Adultery Life After We by xleglover-COMPLETED
"You need to get over Mike," Keri implored.

"Then why do you always bring him up?" Jen asked exasperated.

Keri paused, then she shrugged. "Because he's interesting," she said.

Jen rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said.

They were silent, finishing their drinks and then ordering another round. Finally Keri gave Jen an excited smile and said "I'm hooking up with Byron tonight, want to join us?" Byron was Keri's sometime lover, and once they'd had a threesome.

"Didn't he get married?" Jen asked. When Keri's smile turned wicked, she said "God Keri, really? Tell me you didn't fuck her on their honeymoon."

"Yes he married Sonya, you met her last time in Vegas, remember?" Keri said with mock impatience.

"Oh yeah ..." Jen said remembering.

"And don't give me shit about their honeymoon," Keri said pretending to be indignant. "You of all people - remember YOUR honeymoon? Your WEDDING night?"

"Okay, okay," Jen said holding up her hands in surrender.

"Yes, I've been with Sonya but it's not like she's an innocent bride," Keri said. "Remember in Vegas? She was the first one to take off her clothes."

"Okay, right," Jen said, but truthfully she didn't remember what Sonya had been doing. During that trip she'd been focused on other things, in particular teasing Mike to distraction. She smiled at the memory. He was so much fun to tease! But then reality hit and she got sad.

Keri noticed her mood change. "Are you okay honey?" she said looking concerned. "You should join us tonight, it'll be fun."

"I don't think so," Jen said forcing a smile. She joked "I've got a bitchy client, I need to get ready for tomorrow's meetings." Not wanting Keri to feel guilty or worry about her, she quickly added "I'm meeting Allie and my team at the pool, I'll be fine, really."

Jen put on a skimpy string bikini. She worked hard to get her body back, she was going to show it off a little! She remembered how before in Vegas she wore high heels to the pool. She had different goals then. Now she just wanted to relax and work on her tan, so she put on flip flops.

Allie, Scott, Leo, Owen and the rest of her team were already at the Venetian pool, drinking and partying. She politely said hi to everyone then found a lounge chair away from the rowdiness.

"You know I hate you, right?" Allie said a few minutes later, enviously looking Jen up and down. Allie had lost the baby weight and her body looked good, but she wasn't as toned or firm as before (in the hotness scale, she was like a 7 while before she was a 9 or 10). In contrast, Jen looked better than ever, her body toned and firm, with larger breasts and more feminine curves than before her pregnancy (she was off the hotness scale!).

"You need to work out, dieting isn't enough," Jen told her friend.

"Let me tell you, getting fucked by Darren is a workout," Allie deadpanned. Then she playfully punched Jen. "But then you know that, don't you bitch."

Jen laughed. "You got him in the end, so you win," she said smiling.

"Yeah," Allie said smiling back. "He's flying into Vegas tonight."

"Cool," Jen said. It would be nice to see Darren, they were friends now. "He's bringing little Darren?"

"No, Darren's with my parents," Allie said. She gave her friend a mischievous smile. "Rumor is, both Leo and Owen want to get into your pants. I mean, all the guys want in your pants - what else is new?" Allie laughed. "Lately Leo and Owen have been really talking it up."

"So what, you're my pimp now?" Jen said with a laugh.

"More like your therapist," Allie said with a kind smile. "I want my old fun loving Jen back."

"You mean your slutty Jen?" Jen said with another laugh.

"If you want to call it that," Allie said laughing back. She got serious and squeezed her friend's hand. "I just want you happy Jen. You haven't been happy in a long time." Allie's mischievous smile returned. "Come on, it'll be fun. Hook up with Leo or Owen - or both I don't care." Allie laughed. "Come to my room tonight. We'll do our lesbo thing. Darren's never seen that before, he'll love it!"

"I thought you didn't want me close to Darren," Jen teased.

"We'll do the lesbo thing, THEN I'll have Darren in MY bed and you'll have YOUR guy in YOUR bed," Allie said with a playful glare. They both laughed.

"I don't know Allie," Jen said after their laughter died out. "I'm not into that anymore. I'm a mom now."

"I'm a mom too honey," Allie pointed out. "That doesn't mean we're dead."

"Yeah," Jen said distantly, looking melancholy. "I'll think about it."

Allie nodded, but she knew that meant no.

Later Jen got dressed for dinner, putting on a blouse, skirt and heels. It was too hot in Vegas for stockings, and anyway she wasn't planning anything romantic (or sexual) that evening. She was meeting her team for dinner at Charlie Palmer's Aureole. It could be a long cab ride to get to the Mandalay Bay from the Venetian with the traffic on the Strip, but it was nice to get out of the Venetian and she liked watching the wine angels (in their black body suits) repelling up and down the immense glass wine tower for bottles of wine.

Everyone was meeting in Allie's room for a drink before cabbing over to the Mandalay Bay. Allie's room was big enough to hold everyone because Darren had upgraded her room to one of the largest suites in the Venetian (Darren had more than enough money having gotten wealthy off of Sapphire).

When Jen arrived everyone was crowded around the TV. Jen maneuvered around people to see what was so interesting. Allie and Calvin tried to head her off, looking worried. "What's up?" Jen asked, not understanding why they didn't want her to see the TV. They were too late though and Jen was soon in front of the TV.

The TV was turned to CNN. Candy Crowley was at the Correspondent's Dinner in Washington DC, and the camera was panning over the crowd. Then the camera focused and zoomed in on a couple. The couple was surrounded by people, as if they were the stars of the event.

