Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
Vinod waved to his young friend and took the luggage out as Kamna went to the car, Rajesh got out and lewdly whistled at her “Wow bhabhi, you are so sexy”

He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tightly, nearly humping her leg in public while his hands roamed all over her exposed upper back. He released her unwillingly and helped Vinod keep the luggage into the boot, Vinod couldn’t help but ask “Where is Seema?”

Rajesh chuckled “She is inside, she would come out, but she is dressed too indecently for your neighbourhood, so we didn’t want to spoil your reputation in case some of your neighbours are awake”

Vinod nodded excitedly and locked the main door, Rajesh started the car and opened the front passenger door for him to get in. Vinod jumped into the car and looked behind in a single move, his neck nearly tore off in shock. Seema was sitting at the back with her legs elegantly crossed, a naughty smile was on her beautiful impish face, but what caught his attention was her dress. Apart from the TV and movies he had never seen anyone wear so less, Seema too was wearing a bright yellow dress with white flowers like Kamna, but where the similarity ended was in the huge cleavage the dress revealed and the short hem which exposed all of her slim, sexy legs. Though it was a bit dark inside the car, he could see a hint of her underwear peeking through the triangle her legs and the hem made.

Seema giggled “Bhaiya, do you like my dress?”

Like a robot, he nodded, unable to form any further response, she giggled again “I wanted to wear just my bikini, but Rajesh made me wait until we reached the highway”

Though his neck was painful, Vinod didn’t want to turn back as it seemed like her nipples would pop out of the dress any moment and he really didn’t want to miss the sight. Rajesh said “Yeah, you can bare how much ever you want once we are out of the city, I don’t want to get caught by the security officer”

He turned to Vinod and said “Bro, I’m so excited that you and bhabhi are joining us, but I need to make one thing clear”

Vinod turned to look at his friend who was serious “What is it?”

Rajesh said “We’ve done trips to the cottage many times, in all those occasions we were bound by some rules”

Vinod asked “What rules?”

Rajesh replied “First rule is that from the moment I start the car, everyone promises to have all the fun they want, and no one stops them. There are no restrictions, only this way can we lose the stress and have a great holiday, understand?”

With the presence of Seema, Vinod was eager for a no restriction holiday, so he nodded eagerly making his friend smile and continue “Second rule is a bit clichéd, no one talks about what happens in the trip, no guilt trips, no embarrassments and such things. The third and the most important rule is to let go of all the society’s restrictions and have total unlimited fun, otherwise there is no point to the trip”

Vinod nodded “These are simple, I agree to it”

Rajesh said “Remember bro, no going back”

With Vinod’s assent, the car sped out of the narrow streets and entered the main road, they muscled powerfully through the empty roads showing off the powerful engine of the car. They made small talk, Rajesh asked “Bro, do you know how to drive?”

Vinod smiled sheepishly “A bit, but I haven’t had practice in a very long time, one of my friends taught me driving when I applied for the license, but I’m out of touch”

Rajesh grinned “It’s not a big deal, even Seema knows how to drive, you will pick it back up in no time”

Seema hit her husband over his head “I drive a lot better than you. Don’t worry bhaiya, why don’t you drive, it’s like cycling, you can pick it back up smoothly”

Vinod said “Thank you, Seema, but I’m a bit nervous”

She said “Don’t worry bhaiya, I will teach you”

Rajesh interrupted “I’m feeling hungry, let me stop at a dhaba on the way”

Since the highway was dotted with dhabas, it wasn’t difficult to find one, Rajesh drove the car into the tree lined dhaba, which had only a couple of lorries parked in it. Vinod got down and turned to the back-seat window to see Kamna and Seema adjusting their dress and makeup, it wasn’t unusual as girls always liked to be seen perfect. Kamna was the first to exit, he made way for her to step out and immediately it felt like the dhaba was empty. The handful of workers, thee lorry drivers and the cleaners became silent, their gleaming eyes completely focussed on Kamna’s half exposed tits and creamy thighs. As if she didn’t notice the effect she had on the men, Kamna raised her arms high, exposing her clean-shaven armpits to the world and stretched her back. Her breasts, full of milk, pressed dangerously tight against the top, threatening to spill over any second, the front of the dress rose high exposing more and more of her creamy thighs.

Vinod didn’t see her as he was facing the dhaba, suddenly he saw one of the drivers spurt water in shock spraying it all over his friend sitting right next to him, but the man who showered accidentally didn’t notice, his eyes were glued to something behind Vinod’s back. Curious, he turned back and saw Seema stepping out of the car, the light breeze was enough to make her mini skirt flutter and expose the red bikini bottoms underneath. As she was bending, her perky tits nearly slipped out of the tiny cups of her top, showing hints of brown areolae. If he wasn’t standing in public, Vinod would die to touch his cock at least once, it was so hard and nearly painful.

