Adultery My Wife, ME And Our Neighbor by GADE_AMRUTA
When we left mall towards the parking area Rohan was with me and Naved was carrying the bag having some intimate clothing of Prachi which she bought in th presence of Naved and not me.Now at this stage Naved knew whats inside the bag and not me.

While going Naved was sitting in front and Prachi and Rohan at backseat as Rohan was feeling very sleepy.As expected he fell asleep before we reach home.After parking the car i came out of the car and take Rohan in my arms.As Prachi was getting down from the car she twisted her ankle little and lost her balance.Naved just came forward and held Prachi.I saw he had taken full advantage of the situation and holding Prachi in away that his Palm is on the sides of Prachi's left melon.
" Can you walk by your own " I inquired .But she said its paining a bit so she needs support.I immediately came forward and request Naved to take that i can support her walking till the Lift. I did not want to see anybody Naved giving support Prachi in away he was holding her.By my good fortune Prachi also asked Naved to take care of Rohan.So reluctantly but without choice Naved took Rohan and now i gave support to Prachi while walking towards the lift.
When we reached the lift,The Guard of our building was standing there.He told us that There is some problem in the lift and he had already given complaint but it would be solved tomorrow morning only.
Our flat was at fifth flour.I asked Prachi weather she can climb five flours with my help to which she replied that she will try.

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RE: My Wife, ME And Our Neighbor by GADE_AMRUTA - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-05-2019, 06:12 PM
RE: My Wife, ME And Our Neighbor by GADE_AMRUTA - by enjyxpy - 12-05-2019, 06:43 AM

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