It was Mike and Jasmine Kelly.

Mike was wearing a tuxedo. He looked uncomfortable being the center of attention.

In contrast, Jasmine seemed to revel in the attention, with everyone's eyes on her and Mike. Jasmine looked gorgeous! Her hair and makeup were perfect, and she wore a silver sequined gown that was so tight it looked air brushed on her shapely body. The dress plunged in the front, showing a lot of her impressive cleavage, and plunged even more daringly in the back almost to her very shapely ass.

Jasmine smiled into Mike's eyes and leaned into him, her arm around him as if claiming him as hers. Mike had his hand on her naked back.

Jen felt dizzy, confused, hurt, jealous, and angry. As if coming out of a stupor, she heard what Candy Crowley was saying: "And there's my colleague Jasmine Kelly with Mike Andrews. As you may remember, Jasmine led the campaign to free Mike from what many still call an illegal detention by the government." Candy chuckled. "Her efforts seemed to have paid off in her love life, because now she and Mike are the IT couple. People are already calling them JasMike. Rumor has it Mike may soon be named the Code Master of Apple, so they are truly one of America's new power couples."

Someone turned off the TV. The room was silent, everyone looking at Jen. Abruptly Jen turned and left the room. People hurriedly moved to get out of her way.

"Jen wait," Allie said rushing after her.

"Leave me alone Allie," Jen said not stopping.

"Jen -" Allie said again.

"Leave me alone!" Jen yelled, running away as tears fell down her face.

Jen needed to get away. She wanted to go home but she was stuck in Vegas.

She got into a cab. "Just drive," she told the cabbie, crying as she watched the lights of the Strip pass by. She just wanted to go home, she wanted to get away!

No, that wasn't want she wanted. She wanted to hurt Mike! She wanted to hurt Mike like he was hurting her!

Then she knew what she wanted. Thinking back, she searched her memory for the name of the place. Remembering, she said "Take me to the Voodoo Tattoo Parlor."

The driver looked back in the mirror, at the young pretty girl with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Are you sure?" he said with a fatherly frown. He was dark heavy set and had an Indian accent. "That's not a safe place for a young girl by herself."

"That's where I want to go," she said. In truth, she didn't know what she was doing.

Jen looked scared when they arrived. They were in a seedy part of Vegas. She said to the driver, "If I pay will you wait for me?"

The driver had 2 daughters about Jen's age. He felt for Jen, he could tell she was going through a rough time. "You don't need to pay anything, I'll wait," he promised, giving her a kind smile.

Jen nodded and gave the driver a weak smile. Then she went into the tattoo parlor.

Jen recognized the large, tough looking black man behind the counter. He recognized her too because he smiled and said "You're back."

"Yeah," Jen said nervously brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You're here to get that bullseye?" the black man asked. He looked behind her and didn't see either of her male companions from last time. "You came here by yourself?"

"The cab driver's waiting for me," Jen said hurriedly.

The black man gave her an amused laughed. "You don't have to worry about me. Not that it means anything, but I went to Harvard."

"Seriously?" Jen asked surprised.

"Here," the black man said. He pulled out a photo album. Inside were pictures of his graduation at Harvard, smiling with his proud parents, and his diploma. "I'm Davis by the way," he said, offering her his hand.

"Oh um, I'm Jen," Jen said briefly shaking his hand. His hands were big and callused, belying his Ivy League education.

"Um, how did you end up here?" she asked.

"It's a living," Davis said with a shrug. "I studied comparative art at Harvard. You know how many jobs there are for that? I like inking people. It's the same as painting, just a different canvas."

"Yeah, I can see that," Jen said.

"It's pretty good money," Davis continued. "A lot of people get inked in Vegas."

Jen nodded. She said, 'I looked at a tattoo when I was here. You probably don't remember."

"Sure I do," Davis said. He pulled out a book and flipped through pages. Then he took out the tattoo, it was like a stencil. Davis took the stencil out of the plastic page and handed it to Jen.

"Yeah, that's it," Jen said remembering. "Can I see again how it looks?"

"Sure," Davis said. "You'll need to pull up your blouse."

"Oh ... yeah," Jen said. She looked at Davis nervously. He was a tall, muscular black man, and she was here all by herself. But the taxi was outside (she could see the roof light), and there were people walking on the sidewalk outside, they'd hear her if she screamed. Making a decision she pulled her blouse from her skirt and raised it a few inches.

"Here, it's easier to see this way," Davis said, his hand on her back. Jen let him pushed her down so her elbows were on a table. Then he laid the design on her lower back.

Davis handed Jen a mirror. Like before, she used the mirror to see the tattoo in the standing mirror behind her. Davis said "You'll see better if you pulled down your skirt."

Jen gave him a skeptical look. "Did you really go to Harvard?" she joked.

"I swear," Davis said with a laugh, holding up his right hand.

Jen laughed back. She reached behind her and unzipped her skirt. She pulled it down a little. Davis pulled her skirt down more until the T of her lacy thong showed. "This is where most people get it," he said, putting the stencil just above her panties.

Jen nodded, studying herself in the mirror. It was perfect.

As Jen studied herself Davis's eyes were on her ass. She looked enticingly hot, bent over with her elbows on the table, her tight curvy ass sticking out, her long legs flexed in 4" high heels.
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RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:21 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:22 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:22 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:22 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:23 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:24 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:24 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:24 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:25 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:25 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:26 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:26 PM
RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:27 PM
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RE: Life After We by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 03:54 PM

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