Adultery Making It Work by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Do you feel like skating?" Mike said gesturing at the ice rink, still smiling.

"Oh, yeah, that sounds like fun," she said brightly giving him a dazzling smile.

Just then Jen heard her someone yell "Jenny!" She turned around -- it was Carly and Megan, Tom's friends she met at Pizza A-Go-Go.

Luckily at that moment she wasn't holding Mike's hand. Thinking fast, she put her hands behind her back and inconspicuously took off her wedding rings. She put the rings in her pocket and then gave Carly and Megan a hug and kiss hello.

Thinking they were Jen's work friends, Mike introduced himself as her husband.

"Husband?" Carly asked. She and Megan were frowning.

"My ex-husband," Jen quickly said. "We were, ah, just taking about some things."

"At least you're talking, my ex-husband and I fought like cats and dogs over the divorce," Carly said with a laugh. She took Jen's arm, the inconsequential ex-husband already forgotten. "Jenny, we're all going to Pizza A-Go-Go, you should come," she said.

"Yes, come with us," Megan insisted taking hold of Jen's other arm.

"Oh um thanks but I really can't," she said glancing worriedly at Mike. He was playing the divorced husband, standing off to the side. In the end, Carly and Megan wouldn't take no for an answer so Jen reluctantly agreed.

"I just need to talk to Mike for a sec," Jen said to them.

"Sorry about this," she whispered to him when they were away from the 2 wives. She saw anger and hurt on his face.

"You told them we were divorced?" he spat at her.

"We ran into them at dinner and they saw the tan line of my rings," Jen explained. "I got flustered."

"You don't wear your wedding rings when you're with him?" he said his jealousy and hurt growing.

"No Mike, I mean, come on," she said.

"You pretend like you're single?" he asked accusingly.

"Mike, put yourself in Tom's place," she said reasonably. "He doesn't want his friends to think he's dating a married girl. Remember? I did the same thing with Ricky." She glanced over at Carly and Megan, who were carefully watching. "I should go," she said to Mike. "I'll be home right after lunch." Then she tentatively added. "We probably shouldn't kiss." She gave Mike a brief hug like he was a distant relative.

"Sorry for being so pushy, but I knew you'd want us to save you," Megan said holding Jen's arm as they walked to the subway.

"I know right?" Carly said cheerfully. "Who'd want to spend a Sunday afternoon with their ex?"

Tom was pleasantly shocked to see Jen walk into the restaurant with Megan and Carly. Tommy squealed and immediately jumped into her arms. "I'll tell you later," Jen said smiling to Tom as he raised an inquiring eyebrow. They were clearly happy to see each other.

"I missed you," he said taking her into his arms.

"Me too," Jen said looking into his eyes, and they kissed.

After lunch Jen said "I should get back."

Tom curled a finger in the back pocket of her tight jeans and pulled her to him. He was hard. "Do you have time to ...?"

Jen was horny and wet. He'd caressed her leg under the table all during lunch. She said "If we're fast --."

Tom asked Maria to take Tommy to a movie, and they practically ran to his house a few blocks down the road. They tore off each other's clothes. Tom fucked her against the wall in the foyer.

"God you fuck me so good!" Jen said dreamily in the crook of his arm, laying in his bed, her body glistening with sweat and her pussy full of his cream. "I've got to go though," she said getting up. It was already 3.

"Come on, stay a while," he said pulling her back.

"I can't Tom," she giggled wiggling out of his arms.

"Give me a minute and I'll be ready to go again," he said.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" she teased.

"Does that mean you're staying?" he said, running his finger along the slope of her breasts. His fingertips circled her nipples, and they started getting hard again.

"That's not fair," she said with a giggle. He rubbed one of her hardening nipples with this thumb and finger. "Tom, come on, I've got to get home to Mike."

He leaned in and kissed her, softly just how she liked it, with just the right amount of tongue. He'd become an expert with her body, and his lips moved over her neck. He flicked his tongue in her ear.

"Oh god," she groaned.

He trailed his hand down her breasts and over her flat stomach, then to her pussy. He ran his fingertips around and over her clit. Her clit was still sensitive from her last orgasm, but he applied just the right amount of pressure.

"God Tom," she moaned.

He moved on top of her and she opened her legs. He was hard again, he couldn't get enough of her tight perfect body. "Still need to go home to Mike?" he teased as he pushed inside her.

"Just go fast okay," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing her.

When Jen finally got home, Mike was sitting in the dark, a glass of scotch in his hand.

"I'm sorry," she said getting on her knees in front of him. When he didn't say anything, she put her head in his lap and said again, "I'm so sorry."

"How many times did he fuck you?" Mike said, like an accusation. When she didn't answer, he said "How many?"

"Twice," she finally admitted. She felt his hard-on but she knew he was not interested in pillow talk right then.

"You can't do that to me Jen," he said, angry and hurt.

"I know," she said. "It was a fluke, it won't happen again." She got up and sat on the sofa, hugging him.