Just like Kamna, Seema stretched her back, once again showing hints of a red bikini bottom, but this time she maintained the pose, so everyone got treated to a longer view. Rajesh slapped Vinod’s back and snickered “Get used to it, bro, she is a tease. She does this just to see how people react”

Vinod nodded in a daze, the hint of red filled his mind, the desire to see the bottom fully occupied his thoughts. Like a sleep walker, somehow he made it to an empty table, the girls took the side facing the dhaba, while the men faced the road. The girls crossed their legs elegantly and adjusted the hem of the skirt properly, but it wasn’t enough as the underside of their thighs were fully visible to the openly drooling men. In a flash, an older man, presumably the owner of the dhaba materialised as if he was a genie and leered at the women “Welcome madams, this is my humble dhaba, but taste very good”

The girls noticed the big tent in the owner’s pant and smirked, Seema said “Do you have pooris? I love pooris in the morning”

The owner’s head bobbed “Of course madam, I will get it in a second. Are you going on a trip?”

Seema nodded and leaned forward showing off her cleavage to the leering man “Yes, is there a problem?”

He shook his head “No madam, nothing, if you going to the hills then I have a cousin who is running a good hotel there. It is a nice place and he will give you a good discount”

Seema shook her head “No, the hills are too cold this time of the year, we are going to the beach”

The man deflated “Oh, no problem madam”

Kamna said “I’ll have a poori too”

Rajesh and Vinod echoed, ordering the same, the owner nodded “I will bring it quickly”

A young dirty teenager came to their table and used to smelly rag to wipe the table, all the while his eyes were staring right at the women, especially their creamy tits. The owner materialised again and hit the back of the teen’s head hard, he shouted in anger “Go get a clean cloth and change the water, madams are high class women, no dirt should touch them. Useless bastard”

The teen scurried away in shame, rubbing the back of his head, but the owner beamed “Don’t worry madams, he will clean it properly”

Seema and Kamna smiled to each other bemusedly and said “Thank you”

Steaming hot pooris and gravy appeared in spotless dishes, the owner served them personally losing no chance to look at the girls’ tits and thighs. None of the other men moved from their tables, even though they’d finished their meals a long time back, the only movement they made was to shift their chairs to get a better look at the girls. Surprisingly, the pooris were delicious, they finished it in no time, the girls using every opportunity to lick and suck their fingers causing many moans and groans to arise amongst the men.

Finally it was time to leave, the owner looked really sad to see them off, he said “Madams, I give you fifty percent discount, but you should come once again on the return trip, please”

The girls giggled and promised the man, making him smile happily “Thank you madams”

Vinod tried to go to the bathroom, but Rajesh stopped him “I too need to pee, but let’s do it some distance from here”

He didn’t understand, but gave in to the younger man’s words, unlike their entrance, the girls quickly got into the car with Rajesh reversing it out of the dhaba in no time. Back on the highway, Rajesh pressed the pedal flat to the floor racing away in the high hundreds, he drove the car too fast, weaving in and out of the early morning traffic. Confused, Vinod asked “What happened? Are we running late?”

Rajesh shook his head “No, some of the drivers back there looked fishy, there was a chance they would follow us, so I put some distance between us”

Vinod was shocked, immersed in the vision of Seema’s red bikini, he didn’t notice anything else, snippets of news articles flashed in his mind, each describing bangs and gangbangs. Suddenly he felt drenched, sweat made his shirt stick to him tightly, Seema said “Don’t worry bhaiya, I can’t see them behind us, we are safe now”

Driving faster for some time, Rajesh slightly slowed down, he still drove a dozen miles when he stopped by the roadside “Potty break”

The men quickly found a couple of bushes and watered it, while the women went behind a tree. As they were ready to go, Seema said “Let me drive”

Rajesh nodded and gave her the keys “I’m tired anyway, I will sleep in the backseat”

Excited, Vinod sat in the front seat, not even bothering to look at the back, Seema opened the driver door, her small frame making the car look much larger. She placed her left leg inside, making the dress rise higher, giving him another flash of her red bottoms. Smirking at his reaction, she sat in the driver seat and looked back at her husband, who was making himself comfortable next to Kamna “Is this far enough for the trip to actually begin?”

Rajesh waved his hand “Yeah, do whatever you want”

Squealing happily, Seema grasped the hem of her dress and pulled it off her body in a single flash. Vinod watched agape as the body he had been dying to see, especially the striking red bikini was completely visible. She threw the dress to the side and shimmied into the seat, asking Vinod “Bhaiya, are you beginning to like this trip?”

Vinod nodded comically, making her giggle “Cool, let’s get this show on the road”

Her foot pressed on the accelerator, making the tires squeal in complaint before shooting off the tarmac like a race car. Seema was a maniac, having no idea about safety, she drove rashly, squeezing into the tiniest gaps and roaring through the straight stretches, yet she had meticulous control over the car making it perform in her hands like a circus lion. Through out the journey, Vinod’s eyes were only on the compact body with dynamite curves. To his shock he saw that her nipples got hard whenever she did a crazy manoeuvre, poking clearly through the thin fabric. She giggled “I get really horny when driving at high speeds, let me tell you a secret bhaiya, when the speed goes above one forty I’ve been known to forget myself and do naughty things”

Vinod looked at her dumbly, the liberal, teasing behaviour of hers was totally foreign to a conservative person like him. She said “Rajesh, give me that bottle of sunscreen, the sun is burning me through the windshield”

Rajesh threw a small bottle into her hand, she turned to Vinod “Can you hold the steering?”

