Adultery Ordeal of a 30 yr old housewife.. by masala_man
Part 20

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Thanks to all my supporters and funkytimmi for leading the protests on my thread

Wishing all the members a very HAPPY HOLI

Here she was, her sister whose marriage was just 10 days away had just been abused, made drunk and lower class men were playing with her tits.. was she responsible for her torment? Had her refusals and disobedience had taken her there?

Nilanjana : sit ups??

Vicky : yes.. why you have not ever done situps??

Nilanjana : no..

Vicky : not even in your college? did ur teacher not made you mugra.. sorry MURGI.. he he?

Nilanjana : please.. no..

Vicky : ohh i forgot.. u r a college drop out..

Nilanjana : nooo.. i am not.. Vicky, i attended college.. i was one of the brightest stu..

Vicky : yeah i know, so bright to get MD of a nice company under ur influence.

Nilanjana : nooo Vicky, i did not intend to do anything like that..

Vicky : SHUT UP.. now time for some sit ups.. or u know what i can do..

she knew Vicky was not going to be kind on her or her sister.. she could not afford to let her sister break down... but here she was also in problem.. she had never ever done situps through her childhood... and today she was standing in front of these two men, in her almost helpless, just hanging bra and a pretty tight petticoat.. also her hands were also tied behind her back, made things worse for her..

Vicky : would u do it or..

Nilanjana : no no.. i will do it..

Vicky : then what are you waiting for?

Nilanjana : huh.. mmm..

Vicky : start.. and keep counting.. only 25 for now.. rest later..

Nilanjana looked down.. she had never done anything like that..

she folded her legs and squatted on the floor.. she had been athletic through her teenage and early 20's with the hard work she had put in to keep the ends meeting through their tough times had kept her muscles toned.. but her petticoat was streched tooo much as she squatted..

she gotup without any support.. she found it pretty easy for her muscles..

Vicky : you did not count.. so this wont count..

Nilanjana looked at him, but knew no point in argument..

She went down again, squatting.. This time she could hear her knee bones crackle..
She counted one as she got up.. with almost equal ease as first..

The next one was seemingly just as easy.. but this time her petticoat gave her problems.. She felt it really tight around her calves and her thighs..
She counted 2 as she got up..

Thanks to moderators for recognizing my efforts by putting it in sticky.

Thanks to all my supporters and funkytimmi for leading the protests on my thread

Wishing all the members a very HAPPY HOLI

The next one was seemingly more tougher. she got down relaively easy.. but getting up was as tough.. She almost tripped on her heels.. She had to spread her legs as far as allowed by her tight petticoat to keep her balance..and she counted just her third one.. twenty two more to go..

The fourth and fifth one were just getting tougher.. She got down but she was sarting to feel cramps build in her calves.. And getting back up was as tough as ever.. She just wanted the luxury of her hands to support her.. But they being tied, did make things very very tough for her..

She was feeling her legs tired before the sixth one.. going down, she almost her herself go with the gravity.. but that was the worst mistake she could make... She came to squatting position will full inretia and there was a long craccckling sound.. no.. not with her bones.. Her tight petticoat could not take the stress.. and the sound of the cloth giving under the immense pressure on it .. there was hardly she could do.. getting up prooved as tough as ever..

She bent over and looked at the hem of the petticoat give away from where it was stitched.

She controlled the seventh squat, but it was one of the toughest to control her while going down as her thigh and calves worked to brake her inretia against gravity..getting up was tough... she was almost panting.. they were just 7 behind her and she was looking at 18 more..

8th, 9th and 10th and so on were getting progressively worse for Nilanjana.. each squat had few stiches go bust despite her best control to go slowly down... vcy was smiling at each grunting voice coming out her....

Each squat was getting tougher and she was forced to spread her legs farther to maintain her balance..also the once opened stiches on her garment were more vulnerable and weaker against the forces..

When she squatted for the eighteenth time, no more stiches gave way.. already they had opened upto her mid thighs and her squatting just made things worse for her last streches of her modesty.. she could really tell that she was showing too much by the very fact that Rohit had moved the camera angle from the front to her right, where the stiches of her petticoat were

her wounded and semiconsious bra, which was just holding onto her big breasts was getting mashed and rubbed against her knees and was on verge of giving away anytime.. Nilanjana was sweating profusely and her heart was beating so very fast.. she could feel the thumping sounds in her ears..

Vicky : bhabhi, u just got tired in the 18th.. get up and complete 25... or u know what i will do..

she tried to getup.. failed.. tried again... failed.. she relaxed for a moment.. put in all her strength in her thighs and calves muscles and got up counting the finish of 18th sit up with a big grunting noice off her vocal cords..

Nilanjana : please Vicky, this is getting so tough..

Thanks to moderators for recognizing my efforts by putting it in sticky.

Thanks to all my supporters and funkytimmi for leading the protests on my thread

Wishing all the members a very HAPPY HOLI

Vicky : u want to give up?? i really want u to.. i want to know lot of things abt Kumkum..

Nilanjana : nooo.

He was getting so merciless.. Saying she again went down onto the 19th one.. She was tooo tired to control or balance herself and let herself down without any energy to control herslef. and really fell down hard on her bums.. her legs and feet in the air for a while giving a glimpse of her light blue panties underneath her slit black petticoat

she tried to getup, but it was not possible with her tied hands and those long heels.. she tried again.. but there was no muscle in position to facilitate her getting up..

Vicky laughed aloud on her.. and walked upto her.. he bent down and pulled wrapped his hands around her upper chest, just under her armpits.. and helped her up.. he had a nice feel of her naked smooth skin.. she felt so humiliated on touch of Vicky.. till now he had seen her naked but not touched her.. but here he was.. her boobs almost mashing in his chest and she just hoped that her bra would not give away.. it did not, but that did not make it less humiliating for her as she counted 19 in his arms..

One by one she completed the remaining sit ups.. she landed on the floor at least 3 times of the remaining 5 and was entirely dependent on Vicky to pull her back up in his arms... and Rohit was recording it all on the camera..

she was feeling all wet and hot with sweat despite AC being full blow, sweating, humiliated.. the situps had slit her petticoat right upto her upper thigh.. she was sure she exhibited, or at least gave good glimpse of her light blue panties whenver she lost her balance.. her fall, mid air, showing her big heels, slit petticoat and white panties through them were some of the best humilaiting poses caught by Rohit on the camera..

And there was still one more situp to go..

Thanks to moderators for recognizing my efforts by putting it in sticky.

Thanks to all my supporters and funkytimmi for leading the protests on my thread

Wishing all the members a very HAPPY HOLI

End of Part 20

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RE: Ordeal of a 30 yr old housewife.. by masala_man - by Ramesh_Rocky - 17-05-2019, 05:47 PM

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