Adultery Kalpana & "Sir" by indian_exec2000
There was an extra bounce in Kalpana's walk as she hurried home after her interview with Sigma Marketing Consultancy. She just couldn't wait to share the good news with her husband Kapil. Mr. Srinivas, one of the owner-directors of Sigma had interviewed her and finally offered her a job! She knew in her heart that it was her husband Kapil who deserved all the credit. After all, it was he who had encouraged her all the way, helped her to re-write her CV and had in fact arranged her introduction to Sigma Marketing Consultancy, since he knew Mr. Srinivas.

Kalpana was in her late thirties. She was about five foot two, with a plump, well endowed womanly body. She had regular features, full sensuous lips and sparkling, mischievous, intelligent eyes. She had a pleasant, earthy, tinkling laughter. Her white, beautifully set teeth looked like a two stranded pearl necklace when she laughed. She was vivacious, energetic and sociable. She kept herself fit and active by doing exercises & yoga (which she also taught) and served her family a healthy, balanced diet. She loved to listen to music, read books (Hindi & English) and watch movies.

After graduating in arts, she had done a post graduate diploma in marketing management and then joined the marketing department of an up-coming FMCG company, first as an executive trainee and then as a junior executive. She'd soon made a favorable impression on her colleagues and superiors. Soon afterwards, her parents had arranged her match with Kapil.

Kalpana and Kapil were made for each other. He was tall, slim, athletic, good looking and had a great sense of humor. He was highly educated and held a well paid job. He had a liberal outlook. He had willingly agreed to Kalpana's condition that she be allowed to continue to work after marriage even though he earned enough to keep his family decently comfortable.

Kalpana and Kapil had felt an instant chemistry the moment they saw each other. Their bond had deepened as the years had passed. They had been blessed with two children in quick succession and Kalpana had happily quit her job to concentrate her attention upon their upbringing. Her employers had been disappointed with her decision to put her career on hold, but had regretfully let her go when she'd explained her situation. They had urged her to get in touch whenever she decided to work again.

Kalpana's youngest child was now four. In the intervening years, Kalpana's mother-in-law had come to live with them and the children had become quite attached to their grandmother. Kalpana had felt that she could now think of reviving her career. She had started to look around but found that a seven year hiatus had put her at a serious disadvantage. All her peers had moved ahead in their careers and she could never have felt comfortable in her old company, even if they had agreed to take her back. Besides, she felt that it would be better to start with a job that made less demands on her time, even if it didn't pay too well.

Sigma Marketing Consultancy had been started by a couple of friends who had recently quit well paid jobs with large companies. It was a small firm that specialized in offering marketing solutions. Although the compensation package they had offered to Kalpana was not great, the job offered flexible working hours and the prospects of quick advancement if she did well. She would have to work only four hours a day, five days a week; to begin with.

Kapil had shared Kalpana's joy and they had celebrated her success by having dinner at a nice little restaurant. He had however been a bit apprehensive too. He'd been worried whether her dual responsibilities as a working woman and mother would be too onerous. Kalpana had been touched by his concern and had put his mind at rest by promising that she would quit her job if she found the going too tough. But Kalpana was no quitter and promised herself that she would strain every nerve to succeed in her new job.

Soon, Kalpana started working at Sigma's small & cramped office located in a large skyscbangr in central Mumbai. In the first few weeks, Kalpana was not assigned any task and was told to familiarize herself with the workings of the company. It was a small, newly started outfit and the atmosphere was friendly and informal. Kalpana soon felt at home there and waited eagerly for an assignment. She knew that Mr. Srinivas was negotiating with a large multinational company and everyone was hoping that Sigma would get that contract.

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RE: Kalpana & "Sir" by indian_exec2000 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-05-2019, 05:00 PM
RE: Kalpana & "Sir" by indian_exec2000 - by Mampi - 31-10-2023, 09:42 PM

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