Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
Kamna was watching the muted conversation cautiously, she asked “Uncle is there a problem?”

Prakash smiled “No dear, I thought about leaving, but I changed my mind, I can't bear to leave you so soon”

Kamna smiled flirtatiously “You can be here as long as you wish uncle, but let me clean you first”

She took a soft cloth and wiped the sticky semen off the old man’s cock, which looked soft and small like a child’s. Just when she was about to go out to get a bowl of warm water, Chandan stopped her “Madam, please stay here with boss, I can bring anything you need”

Prakash nodded, happy to see his servant so hardworking, Kamna said “Fine, bring me a bowl of warm water to wash uncle”

Chandan slipped out immediately where he was asked by Vinod “Is the ritual done?”

The driver said “No, it will take time”

Chandan had little respect for Vinod, a man who leaves his wife to play around with other men, so he went to the kitchen to prepare the things he needed. Kamna cuddled with Prakash, wrapping her lush, hot body around the old man’s flabby one “Uncle, what’s up with the driver?”

Prakash said “Nothing dear, don’t worry about him, he is harmless. Now I need you to try out all these things I’ve bought you and show it to me”

Kamna said coquettishly, caressing her navel sexily making his eyes widen in delight “Sure uncle”

Chandan entered with the bowl of warm water, plus a wedge of lemon, Kamna took it from him “Let me clean uncle, it’s my duty”

The driver nodded and stood back, letting Kamna tease the shivering old man by rubbing her full breasts on the wrinkly chest, while her hands cleaned the drooped cock. Prakash’s cock twitched many times at the erotic stimulation, but it didn’t get hard again, still from his wide smile it was clear that the old man loved the experience. Chandan too was happy, he got to watch Kamna’s ass swaying from just a few feet away, her wet pussy was quite visible from the sodden panties which clung to her like second skin. With his boss busy ogling the young beauty, Chandan was free to stroke his thick cock enjoying the exquisite scene. After a futile attempt to bring him back to hardness, Kamna let go off his cock and helped the old man wrap his dhoti around his fat flabby waist.

As she turned around to give the dirty water bowl to the driver but gasped in shock, Chandan’s hand was busy stroking his thick black cock, dripping copious precum onto the floor making a huge mess “You… what are you doing?”

She glared at the filthy driver who was in bliss, then looked at Prakash “Uncle, what is he doing? How can you allow this?”

While Prakash tried to come up with an answer, Chandan stammered pitifully, he was so close to cumming “Madam, sir, I am so sorry… I couldn’t help it… madam is so beautiful, I’ve never seen such a woman like you before… my… my balls were so painful from controlling for so long, they feel like they would burst at any moment”

Kamna’s anger lessened at the man’s pitiful appearance, not to mention his compliments to her beauty, it was rare to hear such things in her house, still she disapproved of him taking advantage of her. Prakash was in relief, grasping at the straw his driver offered, he soothed an angry Kamna “Please dear, try to forgive him, I’m sure he really couldn’t control himself, he has been with me for many years and he has always been very trustworthy and respectful”

Kamna shook her head in exasperation “But uncle, I’m a dutiful housewife, how can he do such a thing right in my house with my husband next door? Does he think I’m a street prostitute? I come from a good family uncle, I did everything for you because of my love and affection. You have always been a gentleman, never taking advantage of my weakness and I’m always grateful for it. But he is a stranger, how can he blatant pleasure himself like this?”

Prakash couldn’t come up with a proper answer, while he had fucked her navel and even cum inside her pleasure hole, true to her words, he had never tried to push the limit. IN the grand scheme of things, navel teasing and fucking wasn’t like fucking her pussy, it was just a perverted fetish. Chandan pleaded “Sorry madam, it’s my fault, from the last time I saw you, I’ve been besotted with your kindness and beauty, your loveliness made me unable to sleep at night. Right from this morning, I’ve helped sir buy the best sarees and jewellery for you, I couldn’t help but imagine you wearing it all day and it made my body burn with desire, when I saw you wearing some of them with my own eyes, I lost control of myself”

Kamna turned to Prakash “Is it true uncle?”

Prakash nodded vigorously “Yes dear, he was really helpful and has a good taste, please forgive him. As a man I can understand his situation, if only I was a decade younger and my body fitter, I too will be in his situation, unable to control myself in front of your beauty. Please dear, forgive him for my sake”

Kamna thought for a moment before nodding “Please uncle don’t say big words, I will forgive him this time for your sake, after all the things you’ve done for me, this is the least I can do. Still just because I’m liberal with you doesn’t mean I’m a loose woman, I have a loving husband and a darling daughter, if my reputation is smeared then I don’t know how I can face my husband anymore”

Prakash nodded with a smile, while Chandan said “Thank you, thank you, thank you madam. Please madam, I know I don’t deserve this, but can I cum this time? It’s so painful to hold it back”

Kamna looked at the thick black cock and her mouth watered, her eyes gleamed, but she tried not to show it “Whatever, you can cum this time, but this is the last”

