Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0

At 6:45 the clicking of her high heels on the hardwood floor announced Archana's entry into the living room. Simply put, she looked ravishing. The tall stiletto heels made her long legs look spectacular and the fitted bodice of the minidress nicely highlighted her breasts, which were made all the more prominent by the demicup pushup bra her son had chosen for her. (It was uncomfortable enough to have her teenage son selecting her lingerie, but all the more so when he had held up the bra exclaiming, "wow, Deepak is really going to like this!")

As his mother got ready to walk the two blocks to the house, Ravi pulled a bottle of champagne from the fridge and put it in a shopping bag with two crystal flutes he had wrapped in washcloths for protection. He handed the wine to his mother and said cheerily, "now go show Deepak a nice time, ok?"

Archana was overwhelmed by the strange situation her son had gotten her into. Pausing at the threshold, she turned back and asked him with a hopeful tone "Deepak's a nice boy, isn't he, Ravi?"

"Of course he's nice, Mom. He's my friend, isn't he?"

"I-I m-mean, he's not going t-to, ... expect me ... to, well, do anything, is he?"

"Holy shit, Mom! How old are you? ... You're not going to get all prudish on me now, are you?"

"Honey, I'm just asking. We'll just be watching a movie tonight, right?"

Her eyes pleaded with her son to reassure her, but she seemed to succeed only in making him more irritated with her and she certainly didn't want to get him angry or upset. Although she was apprehensive about this whole "date night" thing, she was more worried about provoking Ravi's wrath if she didn't go along with his plans.

"Mom, its supposed to be a date, for Christ's sake. And it'll do you good to loosen up a little bit anyway. You don't have to sleep with him, but at least make him happy you came over, ok?"

"Um, ... can you be a little more specific?" she asked in a tiny voice.

"Oh my God, Mom. I don't believe this. ... Are you kidding me? He's a teenage boy with a crush on you! A little bit of cuddling and kissing with you looking like this will make his whole day."

"I-I ... have to ... k-k-kiss him?" she stammered.
"You are un-fucking-believable, Mom. Is this Victorian England? ... Hello? ... He's my best friend and he thinks you're quite the Milf. ... You mean to tell me that you're so prissy and straight-laced that you won't let my friend have a couple of kisses? I don't believe this!" 

Ravi was getting worked up and Archana desperately wanted to calm him down and get back on his good side.

"Honey, I was just asking. Don't be angry. ... Of course I'll let Deepak kiss me if that's something you really want. Just don't be mad at me, ok?"

Somewhat mollified, Ravi pouted a little. "Now you've got me worried that you're gonna be all uptight and stilted. Can't you just relax a bit and pretend that you're not repulsed to be there? "

"Of course I can, sweetie. It's just that its been been so long since I was out in the dating scene and I'm a bit nervous and rusty, I guess. Plus, you have to admit that Deepak's not really appropriate for my age ...."

Ravi scoffed disdainfully. "Jeez, you should just be grateful that a high college senior thinks you're a hottie. It's pretty lame of you to decide who gets to be together. ... Listen, I just don't want you coming across like a prude or have you make him feel embarrassed. Just don't, like, slap his hand away or pull away from him if he puts his arm around you or something, ok? Understand? Be nice to him. ... Let him have a little fun. Promise me."

"All right, Ravi." 

"Like I said. It's supposed to be a date. Be a little romantic, alright? Would that kill you?"

"Ok, I'll try."

With that Archana set off into the dusk with the small shopping bag. Her heels clicked on the pavement and her pulse got faster as she approached the familiar house that tonight seemed to be ominous and somber. As she mounted the front porch the only light inside came from candles flickering in the living room. With some trepidation, Archana knocked on the front door and almost instantly it opened. Deepak must have been watching at the window for her, she thought to herself.
And, in fact, he had been observing her approach through the side window after receiving a call from Ravi alerting him she was on her way. Ravi had reassured Deepak that he had "a little talk" with his mother and that she understood "who was boss." He also reminded Deepak to be sure and turn on the little hidden spy camera that he had loaned to him for the evening. 

Deepak escorted Archana into the house and guided her to the living room. He was wearing jeans, loafers and a button up shirt. He politely took the shopping bag from her and motioned for her to sit down on the couch. There were candles everywhere. Multiple votive candles were lit on the mantle and on several side tables as well as the coffee table where he set down the champagne flutes. He began untwisting the wire cage around the champagne cork and, with surprising deftness, Deepak eased the cork out so that the pressure was released in a hissing sigh. 

