Nandini seducing her son - Every night
"Does a guy get a good-night kiss on the first date?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

Akash leaned close to his mother, his eyes searching hers. All he saw was nervous excitement, acceptance. She was still flushed from her orgasm of minutes before, her eyes sparkling, her lips full and parted. Her tongue anxiously darted out to wet those lips.

And he kissed her again, hungrily attacking her mouth with his. Their tongues met in a wild duel of sexual appetite. Her slim body molded itself against his, her breasts squashed against his powerful chest. He could feel the hot peaks of her nipples through his thin shirt.

Akash loved the feel of his cock caught between their bodies, and wanting to increase the pressure on his erection, pulled her tight, one hand on her back, the other lower. His mother accepted the move, pulling deeply into him. His hand fell lower, lower, onto the exciting curve of her ass, the firm cheek thinly disguised by the black dress. He let his fingers curl into the crack of her butt, pushing the material deep.

Nandini felt the fingers in the depths of her ass, pushing further, seeking more deeply. She crushed her mouth harder against her son's mouth, urging him further. And when she felt the slide of his middle finger reach that most private of holes, she moaned deeply into her boy.

"Mmmmm...," she murmured, pulling away from the intense kiss, but not disengaging her body from the contact with his fingers or his cock. "Careful there, Cowboy," she purred sexily. "Gotta save something for later, you know."

"Do I really have to, Mom?" Akash let his finger rub over what he was pretty sure was her asshole. That sexy sexy place he had been wishing to see ever since she had stood leaning on his desk with her ass pushed towards him.

"Yes, son," she giggled, "you really have to. That is, if you want your special reward."

Reluctantly, the handsome boy let his fingers slide out from that special haven, drifting down the back of her leg in a loving caress. He allowed his mother to pull away, while she found the key in her purse.

Those few minutes when he knew that Nandini and Akash were out of the car but not in the house seemed endless to Pankaj. But when he heard the key in the lock, he hurried to his office, trying desperately to seem unconcerned. The front door opened, and he popped his head out to greet his family.

The sight of them was mind-blowing. His beautiful wife's carefully coiffed hair was in disarray, strands stuck to her face in the light sheen of sweat that covered her. Her lips looked bruised, her dress wrinkled.

And Akash looked as bad, his eyes bright, his cheeks flushed. And the way he turned quickly away suggested to his father that he was hiding the physical evidence of their mutual arousal.

"Did you have a good time, folks?" Pankaj hoped his cheery voice didn't sound too strained.

"Of course," Nandini replied, calmly, as she tucked her hair behind one ear. "Akash, sweetie, go upstairs and get ready. I'll be there shortly."

The boy bounded up the stairs, his face flaming hot. He had known that it might be strange facing his father after his date with his mother, but it was more difficult than he had imagined. Even so, he knew what he wanted, and that involved obeying his mother's wishes right now. And in any case, he thought, as he closed the door to his room and took off his blazer, wasn't it Dad who told him to go ahead with this? He was pretty sure that his father hadn't known what he was referring to when he asked him about pursuing a relationship with an older woman, he reminded himself as he stripped down to his boxers, but even so.

Downstairs, Nandini smiled serenely at her husband, and started to proceed up the stairs herself. Pankaj panicked, and raced out to follow her. He couldn't miss the way her exposed her curved back, and his cock pulsed again in his pants.

"Honey," he said in a strained voice, "what did you mean by Akash getting ready?"

"Do you really want to know?" Nandini kept on walking up the stairs. Pankaj came up behind her.

"Shouldn't I?" She turned to face him. He saw self-assurance on her pretty features.

"I'm sure I don't know," she replied carelessly, raising one eyebrow. He was two steps below her, and he saw how hard her nipples were. In fact, there was a definite odor about her, one that hitherto he had associated only with their bedroom. He found himself at a loss for words. She shrugged, and turned around again, entering their bedroom. He followed helplessly.

In their bedroom, she slipped the pallu off of her shoulders and started removing her saree. Then she removed her blouse and petticoat and let it slide down her flawless body into a pool around her high-heeled sandals. Underneath, as he had known all along, she was completely naked. Her pussy lips appeared swollen and dark pink, her breasts suffused in a light blush, the nipples hard and proud, peaked on each perfect mound.

She sat on the edge of the bed. She felt no concern at all about how she must appear to her lawfully wedded husband. After all, he was a willing party in this game from early on. He must have known the consequences, after all. She pulled one leg up to undo the strap, allowing the man she had loved all of these years to see how inflamed her sex was.

And he missed none of it. The inner lips were practically bright red, and her clit, so naked now with the familiar pubic hair removed, stood forth like a sentinel at the top of that tender slit. Every few seconds, the hole at the center pulsed lightly, evidence of her still burning desire. She was like a living symbol of sexuality. He watched speechlessly as she undid the first sandal, then, leaving her legs wide spread, turned to undo the other.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: Nandini seducing her son - Every night - by Givemeextra - 17-05-2019, 07:09 PM

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