Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0
Deepak shut down his own computer and moved to the bed where he roused Archana from her slumber.

"Time to get dressed and go home, Mrs. Michael," he called out. 

Archana rubbed her eyes and tried to collect her thoughts as shards of memory bounced incompletely inside her head. She still had rope marks on her wrists and both her ass and pussy were painfully sore from Deepak's violent fucking. However, he now was treating her politely and with genuine warmth helping her sit upright on the edge of the bed and holding her pantyhose out for her as she got her bearings. Archana pulled the hose over one foot and up her leg before doing the same with the other and then she stood unsteadily and pulled her nylons up over her hips before smoothing them into place. 

As she put her bra on she looked across the room and saw Deepak using push-pins to tack her little black dress up on the bedroom wall next to several other items of women's clothing she hadn't noticed before.

"Um, Deepak, I need to get home tonight," she called out to him.

Deepak turned to her and smiled broadly as he said, "I know. I told you it was ok for you to leave."

"But, I'm going to need my dress ..."

The boy laughed condescendingly. "I don't think so, Mrs. Michael. You and it are both part of my inventory now and its going to be a little reminder of our first evening together. But don't worry you'll be ok going home. It's a quiet neighborhood and it's dark so nobody will see you."

"But, I can't go home like this.".

"Sure you can. I've already texted Ravi telling him you're going to be on your way soon and I told him you'll be coming home without your dress and he approved." 

This news unsettled Archana. She fervently believed that Ravi's loyalty to her as his mother was unshakable and that the two of them would be able to figure out a way to reset things rationally to unwind the mess she had created. They might even have to move away but she couldn't imagine him not taking her side. Hearing Deepak say that Ravi was okay with his turning her out into the night half naked was troubling indeed. 

Deepak finished pinning up her dress and he came over and crouched down to help Archana slip her feet into her pumps one foot at a time. Before standing up he caressed her calves and slid his hands over her legs as he looked her over admiringly.

"Damn, you are just so damn fine, Mrs. Michael."

"Deepak, I can't go out there now. Not like this."

"Yes. Exactly like this. ... Just walk on the side of the street without street lights. You'll be fine."

Archana's head was swimming. What if someone saw her? She swallowed hard and tried to keep calm.

"Oh, and one more thing, Mrs. Michael."

Deepak put something small in the palm of her hand. She looked down and saw it was a rolled up cloth measuring tape. She looked back at him quizzically.

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RE: Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0 - by usaiha2 - 13-05-2019, 07:06 PM

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