With her long legs in the stiletto pumps, the low couch elevated Archana's knees so that her short hem gave the boy a wonderful view of her pantyhose shimmering in the candlelight. Archana felt self-conscious and a bit nervous as he openly studied her legs with a wry smile. She also noted uncomfortably that the outline of a large erection was clearly visible at the front of his Levis and she tried to avoid looking at it as he handed her one of the glasses. 

Deepak's obvious arousal and the quiet confidence he exuded were daunting and intimidating for Archana. It was clear to her that she was on his turf now and that in spite of their age differences the teenager was the one holding most of the cards now. Nevertheless, she continued to cling to the hope that she could keep the evening casual and platonic so she immediately launched into a series of inane questions asking him about college, sports and high college life in general.

Deepak didn't mind her rather clumsy attempt to keep things light and wholesome and he was happy to play along by answering her questions. In actuality, he found her obvious discomfort to be quite a turn-on. The way she nervously chattered away in contrast to his easy aloof demeanor gave him a strong sense of having the upper hand. He felt like a predator of sorts, with the leggy brunette he had lusted after for so many years now his prey.

As Deepak sat down beside her Archana couldn't help but notice there was no tv in the room and she wondered if there ever had been any real plans for a "movie date." The candles and couch suggested that, instead of a movie, she was going to be the focus of the evening. Nervously, she kept remembering her son's admonition to be "romantic" and she tried to suppress the notion by asking Deepak more questions about his favorite teachers and classes.
Deepak gamely made small talk with her but he nonchalantly let his hand fall to his side where it rested between them briefly until Archana felt the light touch of his little finger as it began slowly brushing her leg through the sheer nylon of her hose. The boy continued conversing with her while his fingernail continued leisurely traveling up and down the side of her leg.

It all seemed so surreal and strange to Archana for her to be letting her son's teenage friend touch her like this. She felt dizzy and her heart was racing at a gallop. She wanted to gently take Deepak's hand and guide it back to his own lap but, remembering Ravi's rebuke, she did nothing and simply pretended not to notice Deepak's wandering touch. The last thing she wanted was to risk her son's ire by having Deepak report her as acting overly "prudish." 

Archana was having difficulty holding onto the thread of the conversation as the boy's roving fingertips kept distracting her. Deepak's fingers made larger circles and slowly moved further up her thigh while she did her best to pretend not to notice. She kept stumbling over her words and Deepak could sense how nervous and tense she was, which only served to stoke the fires of his own libido. Since Archana was not putting up any resistance, he slid his hand up the top of her leg and began trying to push the hem of the already short dress higher up her thighs. The task was made difficult by how tight the garment was and, of course, because of her seated position on the couch. Nevertheless, the young man was determined to see more of her luscious legs.

Archana was in a quandary. She knew she knew she should pull Deepak's hand away, but her son's stern lecture still echoed in her ears and stopped her in her tracks since she knew Ravi would be getting a full report from his little friend tomorrow and she desperately wanted to get good reviews. She had always wanted to be viewed as a "cool" mom willing to have a little fun with the boys. She told herself that Deepak was just a typical "handsy" adolescent acting under the influence of raging hormones. After all, could she really blame him for taking advantage of the situation? Wasn't he just behaving the way any horny teenager would? He'd surely never been on a "date" with a full grown woman before and wasn't she the one who had practically served herself up on a platter tonight in a short dress, nylons and high heels? 

She also genuinely didn't want to embarrass the boy or make him feel self-conscious by pulling his hand away. She felt a sudden pang of empathy for the teenager as he clumsily struggled to tug her tight dress higher. She rationalized to herself that there wouldn't be any harm in showing a little more leg. Besides, it even seemed rather cute how smitten he seemed to be with her and it was flattering to be his private crush. So, rather than fending off his efforts, Archana impulsively decided to follow her son's request to be a bit flirtatious by lifting herself up from the couch and making it easier for the 18-year old to push her hemline a bit higher.

Deepak made the most of the opportunity. With both hands, he gathered the material of her dress and pulled upward in a single motion, leaving her dress bunched up around her waist with nothing but her pantyhose left to protect her modesty. Surprised, Archana gave a startled little "oh" and tried to cover herself strategically with her hands, but Deepak pointedly took her wrists and pushed her arms back down to her sides, applying a gentle but firm pressure that emphasized he was in control. 

Poor Archana felt conflicted, confused and more than a little guilty from knowing that her predicament was one of her own making. She felt dazed and in an almost dreamlike state as her face flushed bright red with the embarrassment of finding herself so exposed with her teenage neighbor. She had only intended to tease the boy a little bit, figuring things wouldn't go too far and now she was beginning to won
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RE: Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0 - by usaiha2 - 13-05-2019, 03:46 PM

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