Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
Kamna went everyday to Seema’s house, once Vinod left for his office, she spent the entire day having sex, licking and grinding Seema’s young pussy. She was finally relaxed and satisfied, her body was back in control and her life was once again blissful. Vinod stopped standing before the college after work, instead he went to Seema’s house to pick his wife. Of course, the real reason he went was to perv on Seema and enjoy the tight hugs, one to welcome him and one to send him off. The couples also met in the evenings, deepening their relationship with the other pair, as they were of similar age and mindset. One evening, Vinod was happily arguing with Rajesh about sports when Seema offered Vinod a glass of juice.

Vinod turned back to look at her and was immediately entranced by the view, Seema was wearing a loose top that already showed lots of cleavage, but with her bending right before him, he could see naked golden flesh all the way to her flat belly. His cock sprung to attention in record time as he realised she wasn’t wearing a bra, he could form no response as she waited for him to take the glass. Finally, he realised what was happening and blushed in guilt, with trembling hands he took the juice, unable to face both Seema and Rajesh, who was sitting right next to him. Rajesh took his own glass and resumed the conversation, but Vinod was silent “Bhaiya, what happened?”

Filled with guilt, Vinod said “I am sorry, Rajesh”

Rajesh asked “Sorry, what for? It is just a friendly argument, you don’t have to take it seriously”

Vinod knew that Rajesh had seen him perving on Seema, though Rajesh was generous in not putting him in a tight spot, Vinod couldn’t ignore it “I shouldn’t have stared at your wife, it was an accident”

Rajesh laughed “Oh that, I thought you were angry with me. It’s nothing, I know Seema is beautiful, as a man it is normal to admire her. You’ve married a beautiful woman yourself, so you should understand, people will always stare, it’s not their fault. I’m sure you have seen countless men staring at bhabhi”

Vinod was relieved “Thanks, Kamna too attracts lots of stares, but you are my friend, as is Seema so I should have controlled myself better”

Rajesh chuckled “You are too sensitive, I know you like seeing Seema, in fact I caught you admiring her many times”

Vinod cringed in embarrassment, he never realised that his perving was so obvious, Rajesh continued “To be honest, I find it exciting, it gives me pleasure that a man loses control because of Seema. After all no matter how much they stare at the end of the day she comes home to me, no one can take that away from me. Vinod bhaiya, I absolutely don’t mind you admiring my wife, in fact I really encourage you to do it more as it will only make me happier”

He couldn’t believe his ears “Really?”

Rajesh nodded “Of course, I love showing off my wife and she loves it too. It only makes our sex life a spicier”

Vinod blushed a little, but he was already used to Rajesh’s crude talk, still he couldn’t get over the fact that Rajesh was basically giving him permission to perv openly on Seema “So you don’t mind me looking at your wife?”

Rajesh smiled “Let me show you. Seema, come here for a moment”

Seema came from the kitchen and asked “What, Rajesh?”

Her husband said “Don’t you think bhaiya’s right eye is slightly bigger than his left?”

Seema looked at Vinod for a few moments before shaking her head “No, they look the same”

Rajesh said “Don’t be hasty, move closer and take your time, it is really bigger”

Seema bent down, once again revealing her wide, deep cleavage and checked Vinod’s eyes, who was frantically trying not to look at the divine view. Seeing Vinod being uncooperative, Rajesh said “Vinod bhaiya, look down otherwise she can't see the difference”

Unbelieving, Vinod glanced at a smiling Rajesh before letting his mind do as it wished, he looked down at Seema’s cleavage, which was just a few feet from him. He enjoyed the tight curves and flawless complexion, hoping to see a hint of her nipples, but the angle wasn’t right, still it was such a great view, giving him a memory to cherish for a long time. Seema shook her head after some time “No, I still think they are the same size”

Rajesh asked “Is it? Then it must be my fault”

Once Seema went back, Rajesh asked “Do you believe me now?”

Vinod nodded, he still couldn’t come to terms with the man, how can anyone enjoy another person perving on their wife? But he was no idiot to think too much on it “Yes, thank you for that”

Rajesh leered “No problem, did you enjoy the view? Her tits are awesome, they are so firm that she rarely needs to wear a bra”

Hearing Rajesh describe about his wife’s tits was erotic, it made Vinod a lot hornier, his mind was in a sea of lust. Rajesh continued “You would know how soft, yet firm her boobs are once you touch it. It’s her best asset, unfortunately it’s a bit small”

Vinod shook his head “No It’s the perfect size, my policy is that more than a handful is a waste”

He couldn’t believe he was arguing about Seema’s breast size with her husband, but it was kinky and erotic. Rajesh said “No, boobs must be big and soft, if you don’t mind me saying, I very much prefer bhabhi’s boobs, they are so big round and creamy”

Half an hour back, Vinod would have gotten angry at Rajesh for talking crudely about Kamna, but after what happened with Seema he would only be a hypocrite. Also, he had little interest in Kamna except for the duty to defend her honour, but Rajesh was his friend and a really magnanimous person. But the main reason was that Vinod loved to hear Rajesh describe Seema in better detail, so he paid no mind to the crude words. He said “No Kamna’s too big, especially after her pregnancy, my favourite is still Seema’s”

Rajesh smiled “Fine, there is no need to argue, we have our own tastes, you like Seema’s while I like bhabhis, let’s end it one that note”

After dinner, Vinod and Kamna were ready to leave, but Rajesh stopped them “Why leave so quickly? I downloaded a movie today, how about we see that, it will be fun to watch together”

Vinod and Kamna looked at each other before agreeing, Seema asked ‘What movie is that?”

