Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13
“Anand!!!. Ok, i think now i understand why you are acting like this. ” swetha said breathing out with relief

“Anand it may look like i am under yogendarji’s charm but believe me i have fought men away all my life. I am well aware of how things are going on and what line i cannot cross. Trust me, i harbor no feelings for yogendarji that would make me want him more than you. It is you, i love and who i want to be with forever. We have been together for more than a decade why would i want someone who i hardly know and who only lusts for my body.”

“Me being intimate with yogendarji you have to understand, apart, from your fantasy i too am indulging in mine. When will i get a chance to be with another man and give myself to him. This is all going to end soon and i am playing out my own version of desires. I know i shouldn't, but, It just turns me on to willingly offer myself to another man like he owns me or even act like i am his wife, even though i am married to you. Is it wrong that i too enjoy it as part of your fantasy?”

I didn’t know what to say. Swetha is same as me. It’s same as me and ganga. It’s not like i have feelings for ganga because i am sleeping with her. But still it is a hard pill to digest.

“but it's hard for me to see you so intimate with yogendarji” i said

“Anand, do you expect me to be a lifeless doll while he takes me?”

“No but…”

“Anand, Sleeping with someone is the most intimate thing to do. I cannot just do it with anyone. I have to like them up to some level to be so intimate. I know you’re concerned that i might develop feelings for them, but, that would never match up to what we have. The whole affair has only got us more closer. I know you trust me a lot or which husband would send his wife to a hotel for 2 nights with another man. I know its your fantasy but still it can only happen because of the trust we share. Please continue to trust me. But, If you still want to end it. I will end it.”

I felt a little better after talking to swetha and she was ready to end it. It was all out in the open now. But it was still a decision time.

“Swetha, i trust you. But, at the same time i do not trust yogendarji. My gut says, it’s dangerous to continue with yogendarji. He has too much invested in you. If things don’t go his way. He might... i think he may use force or even try blackmail. He already knows where we live and you know what kind of a person he is. Anyway, we were planning to end it soon when he leaves, which now, we are not sure when. I don’t want things to get ugly. We should stop it before it goes out of hand.” i said as swetha took few mins to think about it.

“I can’t just pack my bags and come over. I want to continue as planned and i will spend the night with yogendarji and will be back tomorrow. You too can continue with ganga. We will both enjoy ourselves and end it once i am back. That is, if you still want to” swetha said

“Deal?” swetha asked

“Yes, deal” i said imagining my own sessions with ganga.

“But, I am not sure if it would be so easy to end it. Yogendarji won’t accept it lying down” i said

“Don’t worry, i have a plan” swetha said sounding confident.

“What is it?” i asked curiously

“Let me think about it more, i will let you know tomorrow” swetha said playfully.

“Ok” i said feeling much better now.

“Anand, don’t worry yourself. I only want you. This is just a brief affair that will end soon.” swetha said smiling

“I actually like that you are worried that i might fall for someone else. I feel so loved!” swetha said teasing

“Shut up” i said.

“It was…..” swetha said as she went silent

“Hello, swetha dear, who are you talking too” i heard yogendarji in the background as a door closed

“It’s anand … it’s on mute” swetha said her voice a bit shaky

“Ohh… what does he want?” yogendarji asked curiously

“He was just checking on me. If i was doing good” swetha replied

“What did you say?” yogendarji teased as i heard swetha’s breathing getting heavier

“Good.” swetha replied panting

“Just good. Looks like i need to fill you up again” yogendarji said laughing

“Say it, swetha dear” yogendarji continued

“Ahhh.. yes please... “ swetha moaned

“Annanndd… i am busy.. Will call you...” swetha said as she hung up.

There were lot of things going in my mind. But first things first. I put the phone in my pocket and adjusted my pant to comfort my growing hard on. I unlocked the bedroom door and stepped outside towards ganga.
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RE: A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-05-2019, 01:34 PM

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