each other. He would love to get a chance to massage those pretty feet every day.
“Yes, wishful thinking. We women never get that,” said Manju.
“Right aunty, when we are at work, we are laden up with all the extra thankless duties such as decoration, arranging for snacks, planning committees on top of all the regular work and when we are at home all the household chores are naturally our work. All this while the men go scot-free as the important work meetings and targets are their sole responsibilities,” quipped Radhika hitting a tender chord within Manju.
Manju felt like she had totally misjudged the girl. After all she is a hard-working professional woman holding her own in this male dominated society. Maybe she will cut her some slack. Soon her daughter would also finish college and would venture into the corporate world. Perhaps, she could be a good influence on her? Maybe she could mentor her for what was in store and how to handle it?
“Yes, the plight of a working woman. So true!” Said Manju.
“Anyway, I don’t want to keep you away from your work, but I was facing some problems with the kitchen drain and wanted someone to take a look. I think some food might have gotten stuck or the maid might have put in garbage causing a jam. The dirty water has just filled up in the sink and won’t drain,” said Radhika.
“That can’t be good. Let me look at that for you.” Murali chimed in. “That pesky drain is problematic. They used a smaller gauge pipe than standard that keeps causing this issue. Let me get my tools to take care of this.” He went in and grabbed a bucket filled with tools, snake wires, and chemical products to take care of the problem. Clearly, he had done this before.
“It should not take more than twenty to thirty minutes for me to take care of it.”
“Good! It will give me peace and quiet to get my work done.”
“Haha, hope you get your work done quickly and get some rest Aunty!” said Radhika as she stepped out already descending the stairs as Murali tried to keep up.
They stepped into the Kitchen and Murali saw the kitchen sink filled up, but the water was mostly clear. He started wearing his gloves in preparation for the cleaning. Radhika said, “Ok, uncle let me squeeze some fresh orange juice for you while you work. I got the best oranges from the market today.”
“Yes, I would love some.”
Radhika stepped out and Murali was lost in the whiff of her perfume as she passed by. He closed his eyes and took in the scent. Such a rich, fragrant smell like a composition of shadow and light, with a balance between freshness and sensuality. He felt his loins stir and a stiffness forming up in his penis. “This is what angels smelled like,” he thought. “What a babe!” With some effort he broke free from the stupor and stepped forward with the snake wire. He made one snaking motion with it and the water immediately started to drain.
“That was fortunate,” he thought. “Now I will get to boast and also spend some quality time here.”
He got rid of the gloves, collected his stuff, washed his hands, and stepped out but was not at all prepared for the scene he saw next.
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Indian Girl and the Landlord - by angel-228 - 28-01-2022, 05:40 PM
RE: Indian Girl and the Landlord - by angel-228 - 28-01-2022, 05:43 PM
RE: Indian Girl and the Landlord - by angel-228 - 28-01-2022, 05:45 PM
RE: Indian Girl and the Landlord - by angel-228 - 28-01-2022, 05:46 PM
RE: Indian Girl and the Landlord - by angel-228 - 28-01-2022, 06:03 PM
RE: Indian Girl and the Landlord - by drlund - 29-01-2022, 01:01 PM
RE: Indian Girl and the Landlord - by raj500265 - 31-01-2022, 07:26 PM

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