Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0
Deepak took her hand and closed her fingers around the small roll. He chuckled and patted her hand as he spoke:

"Give this to Ravi when you get home."

"I don't understand ..." she murmured.

"Just hand it to Ravi after you get back to your house. He'll know what to do with it. You'd better hurry now. Don't keep Ravi waiting."

Puzzled, the pretty Milf was about to ask another question when Deepak put his hands on her shoulders and walked her to the front door.

"Off you go now."

He opened the front door, pushed her out onto the porch and suddenly Archana found herself in the world again, exposed and vulnerable as the evening breeze flowed over her bare skin. Tears of shame moistened her cheeks as Archana made her way home keeping to the shadows and covering herself with her arms the best she could. She continued trying to convince herself that after a good night's sleep she and Ravi would be able to sort everything out in the morning but her stomach remained tied up in knots and she felt a heavy sense of despair.

As she sprinted across the final street her stilettos clicked against the pavement sounding like gunshots in the dead quiet of the night. A single streetlight cast her moving shadow and, fortunately, the entire neighborhood remained as still as a tomb. Archana began to feel a small hint of hope and comfort to finally be close to home as she made a mad dash over the final 100 yards up her own walkway. She could see Ravi's silhouette through the front door and he pulled the door open as she hurried into the house. 

Feeling momentarily buoyed by the small victory of making it home without being seen, Archana was about to greet her son warmly when he raised his hand in a "stop" gesture interrupting her attempt to speak. Then he extended his other hand holding his palm open expectantly.
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RE: Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0 - by usaiha2 - 13-05-2019, 07:07 PM

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