Chandan beamed in happiness “Madam, you are like an angel descended from the heaven, I will keep this kindness forever in my heart. But I really need to cummm…”

Both Kamna and Prakash watched as the driver sped up his stroking considerably, his calloused dark hands were slippery with precum. Kamna couldn’t believe her eyes, the cockhead, which was just a few feet from her, looked so big, purply red and shined liked a polished knob. Unending precum made his hand slippery, creating a wet, slurping sound as he stroked himself right in front of her. Prakash watched everything with fascination, the scene was the most erotic in his life, Kamna looked like a seductive goddess as she rested on him, her full breasts were bare and laid on top of him round belly, her nipples were long and hard with a dark reddish tint which was spreading all over her milky chest. Her beautiful face was entranced by the black cock, her juicy reds lips were spread wide open, her nostrils flared desperately trying to inhale more air to cool the scalding heat of desire.

As a conservative, traditional man with strict morals, Prakash had always lived life within himself, he had strictly controlled his needs and desires to lead a modest, upright life inspite of his considerable wealth. His money could have easily bought him many pleasures of the world, he could have had many mistresses, sampled all types of alcohol and drugs, and indulged in anything he had ever wished for. Because of his father’s strict upbringing, he had always hid his fetishes and other urges in a deep dark corner of his heart. Though he had faced many temptations, he had enough will to resist those sweet vices and led a proper way of life. It was Kamna who had successfully broken his resistance, using her innocent beauty and her marvellously deep navel which made his mouth water every time he saw it. Teasing, sucking and fucking her navel always brought the most pleasure he had ever tasted in his life, unfortunately he was too old to enjoy her to the limit.

It was his greatest regret that he hadn’t married a woman like her, at least he could have met her many years back when the embers of life were still burning hot inside him. Just when he lost himself to endless regret, the sight of his lowly driver beating his thick cock right in front of Kamna’s face set Prakash’s dying embers alight. Though his soft drooping cock twitched forcefully, it didn’t get hard, but Prakash felt pleasure greater than ever before. Chandan gasped loudly as he continuously gazed at Kamna’s half naked lush body just a few feet in front of him “Oh madam, you are so sexy, I’m going to cum”

Prakash watched transfixed as Kamna’s body jerked back instinctively, but Chandan was too fast. Even through his aging eyes, Prakash watched a jet of thick cum shooting out of his driver’s cock with immense force, it was so fast that everything else seemed to move slowly. Like a newborn deer, Kamna froze as the jet of semen arced gently in the air before landing right on her naked heaving chest. The splash of cum on her buttery skin was really loud as both Kamna and Prakash saw the jet spreading wide from the force, smearing thick cum all over her breasts. Prakash was stunned as a second jet, just as thick and forceful, landed just below the first smearing most of her round breasts. The third was slightly weaker, yet it managed to land right above her navel, sliding off her satiny skin and filled the deep hole with creamy cum. The fourth and the last was the weakest, it tried very hard to make contact with her, but could only feebly splash on the floor, followed by a couple more drops of their brethren.

As Chandan stroked himself weakly, his blissful gasps echoed around the silent room, drinking in the sight of the beautiful seductress covered with his cum. Kamna looked at the thick cock which was yet to soften with fascination, the stream of unbelievably thick semen caught her by surprise, making her body send the sensations of the hot sticky liquid sliding all over her front a couple of seconds late. Prakash’s cock hardened just enough, creating a miracle, his jaw was yet to close as he watched the lake of semen his driver had produced compared to the small puddle he himself had emptied in Kamna’s navel. Chandan’s semen was so thick and voluminous, that one orgasm produced more cum than what Prakash’s would in a month.

Chandan breathed deeply as the pleasure in his body dropped down, the haze of lust in his mind finally cleared. He gasped in shock when he saw Kamna’s half naked body “Oh madam, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise what happened, let me clean you. Please forgive me”

His shock pushed Kamna out of her daze, she looked down at her body covered all over with cum, before she could form a response, Chandan placed his hands on her breasts and wiped the semen, giving her tits a couple of minute squeezes. Angry, she pushed his offending hands away “Step back you brute, how dare you touch me with your filthy hands? The gall you have is mind boggling, right after you came all over me, fulfilling your perverted desires, you even dare to lay your hands on me?”

Chandan whined “Sorry madam, I didn’t mean it in the wrong way”

Kamna shook her head in exasperation “Turn around”

He obeyed immediately, while she used her discarded saree to wipe the sticky cum off her body, frustrated with the amount she had to remove. Seeing that she was truly angry, Prakash intervened “Sorry Kamna, it was an honest mistake”

Kamna spat angrily “No, it’s my fault, uncle, I should have never let this happen. Please don’t mistake me, but I don’t want to see his ugly face anymore”

Prakash sighed “I understand dear, I think it is better we leave, I too didn’t expect things would turn around this way”

Kamna sighed “Please take these gifts too, uncle”

Both Chandan and Prakash froze, the old man asked “What do you mean?”

