Thriller Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza
That night lying awake on his bed he started thinking about how much has changed in the space of a few weeks? He no longer could sleep at night peacefully like he used to. The nightmares about his wife getting gang bangd and murdered brutally came every time he went to sleep and he woke up screaming Kalpana's name. Even after a few weeks and watching the same nightmare over and over again didn't lessen the pain one bit. Now he was even afraid to go to sleep anymore. He started thinking about the events which happened after Kalpana's brutal murder and among other things about Lavanya........

Lavanya was Kalpana's younger sister. She was 3 years younger than Kalpana. She got married 2 years after Kalpana but unlike her elder sister, she was not so lucky with her married life. She got married to a American based Indian business tycoon and went to USA along with her husband. Due to different views of looking at life and hardly ever spending any time together, they got off to a bad start and it only got worse with each passing day. Then one day she caught him screwing his Secretary and that was it. She got a a lot of money from her divorce and decided to live in America as she knew her parents will pressurize her into marrying again and after her bitter experience, marriage was the last thing that was on her mind. She got a job as a kindergarten teacher and started what she hoped will be a peaceful life. Out of the blue one day her mother who was crying hysterically called her and told her about the brutal bang and murder of her sister Kalpana. She was really close with Kalpana growing up and the sad news about her horrible death shattered her. She also started thing about Rahul and what he must be going through? Rahul and Kalpana for her were made for each other. She remembered how she used to tease Rahul after he got engaged to Kalpana and even after their marriage she used to pull the leg of Rahul every time they met. Infact they got along more like friends than mere relatives. After her marriage she lost touch with both Kalpana and Rahul but now all the memories of the past came rushing back to her mind. She took leave from her job and caught the first flight back to India.

Her relatives picked her up from the airport. His father died not long after her marriage and her mother lived alone now. She tried a few times to convince her mother to come and live abroad with her but she was not ready to leave the house which her husband had the memories of her late beloved husband. Lavanya was shocked to see her mother again. The death of Kalpana really had affected her badly and she was looking like a zombie. She went to meet Rahul and what she saw really hurt her deeply. The same guy that used to be jovial and full of life was looking as if the world has ended for him. He seemed like the world around him has stopped moving and he was waiting for the moment when the love of his life Kalpana will come back again. She was not ready to let him live the rest of his life in grief and pain and decided to help him start living his life again. After making up her mind she went to see him again. She made tea for both of them and they were sitting quietly drinking the tea when she told him what she had in mind.

Lavanya:"Rahul I can understand what you are going through. I can't say that I am going though the same pain that you are going through but trust me all of us are devastated by Kalpana's death. At the same time you can't live like that forever. Sooner of later you'll have to live your life. I can't see you like that. Why can't you come and live with us for a while? Even mother will be happy to see you. Trust me she's a wreck after the loss of Kalpana. Rahul all of us are devastated, can't we help each other get over this together?" He stayed quite for a while and than finally started talking

Rahul:"Thanks Lavanya for coming here. I really appreciate what you are trying to do but I don't think that's a good idea. I don't even know who those men were and why they did this to me? What if I started living with you and Pooja aunty and they attack your house as well? I can't take this chance. It's killing me inside that Kalpana died because of me. Now I don't want to risk your life as well. Infact it would be better if you don't meet me again until atleast the culprits are caught. If anything then take Pooja aunty with you to America. I'm even worried about her safety now. Trust me Lavanya those men that did this are animals. They will not even think twice before hurting even an old woman." Tears came in Lavanya's eyes upon hearing that. She gently held Rahul's hand and said

Lavanya:"Why don't you come with us as well? You don't have anyone here. Please come with us and start a new life there. It will help you to get away from here. Start a new life abroad."

Rahul:"My life ended when those animals bangd and killed my wife before my eyes and I couldn't do anything to save her. I can't go anywhere before I see them suffer the same pain they inflicted upon me and Kalpana. I can't start a new life before I see them suffer, beg for mercy and kill all of them."

Lavanya:"Revenge will not bring back Kalpana Rahul. What difference will there be between you and them if you will become an animal yourself to avenge Kalpana?" Tears started flowing from Rahuls' eyes upon hearing that and he replied

Rahul:"If it will make me an animal than so be it. It will be hard for you to understand but I need to do this. I know that I can't bring her back but I feel as if her soul will never rest in peace until I avenge her death. So please do as I say. Go back to America as soon as you can and take Pooja aunty with you." Lavanya was crying as well now. Both of them stayed quiet for a while and than she finally broke that silence

Lavanya:"Ok Rahul I'll do as you say but remember this. Never think of yourself alone in this world. I will be there and waiting for you. Promise me that you will come to see me once this is over."

Rahul:"I don't want to make a promise that I can't keep but I will try.".........
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RE: Vendetta "Revenge Is The Purest Emotion" (Complete)AMA Wining Story by Meriaiza - by Ramesh_Rocky - 17-05-2019, 06:03 PM

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