Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
The next day Kamna went to Seema’s house early, her friend greeted her with a comforting hug and led her inside “What happened yesterday? Is everything alright?”

Kamna nodded “I’m sorry I was really surprised and behaved rudely”

Seema smiled “Don’t, I completely understand how difficult it must be for you, relationship is not a simple sum of 1+1, it is much more complex and multi layered. I was just worried that you will stop visiting me”

They spoke lightly dealing with general issues delicately steering away from personal matters, Seema laughed suddenly “Ah I completely forgot, you must check your app, it has gotten really popular. I think it is time we did a live broadcast”

Kamna asked in wonder “Live?”

Seema nodded “Yes, I’ve used up all the photos and the short clips we shot earlier and congratulations you’ve earned 6865 rupees as of now”

Kamna couldn’t believe her ears “So much?”

Seema giggled “Of course when compared to me this isn’t much, but it is still impressive for a newbie, especially for an account that’s just days old”

Kamna’s depression flew away like it had never existed, it was the first time she earned money and it was an addictive feeling “You just wait until I pass you”

Seema challenged “Bring it on, but seriously I think there is quite a lot of demand for you. Unfortunately, most of your followers are young men wanting those mature bhabhi types, it is a difficult demographic to satisfy”

Kamna was confused “Why? Don’t you manage your followers easily?”

Seema hesitated “Don’t get me wrong, but though we are of similar age, I’m slimmer and look more like a college girl than a married woman. So the people who follow are more of the mature, settled guys who want a young companion. They are also the earning type who is willing to spend money on a younger girl, so I can get away with light innocent flirting most of the time. But you have that mature womanly charm that comes with child birth, they can see that you are married so you can do the same innocent routine”

Kamna nodded “Yes, so what should I do?”

Seema said “Those young guys are mostly students with very little spending money, so they want more value for their money. They won’t be satisfied with light teasing, already most of the comments want you to post naked pictures, some even ask you to have sex on camera”

Kamna was shocked “What? I can’t do that”

Seema nodded “I understand, but if you string them along too much then they will just leave for another woman. So the decision is yours”

Kamna was silent as she weighed the pros and cons in her mind, unfortunately she couldn’t come to a decision. That evening Vinod joined them, the mood was uncomfortable for a short time before Rajesh broke it with his crude behaviour. Things seemed to go back to normal and everyone relaxed, suddenly Rajesh said “Wait, I have a present”

He ran to a desk and brought a beautiful package which he offered it to a surprised Kamna “bhabhi, this is for you, it’s just a small thanks for your help yesterday”

She looked her husband who encouraged her to open it, with slightly trembling fingers she neatly unravelled the wrap and looked at the box within. Vinod and Kamna were surprised to see the gleaming white box with just a picture of the most expensive phone embossed on the top. Kamna stuttered “This, this”

Rajesh smiled “Don’t worry bhabhi, my company gives me a new phone every year, but my old one is perfectly capable, so I had been putting off getting this. But some days back I saw your clunky phone and realised that this would be a perfect gift”

Vinod complained “What about me? Aren’t I your best friend? I too use an old button phone”

Rajesh winked “I have a different gift for you, one you will love”

Seema said dryly “I hope it isn’t more alcohol”

Rajesh snorted “Of course not, but it’s a secret that should be shared only with men like us”

Seema said “Whatever, I don’t care for your immature secrets, come on Kamna open it”

Kamna nodded absentmindedly as she opened the box and looked at the phone made with glass and aluminium. Just a touch made her understand why it was prized so high, it felt more like a luxury watch with the best handmade workmanship than a product assembled by machines. Everyone laughed as she treated it with more care than she did with Arushi, she thanked the person who gave it to her “Thank you”

Rajesh waved casually “It’s nothing bhabhi, I got it for free. I just hope you’ll you those splendid cameras and take lots of pictures of yourself and share it with me”

Seema threw the cushion at her husband “You pervert, I thought highly of you for a second, but you won’t change in a lifetime. Did you think Kamna would take naked selfies in gratitude and share it with you?”

Rajesh asked in confusion “She won’t? Didn’t you do the same when I gave you your first expensive smartphone? I still have all those nude photos and videos saved”

Seema chased her husband around in jest making the other two laugh, Vinod couldn’t help but get excited about the photos. Perhaps the gift Rajesh promised was them? He really wanted to see Seema naked, even if it was another gift, Vinod wanted to exchange it for the photos, in his mind seeing her naked was more worthwhile than the latest iPhone. While the women were in the kitchen playing with the new phone, Vinod asked his friend “Rajesh, what about my gift? Were you talking about those pictures?”

Rajesh asked “What pictures?”

Vinod was embarrassed, but his eagerness gave him courage “I mean the photos of Seema you were talking about”

Rajesh laughed “Haha, bro I had a much better gift in mind, but it seems like you are willing to settle for something much less in value”

Vinod was intrigued “What are you talking about?”

Rajesh smirked evilly “You want to see Seema naked?”