Rajesh said ‘It’s your favourite, a horror movie”

Vinod asked in surprise “Really, Seema, do you like horror movies?”

Before Seema could answer, Rajesh laughed “She loves it because it gives her an excuse to hug the person next to her. She is too grabby”

Vinod’s cock lurched, but little did he know that Rajesh’s words were true, it was common knowledge in Seema’s college that the surest way to fuck her was to take her to a horror movie. Vinod didn’t like those movies, but he didn’t want to be seen as weak in front of his friends, also he didn’t want to lose the opportunity to stay for a longer time in the presence of Seema. Seema glared at her husband, she said enthusiastically ‘I love movie nights, Kamna how about we make some popcorn, I have some ready to make packets. It will make the experience authentic”

While the women went to the kitchen to make fresh popcorn, Rajesh rolled a small trolley full of expensive alcohol, he asked “Bhaiya, how about a small round? I always drink a couple of rounds of whiskey to give me courage”

Vinod hesitated for a moment before nodding “Fine just a small peg”

Rajesh smiled happily “Great, it’s a bummer to drink alone. I’m used to drinking from college, our group drank cheap rum every day and go to classes the next morning with a splitting hangover”

With great skill, Rajesh opened a crystal bottle of imported whiskey before pouring the right amount in a heavy whiskey glass. A couple of ice cubes later, he gave it to Vinod before pouring himself another one. While Vinod sipped the smooth whiskey that warmed his body, Rajesh inserted a pen drive into the home theatre system and made the movie ready to go on the big LED TV. Vinod watched the setup wistfully, he too wished to own such a great AV setup, but his salary was too meagre to even buy a HD TV. He sipped the whiskey to help suppress the twinge of envy, he wanted to earn more in the future to buy a good TV for himself. The women came out a few minutes later holding several bowls of popcorn, Seema said “Don’t start the movie without us”

While the men laughed, she looked at the whiskey and said “You drunkard, can't you spend a day without drinking?”

Rajesh shrugged “it’s just a small round, it’s not like I am drinking barrels of liquor and pass out in the street. And don’t act saintly in front of our friends, you drink too”

Seema blushed “Yeah, so what? It’s normal for women to drink these days. Anyway enough with the blathering, give me some gin. Kamna, what do you prefer?”

Startled at the question, Kamna said ‘I don’t drink”

Seema exclaimed ‘What? Don’t joke, how can you not drink? Anyway, its not a big deal, have a glass of gin with me, it is what women drink, it’s tasty and doesn’t smell like others”

Kamna shook her head “No, you carry on”

Seeing her be stubborn, Seema went to Vinod “Bhaiya, I think Kamna is hesitating because of you, tell her it’s ok. It will be a downer if only she doesn’t drink”

Vinod mumbled “I…”

Seema took his arm and hugged it, pressing her firm perky tits on him “Please bhaiya, gin is harmless, its just for fun. Like what Rajesh said, we aren’t drinking barrels and get passed out in the streets”

Unable to stay strong in front of her temptation, Vinod relented, not wanting to disappoint his dream girl “Kamna, why don’t you drink a little too? What Seema says makes sense, it will be fun if everyone joins in”

Kamna nodded making Seema shout happily “Hurray, thanks bhaiya, you’re the best”

Vinod nearly dropped the glass of whiskey down when Seema hugged him tightly and kissed him on the lips. Though it lasted only for a second, it left Vinod in a daze, he looked around and was relieved to see that no one made a fuss about the kiss. Finally, the movie started, Rajesh switched off all the lights and put the AC in full blast, seeing an AC in the hall was yet another blow on Vinod’s dignity. Vinod sat on the big three-seater sofa sipping on his third glass of whiskey, Kamna had a glass of gin and sat on the other side with some gap between them. Rajesh and Seema had their own glasses of alcohol and sat on the two-seater, everyone had a bowl of spiced, buttery popcorn to munch on. The movie started with a scene of a young woman removing her towel and step into the tub, everyone could see her naked back as she pulled the shower curtain and turned on the shower.

Though the curtain obscured the view, her naked body was clearly visible to the viewers, the scene made the room hot inspite of the AC. For more than a minute the camera focussed on her naked body as she washed herself, suddenly the music changed and there was a sound. The woman paused and pushed aside the curtain revealing her naked breasts and checked on the noise in fear. After a few moments of silence, she went back to bathing, suddenly a hairy monstrous hand pushed aside the curtain and clamped the terrified girl’s neck strangling her until she died. Though the scene was a bit scary, honestly it only served to show the woman’s naked body in detail, so the group were more aroused than scared. Leaving the blood soaked naked body of the woman, the scene changed to a western college, where young teens roamed around in sexy skirts and tight jeans.

