Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0
"Ok, now let's measure your hips."

He reached behind her with both hands again and stretched the tape taut around her rear before bringing the ends together in front. Holding it in place, he squatted down so he was at eye level with the ends of the tape.

"36 inches," he mouthed admiringly. 

Pulling the notepad from his pocket, he recorded the result while he remained squatting before her. Then, after replacing the plastic cap he held it like a wand and slid the tip down the center seam of her pantyhose in slow motion from the top all the way down to where it divided around the gusset at her crotch. 

Archana shivered involuntarily as her eyes followed the tip of the pen watching it reach the little patch of pubic hair visible through the sheer nylon fabric. She became mortified as her son began idly tracing the boundary of her "landing strip" with the pen, moving it up one side and then down the other as the plastic cap made a soft scratchy sound as it slid against the nylon of her hose.

Erotic tension hung in the room between them like a heavy fog and Archana felt her pulse pounding in her ears as her cheeks burned hot with embarrassment. She had difficulty swallowing as she watched Ravi use the pen to draw an invisible line running down between her legs and she shivered as he dragged the blunt tip over the contours of her camel toe outlined against the thin cotton panel. She felt drugged and dizzy as she stared down on the tousled hair of her only son who now was so completely absorbed with the task of exploring her intimate topography. 

"Honey, please let me go put on some clothes."

Ravi stood up so he could address her directly. In her heels she stood much taller than he did but he unequivocally was the one in charge.

"Listen to me carefully," he lectured her. "Deepak gave me two requests tonight. ... First he asked me to take your measurements ..." As he said this he ran his fingers along the base of her push-up bra, tracing the curves of the large cups. "... and I think he's going to be very happy with my report." Ravi continued playing with her breasts. "His second request was, um, a bit more interesting ..."

Archana stood passively before him with her arms limp at her sides and a glum expression on her face. The carnal look in her son's eyes told her she wouldn't be getting dressed any time soon.

"You see, the agreement you signed gave Deepak complete and total control over you and your body. That's a simple truth we're both going to have to live with. Do you understand?"

Not quite sure what he was getting at, she nodded her head tentatively.

"Right after you left his house Deepak sent me a text with his second request. You see, he asked me to consider you to be a gift from him to me."

Archana gulped, "A... g-gift?"

"Yes — a gift. The way he describes it, you're my reward for making it possible for him to have such a successful 'hunt.'"

He paused a moment letting her consider what he was saying. Seeing the panic-stricken look spreading across her face he added, "Look, Mom, I'm not going to lie. I do feel a little bit weird about all of this ... "

Archana jumped to the conclusion that his comment about feeling "a little bit weird" indicated he was having second thoughts about what they were doing. She felt as though a heavy weight was lifting.

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RE: Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0 - by usaiha2 - 13-05-2019, 07:12 PM

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