Vinod blushed but nodded making the other man laugh “So why settle for old grainy photos? I can make you see her naked, live”

He was shocked “How?”

Rajesh rubbed his hands like a super villain “I have a friend who owns a cottage in the coast, it is a beautiful place to visit for a few days. Seema loves that place and since it is a private property, she has the full freedom to swim naked in the ocean”

Vinod was rock hard just by imagining his words “Naked?”

Rajesh nodded “We’ve already visited it a few times and she loves it completely. I thought of going there with you and bhabhi for a short stay. I guarantee that the first thing Seema would do is to strip and dive naked into the ocean, so if you agree to the trip you can see her swimming buck naked like a dolphin”

Vinod was hooked “Ok, but will she do it when we are there too?”

Rajesh smirked “The last few times, we went with friends, but she wasn’t bothered by their presence and immediately jumped into the surf naked”

He was shocked “Really? Didn’t your friends get uncomfortable?”

Rajesh laughed “Uncomfortable? We all joined her fully naked and shared the fun, don’t worry it is not compulsory to get naked so you can wear shorts, but it’s more fun to swim naked as the experience is unforgettable”

Vinod was sorely tempted, if he could he was even willing to sell everything he owned to make the trip, but he couldn’t “Sorry Rajesh, it must be expensive, right now I can’t spare the money. Perhaps we can do this later”

Rajesh shook his head “Why are you worried about useless things? Didn’t I say this is a gift, you can come without a worry and enjoy the stay. After all we are friends so why do you want to bring money into this?”

Vinod hesitated “Thank you for the kind words, but how can I let you pay for everything?”

Rajesh said “Fine, let’s not cheapen this by bringing money, but let me count this as a favour, in the future you can repay me with another favour. It need not be monetary, but any help done in need is worth far more than mere money”

He was assuaged, his heart brimmed with emotion as he looked at the younger man who held their friendship so highly “Fine, I agree, but if you need any favour in the future don’t hesitate to ask me”

Seema installed the chat app in Kamna’s phone and logged into it before explaining the important features so that Kamna could operate her chats on her own. Back in their house, Vinod told his wife about Rajesh’s proposal “It is said to be a beautiful private beach, he really wants us to join and I couldn’t refuse”

Kamna was silent, but she too looked forward for a fun vacation after a long time “What about money? We can’t afford to spend extravagantly this time”

Vinod was casual in his reply “Don’t worry, I’ve made suitable arrangements with him, so it isn’t a problem”

She didn’t want to pry too much “So when are we going?”

Vinod said “I will take leave this Friday so we will have three days to enjoy, probably we can come back on Monday”

With the trip coming within a few days everyone was excited, that evening Rajesh said “Seema, do you have enough beachwear? Why don’t you take Kamna bhabhi and shop for some nice clothes to wear? We men can manage with just about anything, but you girls must be stunning and sexy otherwise how can we show you off?”

Seema threatened her husband playfully “I hope you realise what you’ve just said, don’t come back to me to complain about empty bank balances. Kamna, we are going tomorrow early, get ready”

Rajesh tried to calm his wife’s excitement “Honey, I didn’t mean to give you a blank cheque, it would be good for my heart if you leave something in the account”

But she ignored him, excitedly planning for a full day of shopping the very next day. The two women started right after their husbands left for office travelling in an auto, whose driver was known to Seema. Kamna wasn’t surprised too much when her friend greeted the dark ugly man with a tight hug “Ah bhaiya, I hope you are ready to devote the entire day for me”

The driver grinned “Madam, please, it’s my pleasure to see you for an entire day”

Kamna didn’t like that man nor the way he looked at them, she felt naked under his roaming gaze, she pulled her friend to the side “Do we need the auto? Can’t we use the scooter?”

Seema smirked “We will have to carry many bags, we can’t do that in the scooter, not to mention the fact that we need to carry those bags ourselves, it’ll tire us out quickly”

Kamna said “But he will ask a lot if we take his auto all day”

Seema said confidently “Don’t worry, let me manage”

She turned to the man “Bhaiya, do you need anything to drink before we go out?”

The driver leered “No need madam, but if you insist I am dying to drink your milk”

Seema pushed his chest playfully “Cheee, how can a manly person like you like milk, what about juice?”

He smirked “Juice? Sure I want to slurp your juices as I’m so thirsty”

Seema gave him a lusty look “You are being naughty, but if you be a good boy all day then we’ll see”

They went to a grand mall and started their shopping with zest, Seema was reckless with money, buying anything that caught her fancy. Kamna could only watch in envy, the little money she had wasn’t enough to buy the clothes she liked. Seema dragged her friend and stopped in a new massive shop that occupied half a floor of the big mall. She gushed “Kamna, we need to go there, I heard that they have the best collection of lingerie, swimwear and other clothing, but everything is a bit expensive there”

Kamna peered into the shop looking at the elegance and luxury everywhere, her eyes rested on the familiar logo and her face crinkled in mirth for the first time. They entered the shop and were greeted by mannequins wearing the tiniest thongs and bras, the walls were pasted with high quality glossy print of sexy young women showcasing the lingerie. Everything screamed luxury and quality, even the salesgirls looked young, hip and sexy wearing tight black pants that hugged their slim figures and a tight purple t-shirt. Swinging the neatly tied ponytail behind her, a salesgirl approached the two women “Hi, welcome to our store, would you like some help in choosing?”