Kamna said “Perhaps I should never have taken it in the first place, this has only caused misunderstandings. Because I take something back from you, the relationship we share has become cheap, how different am I from a prostitute taking money?”

Prakash stammered “no dear, its not the same, this is just a gift. It is just a token of my appreciation”

But Kamna was adamant “Sorry uncle, you are always welcome here, but I don’t want the gifts, so please take it back”

No matter how much he tried, Prakash couldn’t convince her, so with a heavy heart he took back the gifts he had carefully bought and left with his morose driver. Back in the car, Prakash lamented the turn of events, Chandan said “Master, it is my fault, if I hadn’t interfered madam wouldn’t have gotten angry”

Prakash wanted to push the blame on his driver, but the memory of his thick cock spraying a huge volume of cum on Kamna made him hesitate. Chandan said “Madam is kind, if I plead with her then she will forgive me and perhaps take back the gifts. But master, I will always remain grateful for your enormous generosity by letting me get pleasure as well. In all my years, I’ve never seen such a beautiful and sexy woman like madam, let alone see her nearly naked. But greed is human nature, I can't help but ache to touch madam’s divine body to my heart’s content. Sorry master, I know madam is your woman, so I will never cross the limit and bury this desire deep inside my heart”

Prakash smiled “Haha, no she is not my woman and I don’t mind you lusting after her”

Chandan asked with a glint in his eye “Really master? I thought you were angry when I came on her”

The old man shook his head “Angry? No, in fact I liked it”

Chandan was no dunce “Please forgive me if I am wrong, but from what I understand, master doesn’t mind me jerking off or even touching her to my will?”

Prakash sighed “You’ve been my trusted servant all these years, so it’s not wrong to divulge this. As you know my body is weak when compared to my mind, no matter how much I want to, my old body doesn’t cooperate. So it only satisfies me when someone else performs my desires”

Chandan’s body shook with excitement “Please master, this lowly servant is grateful if I can act as your proxy, I will do everything you order”

Prakash chuckled sadly “It sounds interesting, but I don’t think it is possible anymore, Kamna is too angry at both of us”

Chandan replied “That’s where you are mistaken master, madam is angry, but as far as know about women, hey are also forgiving. If we show our sincerity perhaps madam will allow us to have fun back again. I can only hope that master uses me to fulfil all of his desires on madam’s body”

As the master servant duo planned for a future encounter, Kamna stood underneath the shower, wanting to wash off the sticky cum, which seems to be all over her inflamed body. No matter how many times she scrubbed the stickiness never seemed to go away, especially the pool of cum inside her deep navel. Finally, with her tender skin nearly scbangd off, she towelled herself and put on a simple nightly, not wanting tight clothes on her sensitive skin. Vinod was watching TV, blissfully, not having any idea of the circumstances inside his own bedroom. After dinner, he was ready to sleep, but Kamna couldn’t, every time she closed her eyes, the memory of the driver’s thick cock and the seemingly endless spurting of thick semen filled her mind. Her already hot, deprived body started to burn more with restrained desire, her nipples were painfully hard aching for a man’s touch, her mouth parted automatically with sweet saliva already pooled within, wanting to feel the hardness of a cock and taste its unique flavour, her pussy trembled in passion, leaking continuously as it eagerly waited for satisfaction.

For Kamna, the night was restless, she couldn’t sleep for a minute as passion wracked her body. She even tried to wake up Vinod for some much-needed relief, she rubbed herself on his sleeping body like a mating cat, but he didn’t wake up. It was only when she took a bath with cold water early in the morning, did the pangs of desire run to the background. Unable to concentrate on anything, she decided to go to the shop to distract herself. Subconsciously, she wore a racy sleeveless red blouse that showed off her plump breasts to perfection and left her back bare, except for a small strap connecting both sides. She combed her silken hair into a shimmering waterfall of darkness that resembled the starry night sky and tied it loosely into a pony tail, showing off her naked back completely. A translucent yellow cotton saree showed off her lush body further, especially the low waist which exposed her deep navel that looked like a coin slot.

Burning with passion, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, feeling proud at the beautiful image looking back. She looked dangerously seductive, proclaiming loud her need for a hard cock and good savage fucking. At the last moment, she paused and added a thin golden belly chain that made her look even more stunning. She took her purse and got some money, feeling naughty she slipped the folded notes inside her blouse, dangerously close to her hard nipple. Her pussy was already wet and sloshed erotically with every step, she could even feel her labia sliding on each other, sending delicious little spark of pure pleasure. As she stepped out of her house, the bright sunlight and the people going about their work made her suddenly shy. She hesitated to move further, it was right outside her home and a place where she knew almost everyone, was it right to go out half naked in front of the familiar faces? The hesitation won out, she pulled her pallu and used it to cover her naked back, bare shoulders and bulging breasts, though the saree was almost transparent enough to betray her intentions.
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RE: The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-05-2019, 06:20 PM

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