"I understand you lose control," he said. "But if this is going to work, there's got to be boundaries. You can't disappear for hours."

"I know, I know, it wouldn't happen again," she promised. "How can I make it up to you?" She cupped his hard-on. "Do you want to ...?"

"No," he said pushing her hand off.

"You're upset, I get it," she said, hugging him and putting her head on his chest.

Her long blonde hair was right below his nose, and he could smell Tom all over her. He knew Tom was inside her, probably leaking out and soaking her panties and the crotch of her jeans. Jen read his thoughts and said, "Do you want me to clean up?"

"No," he said. He put his arm around her. Despite everything, it turned him on to smell Tom all over her. He felt raw, but his demons were coming out.

They held each other. A little later Mike made a simple dinner while Jen played bartender and make drinks. They ate a quiet dinner, then snuggled on the sofa and watched a movie on Netflix. They both began feeling better, the tension easing out.

"Can I tell ya something?" she said gently in a soft voice. "Today wasn't all my fault. Getting hijacked by Carly and Megan wasn't my fault. You want me to date Tom. How can I do that if his friends know I'm married? You can't get mad at me baby, it's not fair. And the wedding ring thing is the same thing. How can I wear my rings when I'm out on dates with him?"

Mike didn't answer immediately. Finally he said "You were gone a long time."

"That was wrong," she admitted. "But can you at least say it wasn't all my fault? You make me feel so bad."

"I know it's not all your fault," he concedd. "It's just ... you were with me, we were doing stuff, and suddenly you're gone, for hours."

"But I'm here now," she said squeezing his arm. "I feel gross and wanna take a shower, but I haven't cause I know you like him all over me." She gave him a crooked grin. "But instead of fucking my brains out you're upset with me."

Mike couldn't help smiling. "He messed you up huh?" he asked grinning.

"Ah ... yeah!" she laughed, holding her arms out as if his cum was dripping down her body. "He cums gallons, sometimes I feel like he's hosing me down!" She saw the tent in his pants. She cupped him and grinned. "Wanna play now? We haven't even talked about last night yet."

"You must be sore," he said. She been fucking non-stop for almost 24 hours.

"Sorta," she admitted. "But we can still have fun."

In bed Mike was naked, lying on his back. Jen sat next to him cross-legged, stroking his cock. She still wore her bra and panties.

"He fucked you twice?" Mike asked. She'd told him earlier, but now they were playing the game.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's --."

"Once you start it's hard to stop," Mike said finishing her sentence.

"Yeah," she admitted.

"You like Tom a lot?"

"I like him."

"A lot?"

"I guess."

"You can admit it," Mike said laughing.

"I don't know," she said laughing back. "You ask me that all the time. I wouldn't be dating him if I didn't like him." She shrugged. "I guess I like him a lot."

"Okay," Mike said. He reached over and touched a hickey on her neck. Tom had marked her.

"He did that last night," she said. "Do you want me to tell him to be more careful?"

"It's okay," he said running his finger over the hickey, as if studying it.

She reached back and unsnapped her bra, pulling it off her arms. There were bite marks on her breasts. "He gets kinda rough," she said.

"You like it though huh?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," she admitted.

Mike tenderly ran his finger along the bite marks on her breasts, and then over dried cum flaking on her baby soft skin.

"I told you he cums a lot," she giggled.

"Most guys like cumming inside you."

"He does that too." She got on her knees and pulled off her panties. "See?" she said. Her tiny landing strip was matted with dried cum. "We have the weirdest conversations," she said giggling as Mike ran his finger over the dried cum flaking on her pussy lips.

"I doubt Emma Watson talks about this with her boyfriend," Mike joked.

"I doubt Allie talks about this with her boyfriend," Jen joked back.

"Does she have a boyfriend?" he said absently, continuing to trace his finger through her landing strip and around her pussy lips.

"You know Allie, she only has fuck buddies."

"He made you cum, on his cock?" Mike asked abruptly changing the subject.

"Yeah," she admitted. "I cum on your cock too."

"Don't lie," he said. "You hardly ever do, I can tell."

She didn't deny it. Instead she lamented, "That's so important to you."

He shrugged and gave her a look that said "of course it's important, how can it not be important?"

"I'm not lying when I say I love making love to you," she said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. She straddled his lap. "Are you ready?" she asked kissing him again. She reached between their bodies and guided him to her pussy. "I'm kinda tired, and I dying for a shower."

"Yeah," he said hoarsely. He moaned as she lowered herself on his lap and he entered her.

"Tell me how he makes you cum so much," Mike said.

"I don't know," she said. "I guess size does kinda matter."

"Okay," he said, his face filled with lust, but also jealousy and hurt.

As she moved up and down, she put her arms around his neck, and they hugged. "You know, sex isn't the same as love," she said.

"I know."

"Just remember that," she said kissing him.
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:45 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:46 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:47 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:47 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:48 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:48 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:49 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:49 AM
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:50 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:51 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:51 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:52 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:52 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:53 AM
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 12:12 PM
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