Seema nodded “Sure we are looking for some lingerie and bikinis”

The salesgirl smiled “Please follow me”

They entered a separate wing inside the store where rows and rows of gauzy tiny and very expensive bits of clothes hung from the racks and mannequins. Even Kamna blushed like a virgin as she saw the G-strings and thongs, especially those huge photos of naked women wearing it. Usually lingerie stores would exercise some censorship in their product photos and promotions, blurring breasts, nipples or crotches and many times even cropping them out of the frame. But this store was provocative, including slight nipple slips, pussy slips and plenty of cameltoes. Seema looked around the store in wonder “Don’t you guys get into trouble for such photos?”

The girl proudly said “No madam, our management takes care of the issues, our policy is to showcase beauty in its natural form, not restricted by censorship. We are proud to show our products entirely, showing the customers how they will actually look on them”

Kamna looked at the girl who was cute and young enough to be still in college, she had a figure to die for and couldn’t help but think that Vinod would enjoy the situation a lot. Wearing modest high heels, the girl walked confidently like a model, her young breasts bounced sexily, her tight butt jiggled sensually and a deep groove in her crotch slid erotically. Kamna said “Your pussy is showing, you may want to adjust your panties, we will wait”

The three looked down at the girl’s distinct cameltoe that set one’s loins on fire, instead of being embarrassed the girl smiled “I know madam, but no need to adjust”

Kamna was surprised, though the shop was for women and had some female customers, she saw a man near the front and a couple more in the bill desk “Are you sure? There are men in here, aren’t you embarrassed that they will see your cameltoe?”

The girl giggled “The two men are my colleagues and one of them is the store manager, they’ve already seen it. To be honest with you, I’m wearing one of our new collections, wait you’ll understand when I show you”

Confused, the two women followed to a small section where the salesgirl took a flimsy lace thong that barely had any fabric “This is our Avura range madam, these are targeted towards young women especially in their late teens and early twenties. It ranges from four thousand to fifteen thousand per piece, you may be surprised to know that this series is designed mainly to be worn under shorts, jeans, pants and leggings. Since it is so minimal, you can go out confidently that your panty straps won’t be visible. According to our company’s survey, the main thing our customers hate is showing ugly pantylines”

Seema asked “But what does it have to do with cameltoes?”

The girl looked bemused “Madam, it is the latest trend among teenagers, wearing these thongs you are guaranteed to show a sexy cameltoe”

Seema and Kamna looked at each other in surprise, teenagers these days are so liberal and uninhibited. Kamna said “So you aren’t shy to show off your pussy?”

The girl shrugged “Cameltoe is the same as cleavage in a tight clothing, so what’s to be ashamed of?”

Shaking her head in wonder, Kamna asked “So you are wearing this expensive thong? Isn’t it too costly?”

With clear pride, the salesgirl said “This is one of the perks in working here, we get to sample the new collections, all my friends are envious”

Kamna asked again “So you like working here? What are the perks and is the pay good?”

The girl said “Yes madam, apart from health and other benefits we also get to take home some samples for personal use. As for the salary, our job description is both a sales representative as well as a model, you can’t find a single average woman in our company stores. The salary too is higher than normal, also we get a lot of opportunities to earn tips and incentives. It is a dream to get such a job while still studying in college, but the company is very strict and stringent too”

The salesgirl was very helpful and explained the products clearly as they browsed the racks, Seema sighed “I want all of these, but even I don’t have money, every one of it is so expensive”

Kamna agreed with a nod, some of the lingerie cost more than Vinod’s entire salary, but the quality and comfort were undeniable. She really wanted to wear them to see for herself, but the salesgirl was strict “No madam, lingerie and innerwear aren’t for trials, but you can try the others”

Seema sighed in defeat “Come on Kamna, I think it’s better for my sanity if we try the other shops, these tempt me too much but I can’t afford most of them”

Kamna who had been a bystander all this time watching Seema burn money like nothing, smirked “You know what, it’s my treat, choose what you like and I’ll buy them for you”

Seema looked at her friend in shock, she clearly knew Kamna’s financial situation “Don’t joke like this”

Kamna, who had been standing idly all this time took the red bra that had tempted her “I’m serious, it’s a secret for now but you’ll see later, don’t worry I will take care of the money”

Her hand slid into her purse and caressed a gleaming embossed black card with golden letters, a small smile graced her beautiful red lips. The indecision plaguing her for a long time was gone taking a huge weight off her shoulders, she felt happy and relaxed as she thumbed the satiny fabrics.
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-05-2019, 04:14 PM

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