After focussing on filler scenes with college students having fun, later a group of friends decided to take a trip to a vacation home. The travel was filled with many flirting and kissing scenes between the beautiful male and female friends. They reached a beautiful haunted house in a forest and settled in the rooms in pairs, the following scenes were filled with naked young women, bathing and having sex with the men. The first half an hour of the movie was nothing but naked women and sex, leading to Seema complaining “Rajesh, is this really a horror movie or porn?”

Rajesh said “I don’t know, my friends said it was truly scary, but also filled with lots of boob show, so I thought it would be fun to watch”

Frankly Vinod didn’t mind watching such movies, he loved young college girls and that movie was full of them. Under the blanket, he started stroking his cock as the sex scenes continued barely interrupted by amateurish scary moments. Evidently Rajesh was horny too as the blanket he shared with Seema made many motions underneath. Seema exclaimed in frustration “Stop it Rajesh”

Some time later, she stood and pushed Rajesh away complaining “He is always grabby, I am going to sit with Kamna and bhaiya”

She sat in the middle of the three-seater and snuggled under Kamna’s blanket, while Rajesh said in exasperation “I’m only grabbing my wife, don’t I have the right”

Seema struck her tongue out “It’s your punishment for playing this trash movie”

Vinod was excited, though Seema snuggled with Kamna, the three-seater wasn’t big enough to leave a large gap between the three adults, he could feel Seema’s thigh rubbing against his. True to Seema’s complaints, the movie meandered through more scenes of naked women and sex with only a few sporadic scare moments. Half way in the movie, Rajesh came over to refill their glasses of alcohol making everyone slightly drunk. In the haze of warmth and liberation the alcohol provided, the movie made everyone aroused, Kamna and Seema giggled as they snuggled tighter. Vinod couldn’t control himself as he unzipped and took out his erect cock under the cover of the blanket. The smell of sex became stronger in the room, but the alcohol dampened the senses, so no one found anything unusual.

Unexpectedly a seriously scary scene occurred causing everyone to freeze, Seema gasped in fear and snuggled closer into Kamna. Her soft bare feet were tucked under the blanket, since there wasn’t enough space in the sofa it pressed on Vinod’s thigh. He realised what happened a few seconds later, but he didn’t say anything as he didn’t want her to move away. Fortunately for him, the second half of the movie had more scary scenes, with every shudder Seema’s feet moved closer and closer until it was on his lap. Frankly he didn’t know how she failed to realise where her feet where, but he didn’t want to complain. His heart raced as he stroked his cock faster, touching Seema’s soft feet was very kinky, also it was just a few inches from his hard on. Wanting more intimate contact, he shifted slightly to bring his cock closer to her feet.

A sex scene played on the big screen TV, the beautiful heroine had passionate sex with the hero with both of them fully naked, the camera focussed completely on the heroine’s sexy body. The scene was erotic and it made the group further aroused, there were soft sounds coming from the women’s blanket. Vinod was no different, his cock was really hard, dripping precum continuously, the rounds of whiskey served to sever all inhibitions. Seema’s feet moved closer and closer until just a hair’s distance separated his cock from her feet. Vinod lost control, he couldn’t deal with the tease and denial, he wanted to touch her feet badly. Bolstered by the whiskey, he pressed his cock on her soft feet nearly orgasming immediately from the surge of pleasure.

Seema who had been ignorant until then, gasped at the touch of the strangely hot sensation and said “AH sorry bhaiya, I didn’t realise I had put my feet on your lap”

Perhaps it was due to the extreme horniness or the whiskey, but Vinod was unusually assertive, just as Seema pulled her feet off his lap, he used his hands to clamp her feet down “No worries, I don’t mind it”

Seema tried to pull her feet a few times, but he held on, finally she relented “Sorry to trouble you”

Vinod smiled “It’s nothing”

Not wanting to appear rude, he gently massaged her feet making her smile, of course his hard cock was still rubbing on her, but he didn’t dare to do anything more. But he didn’t mind, just the fact that he was rubbing his naked cock on her was mind numbingly kinky. Slowly the movie came to a close, Vinod let Seema’s feet go reluctantly and put his throbbing cock back into his pants. Rajesh checked the time and said “It’s already late, why don’t you stay here for the night?”

Vinod saw that it was indeed late, he said “It’s just a street from here, we can make it without any issue”

Rajesh said “Yes, it is not that far, but these days its not safe to go out so late, especially with bhabhi”

Vinod looked at Kamna and said “We don’t want to impose on you”

It was Seema who replied “It’s nothing, we have a guest room, you can stay there for the night. Don’t be a stranger bhaiya”

Since Kamna didn’t gesture otherwise Vinod relented “Fine”
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-05-2019, 06:25 PM

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