As Vinod held the car straight, Seema nonchalantly squeezed the bottle and applied the thin cream all over her exposed body. Vinod gulped as the creamy skin got dangerously moist and shiny, her lovely globes looked absolutely lickable. She smirked “Do you like this bikini?”

He nodded, she said “You will have to thank your wife, I still don’t know how she got that Trident card, if not for that this trip would be boring”

Seeing her appreciate the card made him a bit more comfortable with Kamna using it, perhaps having it wasn’t bad. Suddenly Kamna made some noise, Rajesh asked “What happened?”

Kamna said “My tits are full, but the breast pump is in the suitcase at the back”

Rajesh chuckled “So what, there is no need for a pump, here just squeeze it in this bottle”

Kamna was surprised “Now?”

Rajesh smirked “Of course, bro will you mind if bhabhi pumps out the excess milk right here?”

Vinod shook his head, feeling magnanimous, especially after perving on Seema with Rajesh saying nothing, he said “No, Kamna, it’s just us here, there is no need to be shy”

Rajesh said “See, even bro has given his permission. Come on, it must be painful”

With her husband’s permission, Kamna had no qualms, in fact seeing Seema flirt with her husband made her competitive. She said “Fine”

Kamna pushed the strap of her dress down her shoulder and released the heavy breast outside making Rajesh lick his lips. The long turgid nipple was already oozing with tiny drops of milk, she held the base of her large breast and squeezed it gently, releasing a spurt of thick milk into the bottle accompanied by a soft moan. In the front seat, the sharp spurting of the milk into the plastic water bottle was drowned by the engine sound. But to Rajesh, it felt like the music of heaven, he said “Let me hold the bottle for you”

He took the bottle and pressed the tiny opening on her nipple, making it seem as if it was a tube coming out of her breast. She squeezed again feeling a mix of pleasure and relief as the milk pooled in the bottle. With one hand holding the bottle, Rajesh’s other hand was busy squeezing his hard cock over the shorts. Horny, he said “Let me try it once”

Vinod asked without turning “Try what?”

Rajesh said matter-of-factly “Nothing, I just wanted to squeeze the milk once, it looks fascinating”

Vinod nodded “Oh ok”

Kamna hesitated as Rajesh’s other hand caressed her pleasantly aching breast, but she didn’t stop him. Rajesh squeezed the breast softly adding to the milk in the bottle, he squeezed again and again making Kamna moan in pleasure, somehow having another, especially a man, do the pumping made her really horny. In a short while three fourths of the bottle was filled, Rajesh exclaimed “Wow, there is so much milk in just a single breast”

Seema said “Give me the bottle, I’d like to have a taste”

Rajesh gave her the bottle, seeing his wife drink the milk of another woman, Seema said “Wow, it tastes so sweet and rich, Kamna, you should give me a bottle every day from now on”

She asked Vinod “You want a sip?”

Vinod said “No”

Seema shrugged and took another sip, enjoying the warm milk immensely “I really hope one day my tits too will produce milk, if it happens then I will save a lot of money”

Rajesh complained “Hey, it is my bottle”

Seema smirked “Now it’s mine, why are you whining don’t you have the other side to drink?”

Rajesh smiled “Yeah, let’s do that, in fact, bhabhi, I think it is better if I drink it directly, why waste another bottle?”

Kamna hesitated, showing off her tits and even letting him squeeze it was fine, but to let him suckle her. Rajesh said “Bro, I think bhabhi is worried you will say anything”

Vinod turned to look at Kamna “Go on, I don’t mind”

Rajesh said “See, bro doesn’t mind”

Before Kamna could decide, Seema piped up “Are you going to suck her tits? Man, I’m really getting horny, my bottom is wet and sticky, bhaiya can you do me a favour?”

Vinod forgot about his wife and asked eagerly “What, Seema”

She said “The bikini is stuck deep into my pussy, can you pull them out? I don’t dare to take my hands off the wheel at this speed”

Vinod gulped “Oh… sure”

Seema spread her thighs wide, letting him see the dark spot on her red bikini bottom, she was really horny. What was arousing was the lewd cameltoe the fabric formed, creating a deep groove which perfectly framed her pussy. With trembling hands, Vinod touched the soft fabric making her moan, though wet, the fabric was hot to touch and he could feel the scorching heat of her pussy from underneath. As he tried to pinch the fabric, he found that it was stuck to her tighter than he expected, she said “I’m not a delicate flower vase, use more force”

Nodding, he used the pads of his finger to pinch the bikini, accidentally pinching the silken pussy lips as well. Seema shuddered “Oh, you are so naughty”

Vinod mumbled, he hadn’t done it wantedly “Sorry, it’s stuck too tight”

She smiled ‘It’s ok, then the best thing is to put a finger behind the in seam and pull it out”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-05-2019, 01:33 PM

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