Incest SINFULL SON, LUSTFULL MOTHER - (tantaliser19 )
 On the way…

Sheela: hey, sagar how’s Narmada?

Me: fine aunty.

Sheela: she looks like a good girl. Try not to lose her.

Me: well I didn’t go that far yet, want to take it slow according to my mom’s advice.

Sheela: yes your mom’s the best in this kind of stuff.

Padma: well, I learnt it from you sheelu.

Sheela: yes you did dear. Now tell me sagar, which one of us looks good?

Me: well both of you look good.

Padma: ya, he is right.

Sheela: let me re-phrase it. Which of us looks most sexy?

Me: well that’s a tough question there. 

Sheela: come on tell me don’t be shy!

Me: well then that would be my dear mom.

Padma: he is just partial, you look more sexy than me sheelu.

Sheela: no I don’t. Look at you! I want to bang you right her if you accept me. You are that hot. Your son is right.

Me: but next to my mom, only you come closer to that title aunty.

Sheela: your son is soo good a flirting padhu, I bet it came to him from you.

Padma: I guess so. Drive faster sagar, I am starving.

We went home and spent the rest of the day shopping and watching films. As the cultural fest was the next day night we had a lot of time for that. Well the cultural fest day came. We left to the college that afternoon. My mom and aunty both wore black chudidhars with tight legging exposing their legs and thighs. They looked hot but not as hot as yesterday in temple.

Me: so you both dressed modestly!

Sheela: well we don’t want everyone in college hitting on us, trying to talk and impress us.

Padma: that’s why we dressed like this. So that everyone can see we are beautiful but they don’t get a lustful thought in their mind about us.

Me: good idea mother dear.

We reached the college. It was well decorated and everyone was looking great especially the girls. I was feasting on their beauty. We went around the college and my mom showed me her classroom and the benches where they used to sit. We also met few of my mom’s teachers. They were very happy to see mom and sheela aunty. Later we went to the open air auditorium where the cultural events were taking place. 

My mom found few of her class mates. They were all women and were extremely happy to see mom and sheela aunty. I thought that mom and sheela aunty were very famous in college. Then my mom introduced me and all of them pinched my cheek and said I was cute just like my mom. I liked it.

Then sheela aunty found her ex-boyfriend who left her since his father didn’t accept sheela aunty.

Sheela: padhu, it’s that son of a bitch.

Padma: who?

Sheela: Vijay.

Padma: what? Where?

Sheela: there. Let’s go and torment him.

Padma: good idea.

Sheela: hi Vijay!

Vijay: sheela! Hi how are you?

Sheela: extremely happy, especially since I didn’t marry a pussy like you.

Vijay: I am sorry for what happened sheela. 

Sheela: don’t be! Because of you I found a great husband and have a lovely daughter now. Thanks for that and you remember 
Padma. Whom you tried to hit on. 

Padma: hi Vijay this is my son sagar. 

Me: hi.

Sheela: well bye then Vijay and fuck you!

I sensed Vijay must have really pissed sheela aunty. We settled ourselves in the visitor’s area and watched the events. They were very exciting and all performances were energetic. I completely enjoyed the evening. Later that night there was prom night and anyone with a pair could dance. 

Sheela: you should probably dance padhu. 

Padma: and you?

Sheela: well I was not good at dancing and with this pregnancy it’s better not to.

Padma: that right. So whom am I going to dance with?

Sheela: well, take sagar.

Me: me? 

Padma: yes you, come son, let’s go and dance. 

Me: but I didn’t do it before mom.

Padma: don’t worry I will teach you. Just follow my instructions carefully. Stand sideways, keep one hand on my hip and hold my hand with your other hand. Then move your foot like I move that’s all. Now let’s go.

Sheela aunty went to canteen to have some food and I and mom went to the prom night. There were many couples there dancing mostly lovers but I can bet there are no mom and son pair. We went in to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing. I kept one hand on my mom’s curvy hip. I felt a jolt of current when I touched her hip. 

Padma: move slowly son and don’t press my hip, just keep your hand on it that’s all.

Me: sorry mom!

Padma: no need for a sorry, just follow my footsteps… that’s it...Like that…good… you are a natural son. It’s been ages since I danced. Your dad doesn’t like this kind of stuff. I am happy that atleast you did.

Me: I am your son mom.

Padma: yes you are, now let’s move faster, the music is coming to an end. That’s it like that… move your feet faster, ok now listen when the music ends catch me by my hip with both of your hands, lift me, make a circle in clockwise direction then put me down ok? That’s the finale of our dance.

Me: right.

As the music ended I placed both my hands on my mom’s hip firmly. I felt how tender and slender her hip was. Then I lifted her in air, made a circle and put her down. While putting my mom down her boobs touched my face. They were so soft and smelt great. Every one saw that and clapped. My mom felt very happy and kissed my cheek and we both hugged. That was the most evocative feeling I ever experienced. 

Later a women came towards us and called mom by her name. She turned out to be my mom’s hostel roommate priya. 

Priya: padhu! How are you, you idiot!

Padma: priya! Good to see you dear, I am great.

Priya: you danced great. I was watching your dance from the crowd. Who is this?

Padma: this is my son sagar.

Priya: what? You danced with your son? That’s so sexy dear. I wish my son was as good as yours. He doesn’t move out of the 
house. You really have a great son.

Padma: thank you priya, so came alone?

Priya: yes, my husband’s on camp. As I said my son won’t come out of the house.

Padma: sheela is also here.

Priya: really? Let’s go meet that stupid.

We went to sheela aunty. All three of them talked for a while and I was waiting for them in my car as I wanted to give them some privacy. 

Later after my mom returned we left and reached home. All of us went to bed as we were dead tired. 

I really loved dancing with mom and I will ask her for a dance when we reach Vizag and i know she wont refuse.

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RE: SINFULL SON, LUSTFULL MOTHER - (tantaliser19 ) - by usaiha2 - 13-05-2019, 02:59 PM

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